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I'd have to have a penis reduction
so can i have a brain transplant to go along with the personality by pass..... biggrin :D :D
I was after a tan sad Doesnt that count ? lol
Ok then Fab can have our 5 grand , hes gonna need way more than 5 to get his brain done . lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by blueblood1
I'd have to have a penis reduction

lol :lol: :lol:
I don't believe in plastic surgery but seeing as it's a hypothetical question and theres money involved, I'll pay the (young, fit, well-endowed hunk of a ) doctor to throw me onto the table and yank my feet in the stirrups, or feed me medicine ( wink ) and abuse my physical needs, or examine my fallopian tubes with his long-fingered surgeon's fingers.... twice a week for three years should do it.
Quote by DeniseBabe
If you was given 5K what would you do to enchance your features/looks?

Well I broke one of my back teeth on a toffee a couple of months ago and judging by the charges my dentist makes, it would probably take 5k to fix the tooth :shock: rolleyes
However, if there was any money left after that, I'd opt for liposuction on my fat arse and thighs confused lol
Quote by Silk and Big G
Ok then Fab can have our 5 grand , hes gonna need way more than 5 to get his brain done . lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

thanks.. and i was going ask if you had a good night dogging... lol shan't bother now...
i was also going to suggest doing a deal with the clinic... you give the 5k... they give you 4k back... they are up a grand up for no work .. you bugger off on hols...get your tan....
but scratch that!!! biggrin :D :D :D
look like my brain is fine and working... just need the personality by pass..... innocent :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:
Not unhappy enough with anything about me that I would consider it for - the bits I don't like I'll sort meself - ie losing weight. (Meaning it is such a great length to go to - not that I love every bit of myself lol)
BUT - have always felt a bit self concious about me chin. Got a real Kirk Douglas dimple going on - but surgery confused prolly not!
Kisses to Fab - don't change a thing matey!!!
Cathy x
I would look into getting some of my hair back on top and get my arse done like sunbunny because it looks lush and i would just stand and feel it all day smile
My boobs did cost £5K.
Quote by uk_fisher
I would get my arse done like sunbunny because it looks lush and i would just stand and feel it all day smile

Well if you need any practice, in the meantime......wink
Quote by Vix
My boobs did cost £5K.

and compliments to your surgeon!!!!! smile :) :)
granted i have only ever put them away.... but i am sure a few can vouch for them when they have been "released in the wild"... biggrin :D :D :D
sean xxxxxxxx
I would ask the surgeon to turn back the hands of time. I would give him a picture of me taken when I was 21 and I would say, "Make me look like that again". Yeah, I know, I know. They are surgeons, not miracle workers!
Dont tempt me..well do really smile i would take you up on that offer you cant tell am more of a arse man myself and no that does not mean i am a total arse...some may agree millions would not :)
Wouldn't change anything about me,nothing that a little exercise won't would be happy not to line some plastic surgeon's pocket!
If i had sunbunnys arse next to me i would need a opp on my eyes as they would be stuck on her ass smile
Quote by blueblood1
I'd have to have a penis reduction

Blueblood1 pleas can I have the bits they cut off stuck on my penis thanks. redface
Yep I will take the five grand, reckon that will buy me a remodelled nose and there might be enough left to tidy up some ropey areas around the eyes which are starting to look a bit rough.
Hmmm I may need liposuction but I'd never have that done to only thing Id wanna have done is to have me eyes lasered so I didnt have to wear specs any than that I wouldnt fancy going under the knife or whatever if I absolutely didnt have to.
I don't think that would be enough. I'd probably need £500, Then I could have a whole new me transplant.
John :cry:
On a bit of a downer at the moment. sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! redface
Def a boob reduction then if i had any money left over laser eye correction.
I'd have me hair cut like Beckham and if there was any change I'd have some of me man fat injected up poshes ass, she could do with beefing up lol :lol: :lol:
boob i stated before i am bum person myself but my god you have a nice chest...bad on the back i bet mind.
5 grand would not get you much these days............ it cost 6 grand to have tummy tuck!
i would like i whole body lift!.......and the knot on me head i could cover with a bun! lol :lol:
I think it'd have to be a bum reduction. As even when I get back to the weight I'm happy at it's still too big. The other option would be a boob job to sort of even it out. lol
Hmmm I may need liposuction but I'd never have that done to only thing Id wanna have done is to have me eyes lasered so I didnt have to wear specs any than that I wouldnt fancy going under the knife or whatever if I absolutely didnt have to. you look like a sexy secretary clare in those specs you can take down dictation for me any time babe. wink
£5000 would get you a good holiday. if aint broke why fix it :hunk: wink
I'd have my jug ears pinned back, ALL my teeth pulled ( under a general anaesthetic, o'course ) and replaced with ceramic - and I'd get my eyesight sorted an' all rolleyes
Eyes lasered??
Nah... The only nekkid body I ever see is my own and for that, blurred is fine.