I was on a bus yesterday and got chatting to a woman who sat next to me, she must have been in her sixties, and the conversation got round to children. She asked if I had any and I said 'No', she replied, 'oh well dear, you still have time'. She looked a bit taken aback when I said I didn't want any.
I know quite a lot of you have kids and I was wondering, was it an active decision on your part to have them? When you were young. did you automatically know that you were one day going to have some?
I've never wanted any and I wonder if that's odd for a woman, seeing as thats the ultimate 'survival of the species' role for the female of any animal.
Just musing, should be working but any excuse.
i had my kids when i was young and now im 36 and can go out without the need to worry about babysitters but deb had her kid late so she is now 38 and has a few years before she can go out without babysitters but then she had a social life before the child came so we have between us done both but both have advantages and disadvantages.. also debs was planned and mine were not but they are the world to us both..
Just a piece of advice but anyone not wanting kids or not going to have them until later in life go and get all the bits and bobs checked out. Peoples minds change or sometimes thigs are not as simple as they may seem. I carry one of the Cystic fibrosis genes which caused me to be infertile. We would have never have picked up on this had it not been Mrs Tweekys insistance that I get checked out. We had ICSI treatment when Mrs Tweeky was 23, very young. Due to this the Dr's said the chances of succes were possibly 50% , hard to tell as not many peole have ICSI at 23. Chances in woman around 30 are only 27%. Consider also that one in twenty people carry a gene for Cystic fibrosis and that 98% of the men will be infertile. A lot of infertile people around who dont know about it with many differing reasons. Also lots of people on the infertility forums we visit who wernt ever having kids and have now forked out £6000-£30000 on treatment.
Mr Tweeky
of ours, only one of them is "mine".
dont know if we will have any more in the future,
i do ger really broody at times, but am also quite selfish and do not know if i want to start all over again.
My children were unplanned but very loved. Only now can I do what I want when I want..... mine are old enough to look after themselves. Im glad I had mine when I was in my twenties.
At one time in my life I couldnt understand why women wouldnt want to have children...... our bodies are made for that purpose (so *they* say..whoever *they *are). I was in my thirties before I understood, accepted and admired a woman who didnt want children and stuck by that. Women (and men) dont have to conform to what society expects of women anymore (thank goodness) but still we have pressures put upon us at times because motherhood is a role that *some* expect us to take part in, especially the older generation.
It takes a strong woman, who is clear about what she wants or doesnt want from life..........
yes, I have been in love. I don't see how it's relavent though. The guy I was in love with was quite happy that I didn't want kids, although he said if he'd been in a different relationship he may have had some.
Everyone tells me, when I say I don't want any, that I'd feel differently if I had my own. The thing is that the idea of having any is as alien to me as say, living under water, or on the moon. I have nieces and nephews who I love to bits, but could never comprehend the idea of wanting one myself. Some people find this offencive, which I don't understand.
Yes they would. Not ashamed to admit it, but I'd make a bloody useless step mom, it'd be kinder not to inflict that on young impressionables.