I have never understood the kissing is special thing.
We used to know a couple who would shag, she would let them come in her mouth, yet did not kiss as she thought that was special.
Giving someone a blow job is much more intimate, and to have a meet with people and not kiss, is like having fish with no chips.
A good kisser is such a turn on for me! :inlove:
I love kissing....its the beginning of the foreplay process for me... and I think people here by now know how much I love foreplay...... :rascal:
having sex without any sort of kissing and foreplay is way too "clinical" for me.......
I'll snog anyone, me. even when not playing - like... just ordinary clubs and whatnot - it's no fun unless there is some snogging involved somewhere along the lines :>
it's all quite innocent! really...
Most defently, I love kissing.
I love a good snog :smile2: :smile2:
We both enjoy kisses with each other and with others.
I can understand folk who feel differently cos everyone is unique aint they.
Kissing is a must for me, a good kiss can leave me panting and all fired up, in fact I would go further and say I remember bettr a good kiss than I do a good fuck,
I simply adore kissing ....I find the lips are one of the first physical qualities I study on a beautiful face; to assess their kissability. :twisted:
Their is a gorgeous lady on this site who has the most delicious lips I've ever encountered and she so knows how to kiss....never has going to a cash point been so awesome. :shock:
I also have a delicious mental image of seeing two lovely ladies kissing at my first ever munch :twisted: :twisted:
Kissing is the key that turns the ignition. Without it, you don't get the motor running.
a good kissing partner is a big turn on and makes the sex even better.
How heart warming to see so many enthusiasts for kissing. I can respect perfectly any woman who wants to keep this pleasure for her partner alone but, boy is it good! It certainly is (almost) better than sex.
And you can do it in public.
One couple I visit the lady is enthusiastic about oral sex and all it entails, likes me and gives me warm hugs but doesn't care to kiss. Another couple in the past that I met several timws, the lady didn't want to fellate me but snogged for hours elaborately. I still remember her kisses fondly.
Ooooh now I want a kiss! :cry: