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Life is too short

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Yesterday I found out a friend of mine died they think from a bloody clot and its only 6 weeks since she had her baby daughter. Another of my friends died a few months ago leaving behind my beauty goddaughter Fifi who was only 6 months. Another friend has breast cancer and is currently awaiting chemo.
Its really made me think that life is too short and there is so much I want to do and achieve. I've also decided that even through things have been hard in the past I'm going to put all of that behind me and make the most of whatever time I have left.
If you had the chance what would you change in your life?
What would I change ?
Probably nothing....
Everything that has happened to me has made me who I am now (a right twat I know :lol2: )
I've had my fair share of knocks but they have all served to make me the person I am today......Be that good or bad...
Its me....
Quote by soul-girl
Yesterday I found out a friend of mine died they think from a bloody clot and its only 6 weeks since she had her baby daughter. Another of my friends died a few months ago leaving behind my beauty goddaughter Fifi who was only 6 months. Another friend has breast cancer and is currently awaiting chemo.
Its really made me think that life is too short and there is so much I want to do and achieve. I've also decided that even through things have been hard in the past I'm going to put all of that behind me and make the most of whatever time I have left.
If you had the chance what would you change in your life?

This is so not easy to answer, thinking about the people you have lost and obviously still grieving for. Then of course your message reminds one of the loved ones they have lost. The question at the end begs a selfish or humorous answer, but to me that would be in poor taste.
So on behalf of myself and I would imagine everybody who ever grieved, the changes I would make if I could, would that we all had a chance to say those things we regret not saying especially a proper chance to say fairwell.
I hope you feel better soon.
We are so sorry to hear of your friends situation. We have both been down the Big C road. Me ending up with an ileostomy 10 years ago before we started swinging and Madame with breast cancer two years ago. After a mastectomy she is still recovering and unable to work. What would we change? Probably would have married younger and had kids earlier. We have a grandson but that was more accident than planned.
Even if you had plenty of money you would/could not change much. It can't guarantee immunity.
As has been said we are what we are and life is what we make it. The best thing to do is to be strong and support your friend. If she is about to have chemo and radio therapy the chances are that she will feel like shit and knowing that there is someone besides her partner that she can cry on will be a great help.
I totally know what ur saying, within the past few days, it's made me think about how short life is and we just don't know what awful things are gonna be thrown at us.
So sorry to read about what's been happening with you.
earlier this year I heard that a lady (about 60 sumthing) I used to work with died quickly from cancer. She was the most loveliest, caring person u could ever meet. She looked after herself incredibly, but did like her fags. U couldn't say a bad word about her.
Then the mr had a sudden heartattack at 45 year old and was in a bad way before he got to hospital.
Then in the summer, a friend from here had a sudden heartattack and died, which was a hell of a shock. he was 47.
Then I heard the other day, someone else who I worked with had died, at 30sumthing year old. She had breast cancer that spread to her pancreas and bowel. She was found passed away 2 weeks later. She leaves behind a young son, about 8 or 9 year old. The only thing with this girl is that she loved her nights out, was always out partying, really enjoyed herself, and never took life seriusly at all.
It really does makes u think....
Quote by SG
If you had the chance what would you change in your life?

All of it. Every last little bit of it, from round about the age of 9 and up.
Unfortunately that option ain't available to me, and I'm not all that inclined to dwell on coulda-woulda-shouldas, so all I can do is make sure the rest of my life is better than what has gone before. I'm still trying to work out exactly what sort of changes they need to be? confused
I'm trying! ((( Insert witty punchline here . . . . rolleyes ;) ))) smile
N x x x ;)
If i had the chance to change something it would be for someone very special to me, i`d change things for him not for myself, he deserves better than the things he`s going thru at the moment. I hope he knows how much i love him and will always be here when he needs me.
Quote by neilinleeds
If you had the chance what would you change in your life?

All of it. Every last little bit of it, from round about the age of 9 and up.
Unfortunately that option ain't available to me, and I'm not all that inclined to dwell on coulda-woulda-shouldas, so all I can do is make sure the rest of my life is better than what has gone before. I'm still trying to work out exactly what sort of changes they need to be? confused
I'm trying! ((( Insert witty punchline here . . . . rolleyes ;) ))) smile
N x x x ;)
Sums it up for me.
The question is like asking " what would you do if you won the lottery ? ". You ain't going to win it and you cannot change what has happened in the past.
The past is old is the future that counts.
Quote by kentswingers777
If you had the chance what would you change in your life?

All of it. Every last little bit of it, from round about the age of 9 and up.
Unfortunately that option ain't available to me, and I'm not all that inclined to dwell on coulda-woulda-shouldas, so all I can do is make sure the rest of my life is better than what has gone before. I'm still trying to work out exactly what sort of changes they need to be? confused
I'm trying! ((( Insert witty punchline here . . . . rolleyes ;) ))) smile
N x x x ;)
Sums it up for me.
The question is like asking " what would you do if you won the lottery ? ". You ain't going to win it and you cannot change what has happened in the past.
The past is old is the future that counts.
Perhaps I should have not said "If you had the chance what would you change in your life?" but I want to do so much with my life, try new things, hopefully get to see my kids grow up etc etc. I've started to make a list of all the things I want to do, places I want to visit.
The one thing I did last weekend was have a get together of some old friends I hadnt seen for 7 years, actually none of us had seen each other for 7 years and yet we all live within an hour of each other. The 8 of us just went out had a laugh and it was like we'd never been apart.
There are a lot of things I could change to make my life different, but as Neil and a few others have said - no point, making mistakes is part of life so I've had to embrace them.
However, the only thing I regret is not being able to say good bye to a friend I had who was victim to a D, D and D'er (Drink, drugs driver) We was born on the same day, went to school together and was so close many referred to us as twins (even though we obviously looked very different) She moved south about 15 years ago, and she'd always come back to the Midlands to "do the rounds" to visit friends and family. But 10 years ago on a night just out she was run over at a pedestrian crossing. I didn't find out until our Birthday a couple of days later, as her Parents understandably were too upset to be able to think about anything except their loss.
What really hurts is that the person who killed her is now out of Prison, so this year was especially hard for me.
I do know one thing though..... I reckon she'd have loved this site lol
For me, this quote form Star Trek V sumes it. On being offered the cleansing of all his pain and regrets etc Kirk responds
"Damn it, Bones, you're a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with a wave of a magic wand. They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away! I need my pain!"
If I could choose not to have had my more painful experiences I would be less of a person than I am now. I do regret not being able to get to know my maternal grandparents better, but that was partly the choice of my Grandma and partly cos they died when I was quite young. None of which I could influence.
I think far too many people take life too seriously, I'm never really sad and have no real regrets in life, I am happy with my lot....... biggrin
I have a few regrets for decisions I've made but I think we have to go through them to learn from mistakes.
There are a few people I wish I hadn't bothered to meet ( and in the case of two of them, stupidly married rolleyes ) but they're all in the past, forgotten and written off as huge mistakes never to be repeated.
One regret I do have is losing the love of my soulmate even though we're still best friends - that is good enough for me biggrin
I wouldn't change anything, I am lovely as I am biggrin
Seriously, I wouldn't change anything, even the bad bits, cos they happened for a reason. Always look on the bright side, and always remember that one day there will be no tomorrow.
Quote by bluexxx
I wouldn't change anything, I am lovely as I am biggrin
Seriously, I wouldn't change anything, even the bad bits, cos they happened for a reason. Always look on the bright side, and always remember that one day there will be no tomorrow.

Thats pretty much how I see things as well :thumbup:
WB kiss
Quote by bluexxx
I wouldn't change anything, I am lovely as I am biggrin

Agreed rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Steve
WB kiss

Why... where have I been? :shock:
Quote by bluexxx

WB kiss

Why... where have I been? :shock:
Not around.....Or if you have been I haven't noticed redface
Quote by Steve

WB kiss

Why... where have I been? :shock:
Not around.....Or if you have been I haven't noticed redface
I'm always around. Don't always post, but I'm quite often here
Through our hardest and saddest times in life, is when we question and learn the most about what’s important within our lives.
Would I change anything? I would want my daughter that I lost to be here with us.
But I realise that no matter how hard we try, with all the money in the world, nothing would have changed the outcome, so be happy enjoy life while you are here, and dont feel guilty about doing so.