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Keeping a hard on in a condom

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I was reading Splendid's profile because of a recent thead I'd contributed to, and was sparked to post by her insistence on a condom, (good for her).
Since my divorce I've been in one strong active exclusive relationship, just ended, no condoms, no erection problems.
In the gap between one relationship ending and the last one getting serious I was away from home for three months and visited a sauna a few times. On one occasion there was a gang bang offered and I joined the queue, took the proffered condom. I put it on just before my turn and felt myself going off the boil as I started to penetrate her, wasn't able to complete the task.
Now she was lying like meat on the slab, not visibly participating. (I suppose she was getting something from it). I wonder, was it the condom, was it the lack of personal interactive stimulation, was it the crowd?
Thinking about this, there was also a situation where I wanted to give my close friend a longer session and we tried a condom, I didn't go flaccid but I did soften up, and had to work hard and to get positive sensations. Then we tried the spray, and despite the numbing effect, this worked better. After a little practice neither was needed. lol
Since if I want to have sex again I'd better learn to function with a condom, (wasn't a problem in my youth), I have wondered what the true reason was, and being me of course, anxiety about the next time must surely follow.
Anyone have a problem keeping hard with a condom? Thoughts generaly?
Quote by musketeer
I was reading Splendid's profile because of a recent thead I'd contributed to, and was sparked to post by her insistence on a condom, (good for her).
Since my divorce I've been in one strong active exclusive relationship, just ended, no condoms, no erection problems.
In the gap between one relationship ending and the last one getting serious I was away from home for three months and visited a sauna a few times. On one occasion there was a gang bang offered and I joined the queue, took the proffered condom. I put it on just before my turn and felt myself going off the boil as I started to penetrate her, wasn't able to complete the task.
Now she was lying like meat on the slab, not visibly participating. (I suppose she was getting something from it). I wonder, was it the condom, was it the lack of personal interactive stimulation, was it the crowd?
Thinking about this, there was also a situation where I wanted to give my close friend a longer session and we tried a condom, I didn't go flaccid but I did soften up, and had to work hard and to get positive sensations. Then we tried the spray, and despite the numbing effect, this worked better. After a little practice neither was needed. lol
Since if I want to have sex again I'd better learn to function with a condom, (wasn't a problem in my youth), I have wondered what the true reason was, and being me of course, anxiety about the next time must surely follow.
Anyone have a problem keeping hard with a condom? Thoughts generaly?

Do you think that maybe your problem? maybe if thats how you saw her, ie like meat on a slab, you didn't get turned on enough to keep your erection? dunno
Saying that i know a few men who have erection problems when it comes to using condoms tho i sometimes wonder if thats just an excuse lol
Sex God
On the extremely rare occasions I have had to use a condom I too found it difficult to remain aroused....
I cant say exactly why it is....
The partners I was with at the time certainly did enough to arouse me to the point of putting a condom on so I dont think it was lack of interest in them...
Perhaps I just need more practise using them ;-)
Well there can be physical and mental reasons why you got this problem, although it can happen to any of us from time to time, and it may or may not just be related to condom use. Looking at your age, I would guess that you are probably on medication to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, both of which can interfere with the normal function. Just knowing that it MIGHT happen again can be a problem too, psychologically. If the problem persists, ask your GP to refer you to an Erectile Disfunction clinic. In addition to the usual pills we are not allowed to mention here, there are a number of other remedies which are locally acting and don’t interfere with things like blood pressure medication – eg “Muse”
Good luck and I hope you have no further problems.
Quote by musketeer
I was reading Splendid's profile because of a recent thead I'd contributed to, and was sparked to post by her insistence on a condom, (good for her).
Since my divorce I've been in one strong active exclusive relationship, just ended, no condoms, no erection problems.
In the gap between one relationship ending and the last one getting serious I was away from home for three months and visited a sauna a few times. On one occasion there was a gang bang offered and I joined the queue, took the proffered condom. I put it on just before my turn and felt myself going off the boil as I started to penetrate her, wasn't able to complete the task.
Now she was lying like meat on the slab, not visibly participating. (I suppose she was getting something from it). I wonder, was it the condom, was it the lack of personal interactive stimulation, was it the crowd?
Thinking about this, there was also a situation where I wanted to give my close friend a longer session and we tried a condom, I didn't go flaccid but I did soften up, and had to work hard and to get positive sensations. Then we tried the spray, and despite the numbing effect, this worked better. After a little practice neither was needed. lol
Since if I want to have sex again I'd better learn to function with a condom, (wasn't a problem in my youth), I have wondered what the true reason was, and being me of course, anxiety about the next time must surely follow.
Anyone have a problem keeping hard with a condom? Thoughts generaly?

