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ladies who makes the best lovers

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there seems to be a very uneven spread of ladies advertising on this site so this is just a bit of fun to see if we can come up with any reasons confused:
Dont feel I can comment as I just dont have eough experience of all rergions!! redface
But I am willing to undertake research on this area, in the interests of science of course!!
I have always wanted to donate my body to science :twisted:
foxy you have just given me a great idea i could travel the country to let the ladies of all the regions sample a guy from south wales
Quote by jah_2uk
foxy you have just given me a great idea i could travel the country to let the ladies of all the regions sample a guy from south wales

What you going to do, stand outside suppermarkets giving yourself away??
:giggle: Men who do gravy are defo the best!
I thought the answer was "the ones who say yes"
Quote by musketeer
I thought the answer was "the ones who say yes"

But Del monte isn't one of the choices rolleyes
hey foxy you do have some great idea`s i could mark myself up free with a bottle of red wine it might work
Quote by niceguysdoexist
But Del monte isn't one of the choices rolleyes

No, and I don't fancy "The man from Del Monte" even if he did say it. I don't say no to many things but a dago advancing with a large banana might just do the trick. :shock:
muskateer i think we are singing from the same hym sheet there a fruity guy with a big bannana in his hand is a little scarey
I didnt see a 'Canadian' Option :cry:
Quote by Silk and Big G
I didnt see a 'Canadian' Option :cry:

Well you're adopted Central Southern England, except that's not there either! When on TV they say, "south east", "south west", or "midlands", I never know where I am. Where is Oxon, Bucks, Berks, and Hants anyway?
silky im a slow typist i would have been here for weeks trying to list everywhere sorry to the regions i missed
hey jah_2uk, I live in s wales we should form a tag team im 25 so with our powers combined we could travel the
You cannot rate whether a man is a good lover on demographic reasons alone, its the person themselves.
I think this is a dangerous thread ...if for instance the midlands happened to come out as the region with the best male prices would rocket as everybody tried to........mmmmmm hang on
Ok I've just voted for the midlands...50000 times wink
On the basis of a year or two's research (yeah, right !) it is blibdingly obvious that HIGH MAINTENANCE ladies make the best lovers.
As for origin: then North America every time - failing that, Londoners of course, hotly pursued by Scots lasses.
All this of course excludes any consideration of my current flame.
(Ducks to avoid the flying brick that got launched before she read the last sentence)
aka The Kent Host
Quote by jah_2uk
hey foxy you do have some great idea`s i could mark myself up free with a bottle of red wine it might work

Your right I do have some great ideas but every time i try to post them on here they get removed!!
Anyway, i think youd be best giving yourself away with the slumming foods cos everyone knows that us more curvy women have a higher sex drives. Or with the chocolate on the grounds that we turn to chocolate when we cant get enough of something else.
Still have a good time at........................well theres the question, which supermarket chai are you going for? Remeber each chain aims at a different target market!! Are you SAinsburs or Aldi?
foxy i would love to hear some of your ideas but getting back to the supermarkets i think it would have to be asda they always show a lady spanking herself in there adds so they are on the right track.
as for the freebies you may just be right again think i will have to dump the red wine and go for a jar of chocolate spread it would be much more fun
Oh bugger I don't think I can give an answer on this thread as my boyfriend reads the forum as much as I do. If I say anywhere but North Wales then I would be opening a big big can of worms... :silly:
Cass xxx
Quote by outdoorfun
On the basis of a year or two's research (yeah, right !) it is blibdingly obvious that HIGH MAINTENANCE ladies make the best lovers.
As for origin: then North America every time - failing that, Londoners of course, hotly pursued by Scots lasses.
All this of course excludes any consideration of my current flame.
(Ducks to avoid the flying brick that got launched before she read the last sentence)
aka The Kent Host

Does this mean I'm Not High Maintenance? Or doesn't it? rolleyes rolleyes
heather the question weather you are high maintenance or not i think depends on how many batteries that rabbit of yours takes biggrin them duracell`s can cost a fortune you know
There doesnt seemm to be a category for Canuck Blondes :-(
silk ladies from any part of the world can vote its onlt the guy`s are in catorgories biggrin