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Is there any need for it ?

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8 watchers
Just wondering why if anyone posts on this they are subject to barrages of sarcasm and derogatory comments from both users and site MODS who are supposed to be looking for offensive or undesirable posts to remove, not correcting the 'good willed' posts that are placed. The forums just AIN’T a friendly place unless you're in with the 'in' gang...
I am not having a go, but isn’t this place supposed to be friendly and as risk of being removed from this site feel I have to say this.
When someone posts here they are 'usually' genuine people looking for fun, maybe inexperieced and looking for thier 'firsts', and most of the timel I read pages of 'pee' taking and sarcastic remarks. Personally I don’t feel happy about posting due to the harassment the post will receive from others and feel it just isn’t worth it.
I understand this place needs moderating but to blatantly take the proverbial ‘piss’ is not nice to people here.
We are all born equal in this world and no one has the right to insult or fling sarcasm at others, especially if they are in a position of power.
I will later send a copy of this as a complaint to Mark as I think he should realise this place isn’t as friendly as it is made out to be.
Just because we are single males it does not mean we are freaks or second class citizens and after been here for over 5 yrs and met some very good friends (for which I have to say 'thanks' for..
Anyway.. I have finished my rant..
LET'S KEEP IT FUN.. rolleyes
Yes...piss taking does go on......most of the time it is in good fun....usually a baptise of fire just to see if they have a sense of humour, it gets nasty is when the true colour of the of the poster come's out.....alot of people can spot a troll a mile off!
Oooh!! I'll be back to comment on this when Real Life permits!!
(That means when I've bathed the kids and put them to bed!! lol :lol: :lol: )
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Oooh!! I'll be back to comment on this when Real Life permits!!
(That means when I've bathed the kids and put them to bed!! lol :lol: :lol: )

Make sure they wash behind their ears!!
as someone that joined in March I remember what it was like to start - but I started quiet, and never had the "baptism of fire", because I didn't draw attention to myself - what I know since is a lot of people like to take the piss ( especially me ) in the cafe - but if there is a serious question or subject, it is handled seriously by most. The piss taking is there to root out po-faced humourless bastards and trolls. If you accept it good naturedly, you will be accepted.
Think of the cafe as just that a bar or cafe environment - somewhere people go for a laugh and a bit of piss taking....unless you are a humourless tea-totaller!
Quote by da69ve
Oooh!! I'll be back to comment on this when Real Life permits!!
(That means when I've bathed the kids and put them to bed!! lol :lol: :lol: )

Make sure they wash behind their ears!!
Children have ears??? :shock: :shock: :shock: Are they installed but without any updated drivers for the first 20 years of their lives???? Never met a child yet who makes use of their ears.
:lol: :lol:
Quote by NWFunMale
Rest my case

*cough, cough, smokerjim finds his sarcastic tone of voice*
Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. rolleyes
Quote by NWFunMale
Rest my case

Rest your case on what?
As Smokerjim said "if someone is looking for the wrong kind of attention it is dealt with,other than that everyone does it all in good banter!
are we looking at the same forum?
i've not been on here 5 years ( nor has the site if i remember) but have a good look around, yes there is a lot of piss taking but i rarely see anything abusive- just people with a sense of humour. i've been posting on here for about 2 months and have met some great friends with who i regularly flirt or take the piss or have a moan, we are all (fairly) sensible adults and understand the comments and what you might see as harrasment is probably a little in joke between friends. i've seen a couple of threads from newbies this week, one from a buy that just made a total arse of himself from the start before leaving as fast as he came, the second from a guy that immediatly got the humour level on here and had a laugh with the rest of us & i think he's still around. lets face it, if someones abusive on here, unintenionally or not, unless an apology if forthcoming quickly they probably wouldn't be welcome. we come here to have fun & de-stress with like minded people, you soon find your own sub groups who you post and pm with. Have a look at the recent threads on depression and tell me the roots of this site are not caring?
i love it here, i can't keep away, i respect the opinions of many of the members when things are serious but i also love the twisted humour they aren't. if everyone had friends like these the world would be a happier place
i wasnt quite and i got the shit kicked out of me but it was fun !!!!!
Quote by meat2pleaseu
are we looking at the same forum?
i've not been on here 5 years ( nor has the site if i remember) but have a good look around, yes there is a lot of piss taking but i rarely see anything abusive- just people with a sense of humour. i've been posting on here for about 2 months and have met some great friends with who i regularly flirt or take the piss or have a moan, we are all (fairly) sensible adults and understand the comments and what you might see as harrasment is probably a little in joke between friends. i've seen a couple of threads from newbies this week, one from a buy that just made a total arse of himself from the start before leaving as fast as he came, the second from a guy that immediatly got the humour level on here and had a laugh with the rest of us & i think he's still around. lets face it, if someones abusive on here, unintenionally or not, unless an apology if forthcoming quickly they probably wouldn't be welcome. we come here to have fun & de-stress with like minded people, you soon find your own sub groups who you post and pm with. Have a look at the recent threads on depression and tell me the roots of this site are not caring?
i love it here, i can't keep away, i respect the opinions of many of the members when things are serious but i also love the twisted humour they aren't. if everyone had friends like these the world would be a happier place

I hope you aren't including your self within that group, are you?
Quote by WhyTheHellNot!!!!!!
i was wasnt quite and i got the shit kicked out of me but it was fun !!!!!

Thank you. worship :worship: :worship:
Quote by smokerjim
are we looking at the same forum?
i've not been on here 5 years ( nor has the site if i remember) but have a good look around, yes there is a lot of piss taking but i rarely see anything abusive- just people with a sense of humour. i've been posting on here for about 2 months and have met some great friends with who i regularly flirt or take the piss or have a moan, we are all (fairly) sensible adults and understand the comments and what you might see as harrasment is probably a little in joke between friends. i've seen a couple of threads from newbies this week, one from a buy that just made a total arse of himself from the start before leaving as fast as he came, the second from a guy that immediatly got the humour level on here and had a laugh with the rest of us & i think he's still around. lets face it, if someones abusive on here, unintenionally or not, unless an apology if forthcoming quickly they probably wouldn't be welcome. we come here to have fun & de-stress with like minded people, you soon find your own sub groups who you post and pm with. Have a look at the recent threads on depression and tell me the roots of this site are not caring?
i love it here, i can't keep away, i respect the opinions of many of the members when things are serious but i also love the twisted humour they aren't. if everyone had friends like these the world would be a happier place

I hope you aren't including your self within that group, are you?
I said Fairly, i didn't specify the range of sensible
anyway stop taking the piss
Quote by da69ve
Yes...piss taking does go on......most of the time it is in good fun....usually a baptise of fire just to see if they have a sense of humour, it gets nasty is when the true colour of the of the poster come's out.....alot of people can spot a troll a mile off!
And a small minority who as far as i can see,, trawl the forums for no other reason than to flame, be-little, humiliate, ridicule and rip the piss out of other posters.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
are we looking at the same forum?
I hope you aren't including your self within that group, are you?

I said Fairly, i didn't specify the range of sensible
anyway stop taking the piss
You have not answered the question - who do you think you are ....a politician?
BTW, maybe I should ask Mark to change my name to Armitage Shanks, what do you think?
I would have thought Mark keeps an eye on the site, so surely he would have done something if he objected?
Has the site been running for five years - I thought it was about two or three?
Piss taking is one thing.......
but some of the new peops do NOT deserve the barage that they go through......
sometimes a genuine new post is met with such critisism that I wonder why they come back for to them
I'm just glad that I never went through that..........or else I think I might have thought .......well does it need saying??
Quote by smokerjim
are we looking at the same forum?
I hope you aren't including your self within that group, are you?

I said Fairly, i didn't specify the range of sensible
anyway stop taking the piss
You have not answered the question - who do you think you are ....a politician?
BTW, maybe I should ask Mark to change my name to Armitage Shanks, what do you think?
well, with your irish background you could be 'port o'loo' bolt
Quote by Dino.
Yes...piss taking does go on......most of the time it is in good fun....usually a baptise of fire just to see if they have a sense of humour, it gets nasty is when the true colour of the of the poster come's out.....alot of people can spot a troll a mile off!
And a small minority who as far as i can see,, trawl the forums for no other reason than to flame, be-little, humiliate, ridicule and rip the piss out of other posters.IMHO.!
Ooooooh....i love it when you talk dirty!!
Think of it another way. A newbie posts "hi" and are often unsure what to say or how to follow it up. A piss take gives them the ideal opportunity to respond and join in.
If you dont have a sense of humour of some sort, this place probably isnt for you.
Or, again think of it differently. You are a single guy looking for success, what better way of standing out than having a laugh with people?
Give it a go, you might like it!
Quote by meat2pleaseu
are we looking at the same forum?
I hope you aren't including your self within that group, are you?

I said Fairly, i didn't specify the range of sensible
anyway stop taking the piss
You have not answered the question - who do you think you are ....a politician?
BTW, maybe I should ask Mark to change my name to Armitage Shanks, what do you think?
well, with your irish background you could be 'port o'loo' bolt rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Happy Cats
Think of it another way. A newbie posts "hi" and are often unsure what to say or how to follow it up. A piss take gives them the ideal opportunity to respond and join in.
If you dont have a sense of humour of some sort, this place probably isnt for you.
Or, again think of it differently. You are a single guy looking for success, what better way of standing out than having a laugh with people?
Give it a go, you might like it!

But some are beyond help! lol
I think Dino has a point though.
When somebodies preferences are questioned e.g age or size, it can become a bit tedious.
Quote by Happy Cats
Think of it another way. A newbie posts "hi" and are often unsure what to say or how to follow it up. A piss take gives them the ideal opportunity to respond and join in.
If you dont have a sense of humour of some sort, this place probably isnt for you.
Or, again think of it differently. You are a single guy looking for success, what better way of standing out than having a laugh with people?
Give it a go, you might like it! :

Newbies don't need a piss-take ........unlesss they they ask for it
Surely they should be welcomed with opened arms and given a chance ffs
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Piss taking is one thing.......
but some of the new peops do NOT deserve the barage that they go through......
sometimes a genuine new post is met with such critisism that I wonder why they come back for to them
I'm just glad that I never went through that..........or else I think I might have thought .......well does it need saying??

it's usually the ones who dip a feckin great pit for themselves that get a barage, you wouldn't allow someone to come into you house and start telling you whats what. they have the opportunity to look at the site for as long as they like before posting, if they want to jump in blind they should be ready to swim if the're against the flow or abrasive. if they've looked around they must have an idea.
if you are friendly, respectful and happy to take your time to become established you should have the time of your life in here, just bring a sense of humour
Quote by smokerjim
BTW, maybe I should ask Mark to change my name to Armitage Shanks, what do you think?

No, change it to Armitage Sharks - best rock band of the '80s .... but if you do so, remember to Lock Up Your Goldfish!

Hehehehehehehe - yeah, that was an "in" joke, so shoot me, and yeah, I'm a piss taker, so fLucking shoot me for that too.... in fact, shoot me anyway, I've heard holes in the head are fashionable this season :P
Anyways, in answer to the thread, as others have said the piss taking from the regs is light hearted and non offensive, it does not break the AUP and tbh I think it's damn funny...... newbies who have the balls to stick around join in and soon become regs......... call it a baptism of fire if you like.......... and it beats the old initiation ceremony we used to have were by all newbies had to be hauled into the GFZ on a Friday night and fucked hard and dry up the arse with a 10 inch strap on lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I guess the moral of the story is, if you can't stand the heat, fLuck off out of the kitchen.... or grease up your arse before you log on for the first time (especially on a Friday) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Give them a chance........
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Think of it another way. A newbie posts "hi" and are often unsure what to say or how to follow it up. A piss take gives them the ideal opportunity to respond and join in.
If you dont have a sense of humour of some sort, this place probably isnt for you.
Or, again think of it differently. You are a single guy looking for success, what better way of standing out than having a laugh with people?
Give it a go, you might like it! :

Newbies don't need a piss-take ........unlesss they they ask for it
Surely they should be welcomed with opened arms and given a chance ffs
Most are welcomed but you answered this for your self!!
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Piss taking is one thing.......but some of the new peops do NOT deserve the barage that they go through......

I think one of the things you need to be careful or aware of as a new poster is parachuting into an in-joke or past debate without knowing it. I've seen this before on other different themed sites, and it is painful to watch.
Perhaps you could all bear this in mind when you rip me/us off a strip - we might not understand the joke or the reason people get upset quickly.
(Waits for humiliation)