Before I get into my thread I'd like to say hello to everyone on the Forum, my SH pals (Bloke especially if he is still around), and explain that even though I am very infrequently on the site these days, I miss it terribly and still love getting the chance to read posts on the Forum.
I work away now and do 3 months in the Middle East and 1 month off (where i mainly catch up with friends, holiday or try and indulge in as much pleasure as i can before setting back off to a muslim country where internet access is restricted and limited and time is even more so).
Anyway into the thread at hand and to colate some ideas from the good people of SH Towers and the fantastic Forumers.
As I said above, I now work away in a muslim country and live in a small part of a household compound of the family I work for who are strict Muslims. Internet access is nigh on impossible and also restricted but the place is beautiful and I cant grumble as the money is great.
The only problem in my life is this, I get very little time to socialise and living where I am with a small contingent of British Ex Pats I have virtually no sex life for 3 months at a time. I come home and during the month I have off I try to indulge in as much sexual activity as is humanly possible. "Dirty man" i hear you cry!! "Human only" is my reply!! I've become somewhat as a binge-sexer.
I have used this site very unsuccesfully during my time on British soil of late, as it seems SO hard to get meet up's in the single male bracket and now understand where the "moaning single male" syndrome came from. Not that I'm moaning, if it happens, it happens if not, then that's just life.
I started to use the services of "escort girls" as finding a lady to indulge in carnal pleasures with in just a short 4 weeks was nigh on impossible or very hit and miss to say the least, even as a "pretty damn fine peice of male ass", as i have previously been described. The accuracy of which I'd egotistically agree with :-)
I started to use another sex related site and soon had an add replied to by a very attractive girl in her early 20's who's add said she was with someone, but being on a sex related site and being in my prediciment I thought "why not?".
To cut a long story short, we met up and had sex and started to see each other as regularly as possible in a NSA manner. I am into role play and fantasies and we had some awesome sexual experiences doing some really great role play type stuff as she was very excited by the ideas i came up with. Everything seemed to be just the way I wanted it but as life usually turns out, nothing is ever as simple, hence my post. It became evident she was married to a well off guy in his 40's who worked in London during the week, and he did "his thing" and she did "her thing" and no questions were asked about what each got up to.
I got back last week and as usual got intouch with said filthy NSA sexual friend and said young lady agreed we should meet up and a filthy and exciting scenario was developed in anticipation. On meeting up we did the lascivious and explicit fantasy and went for a drink in the nearby pub afterwards.
A guy at the bar was looking at us and being in the proffesion I am, knew it was more than just a passing glance in our direction but I didn't think much of it as I had a glamourous young lady in my company and put it downn. to that. I mentioned it to my NSA female friend and she said we should act up and I should touch her etc which i was slightly uncomfortable with as public sexual stuff is not really my bag.
I noticed she was looking at this guy in a non-stranger manner ( people donot usually maintain eye contact with people they don't know especially of the opposite sex) and I asked her what was going on.
The man came over and astonishingly introduced himself as this girl I had been having sex with's husband and it then dawned on me that this had to be pre arranged. He had known about me for as long as it had been going on and read emails, texts and even seen footage of us having sex as we often filmed our sexual fantasies.
They apparently have an "understanding" and he gets off on knowing about and even organising and planning some of her meetings and there is not just me. He took great pride in telling me she has 5 lovers and I was just sat in total amazement at the plot unfolding in front of me.
I know this sounds like double standards in some ways as i knew this girl was married, but I am bemused by this. I was under the assumption that they knew each had sexual liasons with others but not that I was part of some elaborate sexual game they play together. The fact that they have watched videos of me and this girl having sex and used them for their own sexual excitment is a little surreal or am I being niave or prudish?
The fact that some of my correspondences, that I believed were between myself and said girl were read and even replied to by them both to fuel some of their own fantasies has shocked me and I feel a bit, dare i say it? Cheated.
Not in a "she has cheated on me way" that would just be ridiculous, but that I was sold a complete and utter fabrication. I am a little uncomfortable with it in that this girl lead me quite a merry dance. She told me she was only seeing me, not that i'd have made any stipulations as to that being a pre requisit to us having a sexual relationship. That would be hypocritical, but a little honesty might have given rise to me thinking seriously about getting involved in a very strange manage et toi (misspelt probs). I asked her if her husband knew she had sexual partners and she said yes but they don't discuss it, and now find out they went shopping for outfits for her to wear, watched footage we filmed of our sexual roleplay, and shared correspondence that i was sending her and her to me.
I would like to know if you guys have any slant or opinions on this, and maybe whether or not you think I'm making too much of it. After all I knew she was married so maybe I'm getting my just desserts? I'm not easily offended and take any comments or opinions well so over to you guys.
I've spoken to a pal of mine from another site and he asked "are you in love with her or something?", and the answer is definately no. It was purely a sexual thing and fulfilled a great sexual need, it's just that it is such a strange situation I can not really comprehend it and wonder whether anyone else has had similar happen, or if others maybe have actually done the same thing and their thoughts on it.
Comments eagerly awaited.......