I've only been down the village once but that was midweek and I never noticed any trouble at all. There are far more qualified people than me on here to pass judgement but I was once told that at weekends the village is 80% straight and 20% gay whilst during the week it is 80% gay and 20% straight. Maybe the straight people dominating the area at weekends is the causing a bit of resentment?
We have been to Napoleons in the Village many times on a Saturday night, usually with a group of couples, and have never had a problem.
well im everyone friendlty and have been waiting ages for the chance to come along, simply because imho the best music and best fun ive ever had has been at gay nightclubs, just call me priscilla , lol, buit concerned at reading the above but its not ging to stop me andthe wild rose making the trip soon enough
well having been hanging round the village for long time and have always find the place to be 'st8' friendly and accepting of all
sorry u have come across such behaviour
Ok - offical Lesbian talking here. Yes - there is a general feeling that Str8's are "taking over" the village. Gays and Lesbians feel that they (we) don't have that many places to be ourselves, whereas str8's do. Feeling that the village should be left alone to be gay.
Not all gays and Lesbians feel this way - but there is a proportion who do.
Sorry - not eloquently put - but very tired - and probably should've waited to answer that properly!
BTW - as a Lesbian - I have felt sidelined on the few occasions I have been to Manchester - 'cos the village is also very male orientated with Vanilla being about the only Lesbian place there. And the best night I had was on the outskirts in a very mixed str8/gay pub!
can agree with litgem and rainbow on there view that the village is very male dom
vanillia is a cool fem place knowing the owner i have been welcome with a few fem friends be fore now
mmmmay view here is let us all respect each others sexuality b u bi st8 gay tv ts and any thing in between
Lo and behold, Gem, here's the thread in question:
I've always found the village a very friendly and inviting place. However, I have sensed some hostility when I've visited Vanilla - especially if I'm with Mr Redbird.
Most of my friends are gay and we used to go out in the Village all the time when I was a 'lesbian'.. but since I've become more feminine I got sick of being turned away from clubs for being too straight looking :shock: