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Just saying hi!

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27 replies
4 watchers
Well finally taken the plunge after years (literally!) of talking about it and decided to expand our social activities. Put up an ad (no response yet *cough*), signed up for the chatroom and posting on the forum. We know it takes time and we're happy just to get to know people and be recognised as being genuine about the whole thing for now so if anyone has any advice about the ad or is just feeling sociable then feel free to say hi.
Look forward to getting to know you all.
Dave and Em
Thanks for the first "Hiya!" and that little nugget of info. The old reverse psychology trick eh? I reckon if the ad is changed to attempt that then some of the replies might just scare us into never switching the pc on again biggrin
Welcome aboard, i'm sure that you will soon fit in with everyone else biggrin
Sex God
Welcome to the madhouse D&E. wave
WRT your ad, I think you'll find that the "elusive bi-fem" is anything but elusive around here. biggrin
Replies beginning with "I know I'm not a bi-fem, but..." should be regarded as deus ex machina and treated as one of life's unavoidable and incurable glitches.
(PS, I know I'm not a bi-fem, but... :lol2smile
Well if all goes ok we could be fitting in everyone else too! hump :lol2:
As for the happy ending.... who knows eh?
Master of Sex
Welcome to SH and glad you've taken the plunge to join in. I'm not the elusive bi-fem you seek but am friendly none the less. smile
Hope you have much success finding her and lots of fun whilst you're looking :twisted:
Alleyson xxx
Thanks Allyson. We're already having fun just reading some of the threads on here..... best clothed entertainment we've had in weeks!
:welcome: to :swingingchair: Heaven
Prepare to say goodbye to early nights... in more ways than one wink
Warming the Bed
:welcome: on board the Sh train please sit back and enjoy the ride
have fun while your here
Hello curious cats and :welcome: to swingingheaven smile
Minx xx
A belated thanks for the hiyas.....
lovely....errrrr..... pics Minx......grrrrr lol
Quote by curious_catz
A belated thanks for the hiyas.....
lovely....errrrr..... pics Minx......grrrrr lol

Cheers guys smile btw I love Flowery Twats too ;)
Minx xx
The sea? It's right over there between the sky and the land! hehe wink
Quote by curious_catz
Well if all goes ok we could be fitting in everyone else too! hump :lol2:
As for the happy ending.... who knows eh?

Lurvely avatar :P . Hello & I'd love to fit in with you. wave
Quote by curious_catz
The sea? It's right over there between the sky and the land! hehe wink

Celery, apples, walnuts, mayonaise rotflmao
Minx xx
Hi everyone again and thanks for the welcomes wave
and just for Minx.....
I'll put an ad in the papers. Wanted, kind home for enormous savage rodent. Answers to the name of Sybil
Master of Sex
hi hope you enjoy yourselves.
me im bi but not fem (well i am when im dressed but thats a different story)
Warming the Bed
Hi & welcome to S.H. biggrin
Hope you've prepare yourselves for the late nites.
Not the female your looking, but i am a very frendly person.
take care.
Quote by curious_catz
Hi everyone again and thanks for the welcomes wave
and just for Minx.....
I'll put an ad in the papers. Wanted, kind home for enormous savage rodent. Answers to the name of Sybil

no eees filigree hamster smile
Minx xx
Hello D&E :welcome: to the board. ... you sound great .. shame I'm not an elusive bi-fem................ (yet!) :twisted:
Thanks AWOL!
Minx.... should we stop this now or continue wracking our brains? Oh go on... one more then...
A satisfied customer. We should have him stuffed.
Full? What do you mean full? Of course we're not full..
Minx xx
Oh, you're German! I'm sorry, I thought there was something wrong with you.
Bit late with the :welcome: :!:
Like the pic....can you take my temperature please nurse wink :grin:
Hi D & E,
Many many wlecomes,
But I have a question.
Which way is Bi-Fem? Isi it straight up, down, or do you have to go round the houses first?
Sorry you two, but I'm the sterio-type curious straight male. Lovely to see you in here though.