As a guy I must say I found that comment pretty disgusting if honest.
That is how guys used to view women at a club we used to go to...meat on a slab...easy pickings. I cannot understand why some guys look on women who swing as some kind of slut? I said some, not all here.
The thought of being in that situation,just makes me cringe. I could never get a hard on with or without a condom, in that situation. Maybe its not the condom at all, but the situation you put yourself into in the first place.I think there lies the problem.
Women should always be treated with the upmost respect, at all times.!!
Sex God
From what I can gather he was reffering to one particular woman(the woman he was about to have sex with) not women who swing dunno
You have to practice using them with you partner so it becomes second nature so you don't think about it.
If you think about it, you will loose your hard on
Quote by Steve
From what I can gather he was reffering to one particular woman(the woman he was about to have sex with) not women who swing dunno

Yes steve true but I was refering to what guys in general think of women who have sex with others.
Sorry but in my opinion this guy thought of this woman in that way, and other guys look on women who swing in that way too. Sorry thought I had made myself clear....appologies if not.
Quote by kentswingers777
From what I can gather he was reffering to one particular woman(the woman he was about to have sex with) not women who swing dunno

Yes steve true but I was refering to what guys in general think of women who have sex with others.
Sorry but in my opinion this guy thought of this woman in that way, and other guys look on women who swing in that way too. Sorry thought I had made myself clear....appologies if not.
Musketeer didn't seem to be referring to the woman in a derogatory fashion to me. He was recalling that she was "not visibly participating" and this had been an aspect he felt led to his erection issue.
I've seen some women at parties who I would have described in the same way- it's purely a way of expressing the way they were behaving, not a judgment of them for being there.
Sex God
Try some flavoured condoms, make having them put on part of the whole thing rather than something that interupts the swing of things, I've been told that a little nibble with a condom on is most enjoyable wink
Quote by HJ
Well there can be physical and mental reasons why you got this problem, although it can happen to any of us from time to time, and it may or may not just be related to condom use. Looking at your age, I would guess that you are probably on medication to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, both of which can interfere with the normal function. Just knowing that it MIGHT happen again can be a problem too, psychologically. If the problem persists, ask your GP to refer you to an Erectile Disfunction clinic. In addition to the usual pills we are not allowed to mention here, there are a number of other remedies which are locally acting and don’t interfere with things like blood pressure medication – eg “Muse”
Good luck and I hope you have no further problems

Should I ever have an erectile problem I would go to a clinic, but since in normal relations I'm pleased to say I don't have a problem, and am not taking any medication, (except gin, wine and beer), I think the problem lies in brain or the particular circumstances of the moment. But I am a person who get anxious easily, (it's why I'd rather go limp than go without in an unsafe way, I wouldn't sleep for months).
Quote by kentswingers777
Women should always be treated with the upmost respect, at all times.!!

