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Is natural best?

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Just wondering, but do any men out there actually prefer enhanced breasts?
They look sexy under wraps, but in the flesh???
No Im definately NOT having mine enhanced :shock:
Nah...won't touch GM foods, in or out of the fajita wrap wink
To me, "enhanced breasts" is synonymous with "enjoying the fresh air" ;)
I've never felt man-made boobies but I would like to just to see how different they do really feel dunno
Dawn :silly:
I was considering implants until the doctor nearly suffocated from rolling on the floor in hysterics.............. lol :lol:
Definately natural only here....
I know someone who has silicone implants (she's a lap dancer so got them paid for by her employers ffs!!)
She actaully finds them embarrassing at times 'cos she says they don't wobble like natural ones would and they look rock solid. She's also lost all feelings in her nipples.
She reckons they feel like a large orange in a crisp bag if you squeeze them :shock:
Mine might have travelled further south than they used to be, but they're all real and natural lol
i have breast implants myself and i do think they feel much different to the real thing. my partner is pretty happy with them either way, though it took a good 6 months after the op before i'd let him near them cos i was afraid he might pop them! lol. i am fortunate that my surgeon was pretty good so mine turned out rather well, but having worked as an exotic dancer for a while i saw and felt some pretty bad ones too. i dont regret having them done as i wasnt blessed with naturally big boobs and after having a baby i had even less, but i still think natural is by far the best!!
kerry xxx
My mate has tham and let me feel tham!................ there feel really nice!
i would love some! when you get older gravity works against them! sad
So saving up!.....ooooooo and a tummy tuck ..face lift!......lipo! :bounce:
Quote by Debbiewebs
My mate has tham and let me feel tham!................ there feel really nice!
i would love some! when you get older gravity works against them! sad
So saving up!.....ooooooo and a tummy tuck ..face lift!......lipo! :bounce:

Well ain't seen much of you Debbiewebs, just the avatar, but you look damn good to me just as you are. :P
I'm saving up for my reduction.. but might get something added to firm them up whilst I'm there!! lol
I might be taking the plunge pretty soon ...
I was feeler-upper at a mini 'best breasts' contest (rapildly assembled on the dancefloor- a bit unofficial if anything). Only 3 contestants and to the best of my knowledge they were all natural (unless any of the participants care to enlighten me!). Having 'tested' each one for size and squishability I find it difficult to believe an artificial one can compare.
I mean you all know how hard that silicon stuff sets when you've just sealed the shower cubilcle!
I have 36D boobies and Im quite happy with them. Mr pink is also vary happy with them evil . Mind you I havnt ruled out breast implants and have looked into it in great depth, and in the future i may take the plunge.
36d breasts and you want them bigger? Jesus!
I'm a 36c although id love bigger boobs I dont know if id get it done because id be worried bout them bursting, silicone poisoning, scarring etc. Is there a natural way to enlarge your boobs? Hmmm...
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Is there a natural way to enlarge your boobs?

I fear that in 20 years time we'll be living in a hell where all women are between a C and an E-cup, and all the wonderous variety of boobies will be lost. sad
Natural are best!
We met a women with really gr8 looking boobs but they felt like bricks! A real turn on seeing them but a real turn off holding them!
Maybe other ladies have a different feel to their enhanced boobies, we'll have to go for a second opinoin! any volunteers? :lickface:
I dont think there are as many ladies with enhancements who really need them! Variety is the spice of life lol lol
Quote by roger743
Is there a natural way to enlarge your boobs?

I fear that in 20 years time we'll be living in a hell where all women are between a C and an E-cup, and all the wonderous variety of boobies will be lost. sad
Pregnancy is a good one... last time round I increased from a D to an E and this time round I'm up to an F and still growing!!
well i have never had a pair of enhanced to be honest so can only go on what i have had and seen.
prefer the look of a good pair of naturals but they can be abit ropey.
enhanced do look nice all the time.
Personally I prefer natural anytime. Artificial boobies can look nice within clothes (CLEAVAGE!) but when they get unleashed they frequently look horrific. If I had the choice, it'd be natural every time for me.
Quote by roger743
I fear that in 20 years time we'll be living in a hell where all women are between a C and an E-cup, and all the wonderous variety of boobies will be lost. sad

Indeed, that would be udder horror! Imagine, a mere E-cup being the largest endowment available. :cry:
Quote by xxdevil69
Pregnancy is a good one... last time round I increased from a D to an E and this time round I'm up to an F and still growing!!

Have I told you lately that I love you?! lol
All I can say is Dont, Dont and triple Dont!!!
But if you want them examined first for a professional opinion I am delighted to oblige!!
I have thought about a reduction from my F cup to a more managable D cup. Bras cost a small fortune and to get a pretty one with matching knickers take a mortgage! lol
Large breasts are fun, but they do tend to get in the way sometimes and are really quite heavy! Mine are swollen right now and have gone above an FF, but thats what hormones do to you! sad
G. x
Think like most things it would be a personal preference!
I might get it doe one day if i felt they were really bad but right now Im coping and havent had any complaints.
My shagging partner says he likes the natural as they feel/move differently! (thats just one opinion but Im happy with it!) lol
Natural is best.....just the way they wobble!
I'm a EE at the moment, so i'd not have an enlargement! However i might consider an augementation when i'm a bit older... dunno....
Quote by xxdevil69
Is there a natural way to enlarge your boobs?

I fear that in 20 years time we'll be living in a hell where all women are between a C and an E-cup, and all the wonderous variety of boobies will be lost. sad
Pregnancy is a good one... last time round I increased from a D to an E and this time round I'm up to an F and still growing!!
Im with you there xxdevil69, last time i was pregnant, went into M&S for maternity bras and after being measured was told "sorry, we dont cater for ladies of your size" redface Im usually a 34d or dd, but was around G i think. I prefer natural breasts, have felt two pairs of implants, both looked good under clothes, but when nude they dont look real, too hard, round and jutting out. Id like to have an uplift thou, breastfeeding two kids not done me any favours :cry:
We were in Miami and Key West last september and was fed up wth the sight of false breasts! :cry:
Women wearing almost nothing with everything showing, 1 pointing east the other west not a good sight! V false and a complete turn off!
These Ladies may have had the cheaper option though! lol Like everything you nearly always get what you pay for, ie cheap op = low standard of workmanship lol
Nothing better than a Large natural clevage! wink
Quote by LeeLee
well i have never had a pair of enhanced to be honest so can only go on what i have had and seen.
prefer the look of a good pair of naturals but they can be abit ropey.
enhanced do look nice all the time.

A bit ropey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be careful what your saying smackbottom