The other day whilst around the house doing wifely things I donned, for the first time in many years, a cropped top.
Now, mr Winch was quite "attentive"....and was stunned when I said that I would never go out with my midriff on display.
Despite my 30/40 sit ups (not for vanitys sake- I do martial arts & need strong abs) every day, I know that after having 4 kids I'm never going to have a flat tum.
This is where we disagree........I think that flat tummies on women are sexy- Mr Winch thinks they are sexier if a little rounded & more feminine. Obviously people must have opinions on this.....I saw it discussed in Pulp Fiction!
So, whats your opinion?
Be warned! The outcome could have a bearing on wether or not I get my belly button peirced.....on your heads be it! (not literally- it might smother ya!)
I've had the pleasure of being with many diff' types of girls
from size 8 to 22...
The only thing that turns me on is their attitude...
Its that confidence thing that does it for me... but then I'm just a tart
:twisted: as you well know :twisted:
sorry for not voting on this one hunni
washboard or round... if the right attitude aint there it aint happening
AND yes... I have turned away from a dead cert shag only coz I found that person totaly NOT on my wavelength!
Its all been said already but as for me personaly a rounded with a nice attitute wins all round... rarely do you find a woman with a whats supposed to be a perfect body who has a really nice personality to go with it....... usually a little to much into themselves!! Anyone who is just a really nice person will always be sexier than Ms perfect!
Anyone remember the post from the couple last week!!! Perfect Bodies only who can ski travel and not worry about money... said it all!!
Thats my pennies worth lol...
Mike xx
I think we need thre choices dont we? rounded, washboard and flat. Washboard is what I call toned ripply or am I getting it wrong? Anyway I like them all but would prefer rounded I think. Mrs Tweeky is very soft to the touch thats what I find most appealing.
Mr Tweeky
I think curves are supposed to be there to be appreciated by the one who loves you for them. If that's bollocks, then I'm starting yet another diet - but not till next week ( again )
I love the larger lady myself, deff prefer curves
I'm gonna be shallow Hal on here and say that rounded is best. It's a bit frightening to see a woman with a 6 pack and bigger abs than yourself. A tiny bit of fat is good, the sort that makes the curve but doesn't hang down like a bath tub when on all fours.
Wilma - I always pay my debts! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Thanks Dawn- Just about to do that!
as mrs pr says.. "I know who I'd rather land on'...built for comfort not for speed baby