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i always heard the saying
its not how big it is, its what u do with it what counts..
but thinking about it, theres another saying
the bigger, the better
The bigger thay are, the harder they fall....
I think the truth is some fellas watch too many porno films. Seeing the ENORMOUS appendages at work, and the orgasmic women make some feel, lacking. Dubbing the sounds does not help, and I personally think as I have said before you come into this world with what you are given, and that is your lot. I am sure there ARE guys out there who just have too much, and secretly wish they had less...for every plus there is a minus, and if you switch the thing about I am sure many women have things too big or small they wish they could change too? We, or some people are so worried about simple things we cannot change...accept it is you, and look for someone who loves you for that and forget the rest. EVERYONE has an anamcara....( soulfriend ), and lover....
Bloody Hell!!
I'm worn out just reading all that!
Just a couple of points and hopefully not to deep and meaningful.
Anything written in a magazine is there to sell the bloody thing. Therefore it can be embellished and sensationalised. Writing 'i love small willies' does not sell magazines.
Porn films use 'actors' who have big willies. There are some out there, but remember we are catering for fantasy here, so again, who fantasises about little willies.
Girls talking to girls MAY or MAY NOT discuss the size, I don't know because I'm not a girl. The conversation MAY or MAY NOTchange when men are listening - only the girls could answer that. I do know that if a group of guys are talking together and a girl joins them, the conversation does change, not totally, but subtly so as to not offend.
Back to our ads section. 40 guys for every woman. Fact. They can ask for whatever they wish as precisely as they wish, because they know they are in the minority and as such, highly saught after. They can attempt to fulfill their fantasies - and often that's all it is. Not always, but sometimes.
Think of it this way. My fantasy would be someone like Rachel Hunter, dressed in stockings, a nurses uniform, a tiny thong, completely shaved pussy, gagging for me and offering to do ANYTHING I want. Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to how many responses I would get if I put an ad up for that? Just slightly less than zero.
However, does that mean I would ONLY have sex with someone who matched my fantasy or am I living in the real world and accept that we are all different and can do different things to different people, differently.
If you have a big willy, fine. If your ego matches your willy, it is likely that you may not get many wanting you back many times. Once the novelty has worn off, the ladies want something a little more satisfying for their ongoing sexual satisfaction. And if you with an average willy can do that, then you are an above average man - and THAT is what counts the most.
I drink to all you have said mal....
Too the point and oh so true...
Does size matter? Well put it this way, how many women have you heard say "I wish I had a smaller arse", "I wish I had bigger tits", "I wish my legs were slimmer". Men don't say they wish they had a bigger cock, they just wish it!
I am sure that if you asked most guys if they could have an extra inch or two on their cocks they wouldn't turn it down. Just look at the boom in dick surgery and emails offering ways to get a bigger dick flying through the internet.
We are all different and yet we are all the same, that's the beauty of life and just as I might like a certain type of woman and not be sexually attracted to others, so some women think size is extremely important and others not so.
Sexually I would class myself as pretty experienced and one thing I have found over the years is that women are all different. What I do to please one woman might not please another, the tongue that sends a womans juices flowing could be the same tongue that makes another woman as dry as the Sahara.
That's why as BT famously says "It's good to talk".
Does size matter? Hell yes it does! But then not to everyone.
I really love the phrase, 'Fact is'. Especially when the 'fact is' about a stereotype. Is that just plain ignorance and believing the stereotypical chit chat or is that boardering on sexism/racism?
I agree with Mal and Prags in saying that there are a lot of women/couples seeking single men asking for specifics. There fantasy, there requests, who are the blokes to argue?
But if you look in the couples looking for couples etc... They tend not go down that side of requests. I think the change in attitude in the adds are apparent because there are so many men to women/couple ratios. If specifics were not asked for then that couple/woman would be bombarded with replies by any single, slightly horny man looking to get lucky.
It seems the only way to put these happy go lucky horny guys off is to ask for specifics and discard them if they are not what you are wanting. The same thing can be said about age ranges, weight, body build, height.
(Parody) A lot of women like taller men, so does that mean all shorter men will suffer from inferioity complexs and start to wear platform shoes? NO is the answer. You can't change how tall you are (unless you are young and you haven't finished growing yet) so you accept yourself and everything you are and are not.
The only fact that has been said is what Archangel has heard, read spoken to etc.. No body here can argue with the fact that he has not been meeting different women and speaking to the women that do like the sensual side of sex. That is only his experience showing there. If he can learn he will find that there are women and people who like every aspect and some that like none.
The only question I can ask of you is where are you over hearing these conversations? Reading these articles? Meeting these women? If you are truely looking for a different woman who likes the sensual sides then try looking in different areas. Do some market research yourself. You may find the quick wham bam one nighters may be found in clubs more often than not. But saying that so are the potential women you are seeking.
There is another lesson to learn from this thread (one I could have warned you of Archangel if you had asked wink). It is this: Don't attempt to take on Sappho with a weak case or a poorly constructed argument. She will rip you to shreds, chew you up and spit you out - and do it all sweetly and charmingly. She is wonderful!! :inlove: :love: (but I accept that my opinion on this matter is not entirely impartial).
Apart from the physical side of our relationship (which she has not gone into so I won't either - except to say that she is clearly not the sort of woman who matches your obviously limited experience Archangel lol), we enjoy word games and verbal sparring matches. By the way, these are always fun and good natured and never heated or spiteful - but they invariably end with me tied up in knots (metaphorically) and Sappho smiling sweetly and saying "Do you wanna play some more?"
At this point I normally accept defeat gracefully and, depending on the hour, make a cup of tea, pour a gin and tonic or open a bottle of wine.
I maybe her Knight Protector (duel) but in threads such as this she clearly needs no help from me, so I can just sit back and enjoy watching her in her element.
Will - lost in admiration and not for the first time!
PS Archangel - when the school holidays are over, good luck with ths SATS :wink:
Quote by Archangel
I have have spoken to and read so many women that want and only wnat big cocks, as that guy said, look at the ads on here. How many say 8 inches and above, 8 inches and above, I want a massive cock in me etc etc.

Surprisingly few. I decided I'd read all the women-seeking-men ads a couple of months ago, and then come here and make a similar case to you, except with actual statistical evidence to back me up. However, when it came down to it the evidence just wasn't there; I only got through the first page-and-a-half of ads but it was just under 20% of them that asked for "well-endowed" or similar.
Hi! well i've had allsorts of sizes and u tend to find men with 'less than average' size cocks tend 2 b more generous when it comes to sex. guys that r hung tend to b a bit too sure of themselves and make no real effort!
sayin that my beau is a nice crossover of the 2 ends of the spectrum, hes 8"by 2" on a good day and he makes an effort. well and truly spoilt girly here lolol!! :P
then again it may also b something to do with my love of toys, think he worries about bein replaced lol........... biggrin
biggrin I just dont see the point of a quick wham bam thank you mam----- all over with in 2 minutes then goodbye! If thats the case i might as well get out a toy and play with myself! and personally i dont cum through penetration alone-i love the sensual, the touching, the kissing, the licking, the teasing, reaching the point of no return.....Crikey i sound like an old romantic but then i think as one gets on in years things like that become far more important.
I wonder if that is why it is so so many younger guys fanatasies to experience an older woman------- one who is now at the sensual teasing stage and who knows how to arouse a man mentally as well as physically using all the senses-------as opposed to the younger ones who in the majority just open their legs and say here you are!
i love the sensual, the touching, the kissing, the licking, the teasing, reaching the point of no return.....

Mmmmmmm! i think we are meant to be together hotstuff!!
Quote by hotstuff
I wonder if that is why it is so so many younger guys fanatasies to experience an older woman------- one who is now at the sensual teasing stage and who knows how to arouse a man mentally as well as physically using all the senses-------as opposed to the younger ones who in the majority just open their legs and say here you are!

Unfortunately, I can't claim to be one of the 'so many younger guys' ( just in case the Sarge was thinking of displaying my wares - for God's sake don't) but give me a discerning older woman ( by that I mean over 18) anytime. So true hotstuff so true :!: :!:
I think pj2play should be congratulated for creating such a virile thread by mistake :cheers:
God I hat posting just after Kinky L - everything looks so dull alongside his posts!
God I hat posting just after Kinky L - everything looks so dull alongside his posts!

ok, quick westerross, get another post in.....
kinky 'no gif' lizard
Quote by Kinky Lizard
ok, quick westerross, get another post in.....
kinky 'no gif' lizard

OK thanks - you're gonna have give us technophobes some lessons on how you do it - it's fantastique.
I've just seen your challenge to Angel Chat on the Nicknames thread - gobsmacked - respect!
Glad to have given the site such a vibrant thread.
And hope i get the chance to prove that its what you do and not what youve got that matters redface
But as a single guy on here susspect ill have to be content whith giving you all pleasure through the threads smile but so far its been more than worth it great fun and a great site.
P.s i cant go without commenting on what a great pic hot stuff got
So this is the frirendly welcoming forum to get onvloved in and find freids??? I voice and opinion and get insulted for it???? And before you go n, no I'm not on about people who disagreed with me, I'm on about the people who INSULTED ME. Sgt Bilko etc.
You wanna go through and make assumptions about me and my life liek some arrogant sod who thinks he's better then me???
I am old enough to use this site thanks every much. And yes I'm a student UNI STUDENT, thats what a STUDENT is!!!!!
What the hell is wrong with my email address??
And your highlighting of my posts to make ur own generalisations about me is just a weak, weak argument.
I am well aware of the fact that the majority of women orgasam through oral and and foreplay rather then penatration yes.
That was not my arguement.
What I was saying is women go on on about cock size and the wham bam style more then you lot seem to credit them for. There like guys who talk about wanting a women with big tits or similar. they can be just a ssurface based as guys are. I don't see what the problem is with me. I didn't say all, I said alot. Your making a generalisation on my arguement.
I don't expect this message to do anything other then provoke more insults and mutal back slapping of "yes he is a kid, we are smater then he is andso superior to him"
And for your information I had sex on friday and I took my time on giving the girl pleasure and being attetive and usig lots of foreplay and oral all of which she loved and thought was great thank you very much.
Quote by Archangel
So this is the frirendly welcoming forum to get onvloved in and find freids??? I voice and opinion and get insulted for it????

Friends do sometimes indulge in friendly banter - there's plenty of that goes on here. No need to get defensive.
Quote by Archangel
I am well aware of the fact that the majority of women orgasam through oral and and foreplay rather then penatration yes.

To be honest, you did seem to be saying quite the opposite a lot of the time.
I feel I may be a little bit late at coming into this thread as it seems that the toys have already been well and truly thrown out of the pram!
I just wanted to say that in my own personal experience the guy who had the biggest penis was actually one of the worst lovers I had ever had!
He had obviously spoken to the same “group” of girls that archangel has, and thought that all I wanted was for him to immediately pound me hard and fast.
He assumed that as he was of more than average size this would cancel out his less than average
I subtly tried to explain to him this was not the case (and ask anyone who knows me… I CAN be persuasive), but he had his ideas so firmly engrained in his mind that he was a lost cause and so had to be told in no uncertain terms that it was not happening.
I have more recently had some very well endowed lovers- not necessarily by design, more by chance.
Some of these have been excellent in their technique, but physically once I am full, I am full, so the rest is going to waste anyway!
Quote by westerross
I've just seen your challenge to Angel Chat on the Nicknames thread - gobsmacked - respect!

<~~~Runs off to Nicknames to see what she has been challenged to :twisted:
Yes, size is important: Some sex positions require a large penis, others are more comfortable with a small one. That's why the human race has invented so many positions I guess. So what if women say one thing to men and another thing to each other? I've heard a woman exaggerating and bragging about the size of MY dick when she didn't know I could hear her. I assume it was to impress her girlfriends bacause if it was wishful thinking she wouldn't have kept coming back.
Fact: The average human penis is nearly twice the length of the average human vagina.
Fact: There isn't a penis on Earth as wide as a baby.
My point? Women's bodies are adaptable and unless you're so far out of the 'normal' range of size that there is a medical term for your condition, the only impression you're likely to make on account of your dimensions is a visual one. Your performance, on the other hand, is about your attitude, and if some women want to be fucked by Champion the Wonder Horse, so what, why sweat it, there are plenty out there who don't.
Guys - if you're hung up about your size, you're being self-centred and disrespectful to your lady. Don't assume that she's incapable of appreciating what you have, ASK her what you can DO to please her instead of assuming your mere physical presence is all that counts.
Girls - if you're hung up about your man's size, you're being self-centred and disrespectful to him. Don't assume that because he can't impale your lungs he doesn't know where your clit is.
Guys AND Girls - Don't buy into the myth that good sex is all about HIM: If you can't talk to each other and find out how to please each other and ask for what you want, get new partners because you're wasting each other's time.
ice pie...
Swingingheavens answer to ...
To the point, brief and So true....
You have a gift my friend....
Blessings to the words of wisdom...MAY others find solance within them
I never said that my or my belief to please a woman is having a big penis and not doing anything other then slam her, I said thats what many women say they want. I belive in foreplay and oral and sexual pampering and I appluade and respect those women that do like that.
Quote by Archangel
I never said that my or my belief to please a woman is having a big penis and not doing anything other then slam her, I said thats what many women say they want. I belive in foreplay and oral and sexual pampering and I appluade and respect those women that do like that.

True, but you did rather come across as believing that. Also, if your use of language was clearer, it'd be a lot more obvious what you actually did mean. That's not a dig or a judgement or an insult, by the way, just an observation.
BTW, hope you enjoyed your Friday evening wink
yes I did thank you!, thought it was friday day time rather then evening. She txts me now, wanting to do more and that, she has become a right little horny devil since she hooked up with me! Though with our busy lives it will be a while b4 I see her again sad