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Just what is it about this place??

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That makes the flouncers, the-need-a-resters, the swingings-not-for-me, the-break-for-personal-reasoners, the hate -the-damn-rules-and-politics-on-siters keep coming back for more??
I had to cancel my account a few months back for some personal dramallamas in my thankfully all over (for no) but still read the forums daily, sometimes many times a day and itched to post on a few threads too.
I missed the banter of the forumites, the melting pot of society differing views and opinions, the camaraderie, and it being a place where absolutely anything can be talked about without it being thought odd.
oh and the bunch of fab mates i have made on here too.....thats the best bit!
what keeps people coming back do you think, and/or keeps people shelling out membership year after year?
what keeps you lot here?
it's the smell... blame the smell.
bloody awfull if we're honest isn't it?
but hey, you kind of get used to it. Then you miss it.
I tend to use this site not for a swinging site nowadays but more as a place to talk to friends and have a laugh.
I keep saying this and I hope that some people do agree but I think SH has evolved from a swinging site to a large community where all types of people come to talk and share their problems,their laughs and everything about life that makes us human beings.
I have read about people's hard times,bad times happy times and everything else.
We have read about people having new additions to their families and also the sad fact of life , people passing away,.
No matter what time of the day/night you chose to sign on here ,you will always find someone to talk to and sometimes they will cheer you up when youre sad and bring a tear to your eye when they open up' and tell you their problems.
I have been fortunate enough to actually meet some of "my friends" I have made from here from all over the country and I hope to meet many more.
So there you go I use SH because I can and I will always continue to use it (sorry folks). wink
Well said Woo. :thumbup:
As you have said before this is not just a swinging site, it is a community as well. Yes we have the option to use it as a swing site if we want to, but SH has far gone beyond that now. I hope it continues the work it is doing. There is just about no area that is not covered on SH, Swinging areas and non swinging areas.
Most know about what happend to me, if it had not been for SH and friends i had made here, i would not be here posting now, it really did save my life.
The support i had from so many others aided my recovery in fact was a major factor in my recovery. Those that come to visit me in ITU those that kept in touch with my family, those who visited me when i returned home and those, who when i was strong enough i chatted to in the chat rooms.
I cannot thank them people enough, for the help and support i have always found here. Some i have met and some i have not, just chat buddies if you like, but no matter what they are always here to be found if needed. :rose:
Bo -x-
Its the escape from the day to day for me. Mind you I do like the fact that for sexually liberated folk we ar amazingly opinionated bigotted and at times downright rude. this as well as being though provoking intelligent caring sad happy oh god all of it as well. Its a unique place with each playng a unique role.
Sometimes I get soi pissed off with it but something just keeps me coming back for more. I guess its an addiction of sorts.
I can empathise with bo-peep as when I first joined this site Iwas bed bound and unable to move having to lie face down and only being able to move my head and one arm (enough to type) and SH and the people in it saw me through some of the hardest months of my life.
Mey met some fantastic people too, some of which we've sadly lost touch with some we haven't. Met the odd wanker along with it but hey compared to the amount of good stuff the wankers pale into insignificance.
Shame really that its called swinging heaven, cos it really is a place where people can come to chill. If only I didnt have to hide it all the time from prying eyes .
We have some great friends on here that we have never met, as well as those we have met. The site has helped me through good times and bad and I would be lost without it xxxxx
I come on here mainly for the chat and the friendship that i have made in the mids room, there are some great characters in there, a few know about my ups and downs and cheer me thru the very down times i`ve had just lately.
Mainly i come on to keep in touch with my beloved man, its a medium for contact when he`s away, we go into the mids room and chat, it takes the edge of me missing him. sad
Meets still happen, i`m sure of that, but for a few of us they are a secondary feature rolleyes
i think this site is much the same as any in the way that people see it as a community
its maybe more open about somethings sexually but then again often people suprise me with their bad attitiudes to others !
some people will feel that they have gained friendships here and others keep people at arms length and use it purely for the purpose it was put here smile
same as every website i think :)
people will come along and some will stay in the background and others will be there loud and in your face :)
some will stay for ever and others will go once the site has served its purpose or someone else has annoyed them or watever lol
some come back, some dont
same as every website :)
and some meet the love of their lives on here :-). Thats you danne :-) xx xx