Industry Rumours: "Bill Gates Denounces On-line Charity Effort"
Charity supporters the world over were shocked today upon the discovery of an circulating the internet wherein an otherwise-philanthropic Bill Gates is shown voicing his disapproval over a popular topless charity web site. Supporters of the VixPix site ( ), subtitled "T*ts Out for MS", were quick to point out that the effort has no association with software giant Microsoft ( ). Rather, it solicits donations on behalf of the UK's Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre ( ) and uses its namesake's generous endowments to help promote MS awareness on the internet, a debilitating disease which affects both PC and Mac users alike.
Steven Hawking has been exactly the same snotty way about Kylie Minogues new album . Scientists huh ? Who'd have em ?
Bill Gates can go and **** himself! Better still, he should put his hand in his pocket and donate some money to MS charities. How dare he!
You keep em out PIX! ;)
BG, we know where you live... and if you were silly enough to use wonkdows to actually run your security system... we can get to you, reboot the ssytems, and get out and no one will know... now if you were using a mac then we couldnt because macs are limited in what they can do so non one would use them in a security system... if they were lynux then it would have taken 20 years to develop via commity and different inputs and there would be 300 versions of the OS, 4000 versions of the user interface, and 1000 versions of the security system, and all would be crackable using the "let me in" profile, lol.
And what a bust it is....!!! :rascal: :rascal:
Well, the site is down. Doesn't look like the 'usual' hack, either. And no, this bit isn't a joke.
Vix - It looks like your hosting company is having trouble as well (well this is the company which registered your domain so i assume they also host ur site?). Their own website has gone down which suggests their entire network is caput...
Get on that phone to their tech support and give em hell!
good luck!
Happy April 1st...................... need I say more ?
"hey I'd like a double extra cheese flame grilled MacUser with fries please!"