Do you ever feel you are judged? Not always in the swinging world, sometimes in "normal" lifestyle?
I do. I feel a lot of people judge me for being BBW. They look at the outside and don't actually get to know the inner person.
What do u think? About you of course and what some may judge you of?
Lil x
People judge people all the time. We probably shouldn't, but let's be honest, we all do to a greater or lesser extent.
i try to be as non judgemental as possible...its hard nto to judge soemtimes in your life tho.....
Im a bbw and some would judge me as soooo not sexy whatsoever, but there are people who do find me sexy(I hope so anyway) but if they chhose to judge on my outward appearance and judge me negatively, i can say without doubt they are missing out on one of the bestest and most fiercely loyal friends they could have!
is this the same word as stereotyped?
awwwww good response....
Is it me?? am i just thinking people think that way?
Awww i dunno!!
Judged ?
Me ??
There seems to be a judgement phobia on the site. In some cases this fear is not so much of judgement, but perhaps in the way the judgement has been reached. Thereby acknowledging judgement as being something that can be applicable, but requiring it to be correctly administered.
But we all use judgement to some degree in most things in life. Obviously we don't sentence a cheap looking vegetable steamer to the electric chair, but we make a choice, a decision and evaluation. So its a fairly common practice.
Such consumers that we are; means that we apply this skill, because we have a lot of practise in it; to people as well. But its not always in a bad way as has been stated by others.
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