Of course I don't disagree! The position she put herself in though was entirely of her own volition. She was slim and attractive but just lay on her back with her hands behind her head in a kind of get-on-with sort of way, no reaction to the participants that I could guage.
For those that don't intend to treat ALL woman with the utmost respect and manners , please follow the instructions below,
Before slipping the condom over your male member, spray a liberal amount of starch on to it and rub in some ralgex as well wink
You will stay hard for hours lol
Sex God
altho im not a man so havnt had that problem i would say that altho the sensation isnt the same when men are using a condom (for them that is) the problem was maybe more to do with the lack of participation from the woman, especially if you prefer and are more used to a woman who joins in biggrin
also try not to worry :D
i cant say in your situation why you never kept hard while having a condom on but your not alone believe me as many as 90% of guys cant stay hard while wearing a condom while having sex with someone thats not there partner, this statistic is from watching/ taking part in many thousands of sexual practises not just a few so imo, is fair reflection of the need to look inside your head why it happened to you.
Warming the Bed
There is a deep rooted reason why men lose their erections when using a condom. All animals have sex for one reason, to procreate. Yes, sure we enjoy it as if we didn't, we may not bother and our race would die out. Now, using a condom obviously means that our partner won't get pregnant; not what nature intended. This is not a conscious thought, but a deep sub-conscious conditioning. So guys, you can blame nature. As a matter of interest my partner and I once tried using a condom to see what it was like. I failed. So she suggested that I cut the end off to see if it made any difference. It did! Nature obviously knew that I could make her pregnant.
Sex God
Quote by Najllib2
There is a deep rooted reason why men lose their erections when using a condom. All animals have sex for one reason, to procreate. Yes, sure we enjoy it as if we didn't, we may not bother and our race would die out. Now, using a condom obviously means that our partner won't get pregnant; not what nature intended. This is not a conscious thought, but a deep sub-conscious conditioning. So guys, you can blame nature. As a matter of interest my partner and I once tried using a condom to see what it was like. I failed. So she suggested that I cut the end off to see if it made any difference. It did! Nature obviously knew that I could make her pregnant.

But was that a sub concious reaction to fooling your sub-concious dunno
Quote by Steve
Perhaps I just need more practise using them ;-)

wave offers practice lessons redface :giggle:
Quote by X_fanny_x

Perhaps I just need more practise using them ;-)

wave offers practice lessons redface :giggle:
:kick: gerroff, he's mine!
Oh Stevie baby.... I have a box of freebies..... :rascal: you know you wanna
Quote by jaymar

Perhaps I just need more practise using them ;-)

wave offers practice lessons redface :giggle:
:kick: gerroff, he's mine!
Oh Stevie baby.... I have a box of freebies..... :rascal: you know you wanna
sad feck you Steve...
I've just brought a box o twelve... looks like I'm gonna be practicing on my own now! surprisedops:
I hate condoms, but I have always used them and the advice on going with the flow is spot on. I can lose it if there is fumbling around, damn things are soo tight as well.
However with the right people, and in the flow they are almost forgetable. I have had some of my best sex in a condom so you can get over droop if you work at it. Also once its in with the right lady, lube, and make of condom I find any droop soon stops...
Sex God
Quote by X_fanny_x

Perhaps I just need more practise using them ;-)

wave offers practice lessons redface :giggle:
Quote by Jaymar
:kick: gerroff, he's mine!
Oh Stevie baby.... I have a box of freebies..... :rascal: you know you wanna

No need for fightin' ladies........I'm sure I can accomodate both of you :rascal:
After all.......Practise makes perfect ;-)
I agree with kent.
Hard ons come from the head and heart.
I was prescribed viagra years ago turned out all I need to do was sort out my head.
Quote by redpantherman

Perhaps I just need more practise using them ;-)

wave offers practice lessons redface :giggle:
:kick: gerroff, he's mine!
Oh Stevie baby.... I have a box of freebies..... :rascal: you know you wanna
sad feck you Steve...
I've just brought a box o twelve... looks like I'm gonna be practicing on my own now! surprisedops:
Il Help you practice all you want and more wink
now which way is london 69position hump passionkiss :wanker: blast :inlove: :giggle:
Quote by Steve
No need for fightin' ladies........I'm sure I can accomodate both of you :rascal:
After all.......Practise makes perfect ;-)

hmmmm Jaymar Steve and me oh what a night that would be :rascal: :bounce:
Sex God
Quote by X_fanny_x
hmmmm Jaymar Steve and me oh what a night that would be :rascal: :bounce:

My mouth is watering at the prospect :rascal:
Quote by benrums0n
I agree with kent.
Hard ons come from the head and heart.
I was prescribed viagra years ago turned out all I need to do was sort out my head.

Not always benrums... even the heart and head can't control a medical condition.
You can be as happy as larry and totally in love with your partner and still have moments when the lever will just not lift.
Quote by jaymar
I agree with kent.
Hard ons come from the head and heart.
I was prescribed viagra years ago turned out all I need to do was sort out my head.

Not always benrums... even the heart and head can't control a medical condition.
You can be as happy as larry and totally in love with your partner and still have moments when the lever will just not lift.
True enough Jaymar but...I think the original posting had nothing at all to do with head or heart, just a simple case of being in the wrong situation, at the wrong time for that person.