on a survey published yesterday,,you lucky women are getting the best sex in europe
the average portion now last an earth shaking seven and a half minutes
( dont know if this includes sock removal time )
the poor old turks last barely half this time
and those pesky french are two minutes behind us
SO lads keep your end up Britain expects
Given my staying power and bedroom prowess dave thats...............
........................240 shags a month :shock: ....................divided by an average 30 day month........................thats ..erm....bear with me...umm......................quite a lot per day :shock:
warwick...surely your mistaken ?
the joining gift is some novacaine to spray on the middle stump before you bag it for business
15 secs thing of the past
Therein lies TRUE genius.
U mean I should only let him do it to me for 7 minutes ????..... I do believe he has been taking advantage of my generous nature....lol
unless hes having his weekly allowance 7x 7 = 49 minutes
all in one go
tee hee hee
Weekly ???
I was on about his hourly allowance. !!!!!
i understand where your coming from here
getting undressed probably does not come into it
the condoms are always pesky to get on the right way first time
dont know if pre insertion was in the 7 and a half minutes
but allowing for the post coital smoke its still not to shaby
imagine being a poor old turkish lady !!!
I am an innocent, I thought 3 seconds was normal.
7 mins :shock: hardly worth getting undressed for