"Squeeze my lemon till the juice runs down my leg" is originally from "Travelling riverside blues" by Robert was "borrowed" by The Zeps as was the rest of the "Lemon song" which is in reality "Killing floor" by Howling you check out the credits on Zep2 you will see that it is now credited to which was Wolfs' given had a habit of taking old Blues numbers and spacewarping them round a few corners."Whole lotta love" from which the "I wanna be your backdoor man" comes is another fine original is "You need love" by Willie the by it cost them a lot of money to sort that one out and they had to change the credits on that one too.
"I wanna be your backdoor man" is generally taken to be about anal sex,but originally meant that as a guy was leaving for work in the morning by the front door,the singer was coming through the backdoor of the house.
Sorry to be a pedant but i am passionate in the extreme about my music and the little demon in me just had to set the record straight.
Jimmy Page and Robert Plant have,to be fair,always acknowledged these steals and Pagey once said in an interview"If you're going to steal,then steal from the best." This is how music and many other things in life evolve anyway.
Here endeth the smartarse lesson. ops: :oops: :oops: :oops: