I caught some of it having a cigerette outside at work a little while ago...Id forgotten all about it... til I noticed how bright the moon was this evening...>quite something in itsself<...
then a little later noticed the slice start to appear..or rather, the *absence*... really amazing
coming home from work on tube and bus, had my eyes on it as much as possible....
Ive come over all quite howlie now
not sure if that will work
apparently in the south you could only see a partial eclispse/...the moon was blood red
We're in the very far south east- and for us totality looked just like Devon's pic :thumbup:
Thanks for the thread BTW- not seen a Telly in days so I didn't even know about it until I stumbled in here!
Mrs Kiss and I were looking out the back door every couple of minutes from about 21:30 onwards. When it was an almost total eclipse we went out in the back garden with the binoculars for a better look.
these were our best pic of the full eclipse
I thought it was great - perfectly clear sky and a few beers whilst out with friends = great stuff.
First time the moon actually looked like a ball rather than a flat disc...roll on 2015!
Watched this leaning out of hotel window topless.
Probably not a pretty sight but it was fun watching people take 20 minutes trying to park their cars whilst snatching furtive glances lol
I have a friend that works at a place that has a small observatory - he sent me this picture this morning.
I watched the eclipse from the garden in wetherspoons. There were a few of us but lots of people claimed there was no eclipse and that we were wankers, some claimed it was just cloud (scary red cloud?)
I do however remember that there were two moons an at times three. Scary
i saw it from a great location. bit drunk at the time though didnt realise until today it was an eclipse