Quote by Lost
Was that a jet going over or a very loud whoosh?
Quote by Sarah
What time are they planning to switch this thing on tomorrow??
Just so I can plan my day, and eat some choccie before we all vanish into the black hole..........is it gonig to be after I have upset my ISO assessor!
Quote by Srne
Well the LHC was switched on at 700am local time on the French/Swiss border and we are still here (for now).
I think they have said it will be friday or early next week before they can process the data from the first day of tests, so hopefully there will be evidence of all the things we hope for from it, Higgs-Bosson (so called God particle) black hole creation and all that other good stuff!
Quote by bbw_lover
Some of you fellow nerds will probably know that the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will be switched on next week and I for one think it's one of the most exciting things to happen in modern times.
However with other concerns such as the credit crunch and the continuing wars in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, could the money be better spent elsewhere?
Quote by kentswingers777
My opinion of course. Would that money not be better spent on cancer research fgs?
Quote by Anon
Travel to exotic places.
Meet exotic people...
...and shoot the crap out of them!
Quote by Peanut
My opinion of course. Would that money not be better spent on cancer research fgs?
Quote by Anon
Travel to exotic places.
Meet exotic people...
...and shoot the crap out of them!
Quote by kentswingers777
My opinion of course. Would that money not be better spent on cancer research fgs?
Quote by Anon
Travel to exotic places.
Meet exotic people...
...and shoot the crap out of them!
Quote by Peanut
My opinion of course. Would that money not be better spent on cancer research fgs?
Quote by Anon
Travel to exotic places.
Meet exotic people...
...and shoot the crap out of them!
Quote by kentswingers777
It would be good if I was on one planet and he was on the other. Like me on Earth and he on Pluto.:lol:
Quote by kentswingers777
Maybe the kaaaboom! is kent and peanut banging heads together?:lol2:
Quote by winchwench
Maybe the kaaaboom! is kent and peanut banging heads together?:lol2:
Quote by kentswingers777
Maybe the kaaaboom! is kent and peanut banging heads together?:lol2:
Quote by Peanut
Maybe the kaaaboom! is kent and peanut banging heads together?:lol2: