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Marcuso's birthday bash thank you thread

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Brilliant night Marcuso, nice to meet people new and old and I even had a dance, must have been well drunk lol.
Heres to the next 40 years lol
only one apology to make (I think) to Vicky UK for spilling her drink when they had no vodka left sad I'll get you a double next time hun.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the party. It sounds like you all had a teriffic time. Many thanks to Marcuso for the invite, much appreciated. As I didn't get the chance to I'll just say............

What can I say what a great party that was
Marc ty for my present I was very touched by it........but there was no need your a very dear friend. You deserved last night your a star
Kaz Ty for all the help you gave Marc it was really appreciated hunni kiss oh and what an looked stunning Sir Lee looked gorgeous as ever yep I oggled again lol. Thanks also to you and Ice for the badges excellent as ever
Bi Poison Ty hunni for just being you and for your help oh and oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh bump pmsl
To Alex excellent Music darlin and ty for keeping me plied with coffee when i was making breakfast this morning :kiss:
Nomad and Yorks Dave ty for your lifts to and from the venue, esp Dave I had the front door key and had to get back first to open up for the afters party lol
to Mistress Sassy ty for the ride home hunni :kiss:
A massive Ty to everyone who turned up last night you all made it a special night to remember. and ty for your generosity when I came round to collect from you all
too many names to mention but great to see all my SH friends again love you all to bits
and to meet all the newbies hope you all enjoyed your night
Ty to all for the cuddles and snogs
just a couple of things
Steel thats a deal a double vodka and coke at the next event we both attend........never got a sip out of that drink lol
Horny Hubby told you I'd grop that bum see I keep my word lol :P
Mrs Muttley mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm marshmallows
to Kaz Debbiewebs and WBB wow what great outfits girls
Vicky xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fantastic night Marcuso!!!! Big thanks for the lift back to the hotel biggrin Great meeting up with everyone..Still got a bad head, need more Anadin..or another Stella!!!! sad See you all
well what can we say, firstly marcuso m8 & your band of helpers , its the best run party/munch we have attended yet ..... to the people we met for the first time..hi guys, great seeing you .... to the old reprobates.... great seeing you all again too ......
right .... mrs rams you asleep yet ??? that poor bloke needs a medal putting up with you ya whinging pigmy :P
demon, nice seeing you again m8, but who was the daft tart ya took last night ???
sazzle one of these days i will introduce meself (having found out who you were way too late in the night)
shelly, den wants payment for bodygaurding services
and finally tatty ... dont care if no one heard it ... was buzzing you admitted to liking me .....but ya still mad .... bad enuff being scottish, let alone then becoming an essex girl rolleyes where's ya brain woman ...... dont answer we know wink
ty one and all , fab night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
serps & slayer xxxxx
Quote by postie
Just got home and feel a bit wrecked. So that means I had a good time, doesn't it?
A massive THANK YOU to Marcuso for holding a brilliant party, it was top notch matey!
Thanks to Kaz and Ice Pie for the badges... and a big thanks to MartyCleveland for driving me there, hope you make it back in one piece and your car doesn't burst into flames lol
Oh blimey, where do I start? I remember some things, but so much is a blur I am going to have to be reminded...
There was lipstick wasn't there... erm, and making Chris from Molly&Chris blush... and Marty's car almost catching fire... and Alex_Female breaking all my fingers when she closed a car door while my hand was in the way. (ok, they're not quite broken, just a bit stiff and cut) ... and kidnapping the Hotel cat and keeping it in my room all night :lol2: ... and lovebites, and some photos of me with hair :shock: ( who has a copy??? Feel free to post it on here) and Nomad Soul's Taxi service ( thanks matey biggrin) and having a bit of a barney with an ex-member in Marcuso's kitchen rolleyes ... and buying a long promised drink for Roger the Dragon because he sooo deserved it, and being wrestled by Debbiewebs in the hotel and Smoking Muffs torpedo :shock: ... The DJ for actually playing a song I requested. And being smooched by Fallen Angel :D kiss
Lastly, MakingCocoa... hope you had fun... I know I did :kiss:
So, if anyone wants to fill in the blanks, please do, because my brain has serious booze damage and I need reminding....
Hmmm... and I got a little bit pissed...

mmm..yes..I didn't know you were serious or not when you wanted some of my red lippy on :D , and then later on in the evening when you wanted some more on I think I then knew you were serious :lol:
Thanks to everyone involved in making the party happen, it was a fantastic do! It was great to finally meet Joanne-ish and Mike-ish after two years, but better late than never eh, and boy, did we catch up for lost time :D and Kazswallows..well..what can you say but wow! That outfit was something else :D and thanks for tips about the chicken fillets, lol. Alleyson, you are one lovely lady, really enjoyed the chat with you. Sorry we had to leave early Marcuso, but we had no choice really, but what a fantastic evening we had, you are a top bloke!
ccr (Mr and Mrs) :P
My turn,
Firstly thanks to Marc for letting us come along to your excellent birthday bash.
Well done to Kaz for the time and effort put into the excellent badges and then still finding the time to look stunning!To all who helped Marc,youre all stars.
AlexDJ,great music and always a pleasure to see you,just watch your back,I am planning revenge for the swift slap on my bum!
Just one or two comments I have to make redface
Serps n Slayer passionkiss... And Serps,I'm really sorry for the SLAP,but you did ask me to!!
To everyone who was waiting to get back to their hotel,sorry, sad ,I didn't realise I was holding you all up.
To Tatty,our regular early hours natters just seem to get more and more interesting :twisted: :twisted: sillyassionkiss: :twisted: :twisted:
On that note I hope I didnt offend anyone!
Last of all,thanx to Demon :passionkiss: :passionkiss: for taking me along to this memorable occasion...
Daft Tart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well folks!!!
What can I say that I didn't say to you all last night in my speech/slurred words* (Delete as applicable) redface
A Massive thank you to everyone who came and made my birthday (real one isn't till Wednesday) a REALLY special night!
I really did feel like my life was beginning when I saw all of you there and having an enormous amount of fun and laughter.
It was so emotional that I have to apologise to all those that saw me keep filling up and almost breaking down in tears surprisedops: :oops:
I'm not going to do the naming names thing as there were 110 people there and it'd take me
Just have a few people that I feel I HAVE to mention.......
Kazswallows......I couldn't have done it without you sweetheart.......Senility is setting in and you held it all together for me.....even down to the late night phone conversations to try and hold my sanity are one in a million and an angel in disguise passionkiss worship sillyassionkiss:
IcePie ...REALLY sorry you couldn't be there were definitely missed....a MASSIVE thank you for all the help you gave Kaz!!!!
Alex the DJ..Brilliant job well done mate.....There were so many people on the dancefloor at one stage that I swore it would collapse......Just wish you'd not let Julie get her hands on the
Vicky_Uk and bipoisondwarf.......great big thank you for being chief caterers for the afters party and an extra one for Vicky for toiling over a hot stove to cook a fantastic full-English....and an extra one for BPD too for being my party and afters party escort....the pair of you too for trying to keep me de-stressed all day .........xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Julie1964....What can I say babes?............ "BITCH" springs to mind biggrin lol wink
Thank you for doing door duty and being my shoulder of support.
Also a big BOO HISS! ....for embarassing me with the "special" presents you gave me AFTER making sure everyone in the room was watching.......and making me unwrap them and show them to everyone mad :wink:
Presents are as follows for anyone wondering...........
1) Incontinence pads ...... for a bladder that weakens with age
2) Steradent and Denture bath....cos I'm getting old and need false teeth
3) Bag of Marbles..........for those that I've lost cos I know
4) Sanatogen Vital 50+.....for vitality in mind and body
5) Small pecker condoms, Masturbation kit and Ann Summers catalogue....for those "lonely nights"
6) A bloody great big badge with the number 50 on it.....cos I look a lot older than I am

Just you wait till I see you poke smackbottom :kick: bolt
For all those that put me a beer behind the bar........A great big thank you.....I'll be drinking there for the next 3 weeks at this
Once again a REALLY big thank you to one and all that came. It was brilliant to meet so many newbies and fantastic to see all the old faces again.
I'm sure all my neighbours curtains were twitching when almost a hundred people descended on my house at half past midnight. I've not had one complaint from them yet though, so a big thank you for keeping the noise down to a minimum. As my last guest left at around 5 this afternoon, and me only getting about an hours sleep using Mrs Rams boobs for a pillow, since 10am yesterday morning I'm understandably Shattered, so I'm off to bed to catch up on some much-needed sleep.
I felt honoured to share my milestone birthday with you all!!
Loads of love and kisses
xx xx xx
PS...........Baillifs.........Please don't EVER ask for an invite to anything I'm organising again.
Id like to say thank you to Marcuso for allowing me to attend his birthday bash at such short notice etc was a really good night and what a way to get your first party under your belt so to speak, M8 it was a really great night.
Thanks to all those whom i met and snogged, especially thanks to KazBBW and Glynn for the excellent hospitallity, and a great brekkie!
Thanks again to all, and cant wait for the next one smile
What can I say about last nights party in honour of Marcusos' 40th birthday celebrations that hasn't been said already...............not a lot I guess but I would like to add my thanks to everyone that made this the occasion the great success that it was.
Which I suppose was everyone who helped organise, set up and make it happen. Not forgetting all the wonderful people who turned up, great to see such a huge turn-out for such a great party host.
A very happy birthday mate - you deserve it lol
Well, where the 'kin hell do I start?! biggrin
Firstly - Marcuso, my ageing coffee-mate lol thanks for a bloody brilliant night! kiss
the really comfortable camp bed (well, cant grumble, at least it was warm :shock: :shock: rotflmao ) p.s I still owe ya a slap surpriseduch: :lol2:
To Vicky_UK for the infamous breakfast - just what the doctor ordered after a night in the company of Mr JD :ouch: . Thankyou sweetheart :kiss:
To Kaz ( & Ice) for the badges - had alot of folk peering at my chest and saying 'oooooo, i thought you were a bloke' :shock: - so, on their behalf thanks for the enlightenment :lol:
To KazBBW for putting up a friend and for just being so god damn loverley!! :D
To Dammy Ten Bob for just being you :cheers:
To Debbiewebs, for just being so bloody sexy! - fantastic lady too. It was a pleasure to meet ya honey :inlove: lol
Sleazy - :kiss: one day honey wink
and to everyone else I met and spoke to last night - apologies if i missed anyone off the honours list - Steff35,SexySteph, BiPoison, Vix (who is as stunning in RL as she is in the avatars!) Poohbear & Tiggs ( :lol: ) , Calista, Angel, LancyUK, Pebbs (hope ya find it babes :D ), Postie (for forgetting rolleyes ) NN gorgeous as always, MakingCocoa - lovely lovely lady... W & MartyCleaveland for finally stopping snoring :lol: ....
bugger! smokin' muff for cooling me on the dancefloor (or was it you who made me hot? :lol: ) .... oh, the list is endless! Jackie & Will, good to see ya's again, Rams
Absolutely fantastic night, i vuagely remember Marcuso's house being packed like a sardine can, inside and out - truly an event to be reckoned with !
:cheers: to all , and a big fat Darkfire hug for Marcuso passionkiss
Well first of all can I sat thank you so much for the lift back to the hotel my friend. You are a real gentleman in every sense of the word.
You organised a brilliant night for everyone ( with the help of some special paople Kaz swallows and Vicky UK).
The party venue was great and it was lovely seeing old friends and new
WWB and the Tongue mmmmmmm
Calista you looked brilliant!!!!!!!!
Little Gem sorry for pulling you string redface surprisedops: :oops:
Tatty lovely meeting you and Joannish
Sexy Steph just lovely as usual!!!!
Postie who had forgotten who I was :shock: :shock:
David48 nice to meet you and thanks for the flasher lol
The after party was great and my head and body says next couple of days I will be walking aroung in some sort of haze hahahahahahahah
And Burtie........................CENSORED .....................................thats a private conversation mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Love Corriexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by corriefem
Postie who had forgotten who I was :shock: :shock:

Quote by Darkfire
and to everyone else I met and spoke to last night - , Postie (for forgetting rolleyes )

Sorry corriefem, sorry Darkfire redface
( this is becoming a habit...)
Quote by postie

Postie who had forgotten who I was :shock: :shock:

Quote by Darkfire
and to everyone else I met and spoke to last night - , Postie (for forgetting rolleyes )

Sorry corriefem, sorry Darkfire redface
( this is becoming a habit...)
rotflmao :rotflmao: numpty
Back home and absolutely knackered! Thanks for a great night!
Marcuso - Happy Brthday hun, glad you had a good night
Kaz - thanks for my bar, just need the piercing to go with it now :shock: , and ths for your help putting together what was a brilliant night biggrin
My roomies - Angel, Lancy, Little Gem kiss
Postie - I promise to not chat politics at 3am in kitchens anymore lol
Vicky - thx for keeping me company on the drive back
Julie :kiss: for your hospitality on friday and thx for the rest of you who made that a great night
Midlands/New2Trot - it was wonderful to catch up with you both again, you are both lovely people, hope things improve for you soon :kiss:
Err, sure there are more of you I've forgotton, but too tired to think anymore, off to bed, will post again when I can think!
It was a great night, wonderful to catch up with old mates and to meet so many new people too, and sorry for anyone whose lips were tingling! Its the lipbalm, honestly! :lol:
Hi all,I made it!!!!! The car didn't burst into flames on the way that was a bonus!!! lol.....That'll teach me to put the cap back on when I top up the oil!!! :doh:
Thanks yous....
Well first a big thank you to Marcuso for being born 40 years ago and inviting me to help celebrate that fact! smile
Postie.....for being great company to and from the party
Makingcocoa.........for being the poshest and sexiest thing at the party ;) :inlove:
Stuart.........for driving this numpty into Chesterfield to get another oil bloke :)
Bipoisoneddwarf...........just for being lovely :rose:
Debbiewebs and know why!! ahem!
A26.........for giving me my only card of the night....... :happy:
Kazswallows............well for being Kazswallows :)
VickyUK.......for the gorgous breakfast this morning....yummy
And anyone else I've forgotten....because I've got a crap memory!!
Marty xxx
PS...did I mention Makingcocoa!!!! hubba hubba!!!!
At last, now that we're home and finally got some rest.....and turned the pc on lol
Another great night, Marcuso!!! And thanks, as well, to everyone who helped to make this happen smile
Your parties are always excellent. They are always well organised down to the last detail, and last night was no exception. In fact, last night surpassed any of the others!! We're not going to go into great detail naming names, and listing events, there were just far too many..................of both :)
But, last night has got to have been one of the best parties of the year biggrin
And it was, as always, great to meet up with old friends, as well as new acquaintances.
See you again soon :D
Stuart & Tanina hump xxx
Quote by NaughtyHubby
Big thankyou to Marc for letting me come to the party.... though what did i ever do to you to deserve to be sat next to Julie all night !!
Big Big thank you to Kazswallows for orgininsing such a fantastic party and making me feel welcome. Thank you to all the new faces i met ...... and the one that didnt slap me as threatened redface
vickyuk ..... its no compulsery to keep grabbing me arse hun ... honest :P
most of all thanks Julie for putting up with me and not leting me get any sleep wink

sorry about missing the afters but me and HHH had our own :wink: :wink:

Party ... Party ffs woman that was more a marathon !!!! .... err next time my pocket isnt for transpoting your thongs back home :doh:
erm as i remember it you wanted the thong : surprisedops: spent enough time playing with it rotflmao
Vicky uk ..... course its compulsory to grab his ass lol
BiPaula ..... hes still scared :twisted:
:small-print: remember you can be replaced :wink:
confused now wheres the batteries :oops:
Well Marcuso, what can we say - - - - - - -
You said it was an honour to share your birthday with all of us, well the honour was all ours.
Both Mr M and I agree that this was the best EVER event we have been to, and thats a lot, LOL
We are so glad it went well for you, you truly deserve it, your a real good mate (to both of us)
Take until now to post, as when we got back went str8 to bed, absolutely knackered
We were that done in we forgot to pay hotel bill lol.
Thanks to everyone we met, you a real lovely lot. Just one special thank you to Yorks_Dave for looking after me so well.
Happy Birthday for Wednesday Marcuso
Big Hug and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Firstly of course massive thanks to Marc and his beautiful side kicks for organising last night. What a fantastic time we all had. My first SH social and it was great.
Apologies for being a tart by the way
OK here goes and I will have left someone out I'm sure so sorry in advance, but i was a bit tipsy:
MrHorny kiss :kiss: :kiss: thanks for everything hunny
HornyOldTart passionkiss great to meet you finally xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Calista - it was great to meet u, nerves, good grief they disappeared when i had such a warm welcome from The Muttleys. Looking forward to Friday btw xxxxx
SmokerJim and Smoking Muff, thanks for letting me share your taxi at such short notice, you 2 are great biggrin
The Muttley's, what a lovely couple. Mr Muttley so attentive though from that height to be fair you had quite a good view of my tits so i suppose that helped. Mrs Muttley, you are a fantastic lady, very funny and a bad influence lol :kiss: for both of u
Susiebabes, lovely to meet you and thanks for the makeup lol
Andy & BiPaula, great to meet you both and there is no way you are mingers! So be told!
Shelly, as always it was a pleasure to see you hun xxxxx
Serps & Slayer, Serps ye lanky git :kiss:. Slayer, you are lovely, far too good for him lol
SlaveDave, finally got to meet ye, see I am mad, I warned you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NottsM4Fun, hey you, chat soon i hope ;)
Bi-Guy-Notts it was lovely to meet you, glad I was on your list to say hello to xxx
Joanne-ish and Mike-ish, Joanne, you are one sexy lady, coffee time at yours is not far away hun promise coffee,
Steff35, well lovely to meet you hun did I tell you that you are cute? lol
Rams, always a pleasure to see you both, and to get a peek at Mr Ram's tattoos xxxxx
LancyUK - fab massage, thank you, we must finish that very very soon :kiss:
Vicky_UK a pleasure as always xxx
Davidn48, thanks for the flasher thingy and thanks to Joanne-ish for placing it so perfectly
OK I think I must have missed absolutely loads of you off but I will be here for ever, so who have I forgotten, erm:
Lorraine, Angel Chat, Julie1964, HornyHubby, Alex & Hannah, Postie, Steel, MartyCleveland, Pleasure40070, Linnetscouple, Star, CrazyBabe, BiPoisonDwarf
Kisses to you all. You are all just great!
Oh the list is endless and on the small amount of sleep I have had this is useless, my mmory has gone now sorry.
Had a fab time, thanks to everyone who was there as you all made it a very special party for all of us.
Home in Somerset now and I have some thanking to do -
Marcuso - you're a star, and like the Muttleys, I have to say best party ever!
Jas & Tim - Who were not at the party, but kindly put us up for the night ;-)
EVERY SINGLE-FUCKING-ONE OF YOU, THAT WAS THERE! For to the (my Charity). Together you raised
Totally unexpected - I am, as ever, so very deeply touched. (As it were)
Quote by Vix
I am, as ever, so very deeply touched. (As it were)
:gagged: :gagged: - I so want to comment here but after overhearing your threats to someone else's bollocks I am going to keep my mouth shut for once. lol :lol:
Well done Vix - always nice to see your charity getting a bit extra from SH - and it gives a few ladies an excuse to get their tits out (Because they are all usually very shy!)
Quote by rogerthedragon
I so want to comment here but after overhearing your threats to someone else's bollocks I am going to keep my mouth shut for once.

OMG! I have no idea what you are talking about!!
No, really, I don't!
Quote by Vix
I so want to comment here but after overhearing your threats to someone else's bollocks I am going to keep my mouth shut for once.

OMG! I have no idea what you are talking about!!
No, really, I don't!
lol :lol: :lol: I believe you. (Which makes me even less inclined to open my big mouth.) :shock:
Big big thanks marcuso for letting us attend your fantastic birthday party it was a blast
We both had a great time
Thanks Kazswollows for the excelent badges and evrything else you did to organise the party
Big it up for Alex DJ great tunes all night
Thanks vickyuk for getting marcuso organised on the day
It was great to see everbody we met at the leicester & yorkshire munches
Big thanks to all the new friends i made you were all great and i realy enjoyed chatting to you all and i am sorry i was not able to spend more time with you
Roll on marks next party
Many thanks and a premature Happy Birthday to Marcuso! Of all the SH events I've attended, I have to say that yours was the best: Ideal venue for the number of people in attendance, good food, great company and a music volume that didn't totally stifle conversation. Then again, it may also have something to do with the opportunity to spend some quality time with one of my favourite SHers. ;) :smitten:
Apologies for surreptitiously ducking out of the after-party party, but that turned out to be a bit too overwhelmingly crowded for my fragile constitution. lol
As for thanks, apart from yourself: to GT & Wibblywobbly, just for being there; to Sarah, for keeping me company whilst Vix & Steph found their way to (and lingered endlessly within) the "quiet" bar; to our wonderful table-mates; to everyone who contributed, above and beyond, to Vix' MS charity; and last, but definitely not least, to Jas & Tim for a bedroom of our very own to crash in. :love:
I'd love to thank everyone from whom I got to snog, too, but that would be far too numerous to mention...
~Reese! surprised
P.S. ...oh, and thanks to SirLee, for uttering my name on this thread (two more times, and I'll appear!)! :twisted:
Just one or two comments I have to make redface (pebbles)
Serps n Slayer passionkiss... And Serps,I'm really sorry for the SLAP,but you did ask me to!!
one ??? i counted at least 3 !!! but my dear , you were weighed , measured and still found wanting , revenge is a dish best served cold :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Phew great party Marc, and a Very Happy Birthday, am glad i made it after all, how many times can a woman change her mind ? lol
Thanks its all been said..... but ta to everyone who orgnised and made it a great event.
Was feeling fragile as me tart on tour mate with the PINK hair and i decided to demolish a bottle of pernod on the friday night redface never ever again surprisedops:
Was brill meeting everyone again ...........and meeting new faces.
Not mentioning names as i cant fecking remember all of still in a blurrrrrrr.
Remember being greeted in the hotel by the ever freindly brilliant stuart and tanina, who kindly drove us to the venue. ta folks xx
Was then greeted by an efficient secretary who gave out brill badges, who i thought would look great layed out on her desk :shock:
a few vodkas and hello's later everything blurred again
The taste of marshmalows comes to mind :smitten:, a bare assed kilted fella also is there somewhere, then there was a lipstick covered bald bloke wiv cosmo small-piece glasses (who prommised to buy us breakfast but didnt) a very tall sexy fella wiv an equally sexy wife with him, a very nice lady i think was called Paula wiv some skinny ferret faced pet in tow he he,the pretty shy lady they dragged home with em, the rope man and some crazy lady, tiny ikkle dwarf wiv huge energy and fun oozing from her, that old david fella babysitting a young vixen who molts clothes wink where's me flassing fing ?? me mate vicky who managed to grab some horny bloke (after you plz hun :wink: ) a gent from yorks x that Huxley bloke xx wiv a super sexy lady( met ya at last), a cpl of rams x 1 extremely enegetic lady, wow can she wiggle, with a camera ( can i have a copy of the charity boob pics ya took of us plz babes xx ? ta), a bril DJ, oo a sweet yng thing i met 1st in a jacuzzi at chams :wink:
Had a few snoggs and have now added a few names to me 'to do' list :lol: to work out how to persuade em to 'do' me. :P
I think the barman did extremely well to cope with all us lot, he was working alone a lot of the time and we do take some getting used to, but i did notice some just had to complain over the smallest of things ........shame on you where is your tolerance and understanding.
A very big thanks to Shane and Jane for driving us back to the hotel taking you out of your way, was appreciated as it seems taxis's round marcs place dont turn up........................or have they heard about your party's Marc ?
Looking forward to skeggy pernod tho rolleyes
Great night and I hope you had a fantasic time. I know we did
It was good to see so many people... Tatty biggrin Angel chat :D Huxley :D susie :D davidn48 :D Muttleys :D Pleasure :D Kazbbw :D everyready cpl :D slavedave :D CCR ( so god dam sexy ) :D Kazswallows :D Star :D wbb :D Tongue :D Mistress sassy :D Corrie :D Steff35 :D:D:D...... too many more to mention i will be here all day ..........
allyson I am so please i came and got you from the corner and dragged you kicking and screaming to the table you were in my corner lol i was the one that was going to be a wallflower you looked to fine for the corner glad you had a good time :D xx
Special Thanks to our hosts for the night not naming them here but they know who they were xxxx
OK I've finally sobered up.
Huge thanks to Marcuso kiss and Kaz & Ice for the badges.
Great to see some new faces.
Tatty - it was great to sit and chat with you at long last
Salt & Pepper - good to see you again
Rams - Still getting over the realisation of where we'd met before :shock:
Won't mention anymore because I'm bound to miss someone.
See you all at the next one :happy: