No I don't think you've gone off thread and you've made the point very nicely. It does mean perhaps that Mr Easyease must look in the right place to find a Mrs Easyease, perhaps he's found it here.
We are a bi cpl and where as I the male has reservations about going with a single who is married. My wife does not. The way she see it is it is there problem not hers. She is goin for a bit of fun and not for a relationship. I think she has a point.
well i was just raised to beleive that marriage is for two people ..quote]
That`s not quite true..there may be kids involved.`s my angle.
I`ve been `happily` married for 20 years, in many ways, and have several children. When I met my wife, I was at a very low ebb, and sex was not really that important..though I should have seen the warning signs, in retrospect.
She has a low sex drive...and is happy that way. Once a month is a little too often for her liking...and it must always be a certain way...lights off, straight from the shower, no on holidays, etc, are completely out. And once, frustrated to death, I asked here to give me a took years for our relationship to recover.
To many, you could say she has problems...but, thing is,she`s happy.
My own sexuality is..well, I`m pretty much obcessed! Not sure if I`m really Bi...I just need that excitement, eroticism, and the outdoors bit....or I get very cranky..and this need has led me to a few homoerotic its there, and sometimes (I`m not unattractive for a bloke) I just need to be desired.
But really, this is not about being`s about being married and unfaithful. (Needless to say, I would never take anything home she could catch, btw) Occasionally, we joke about it....her angle is `tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies`.
So I don`t really think it`s that simple.
If I go long enough without, then I get a bit cranky..less patient with the kids, and less understanding of my wifes needs. Maybe you will think I`m twisting this to have my cake and eat it..BUT...seems to me, as long as she doesn`t know (for sure), then any moral fallout falls on my own spirit. And I`m happy to sacrifice personal karma for the good of my family. If they get through life happy...if ignorant!..then I`ll burn in metaphorical hell and be happy.
Of course..there must be some trust. Recently, for instance, I was in the far East and overrun with bevies of the most beautiful girls you could imagine. But I didn`t stray...boy have I pondered over it since though !...because my wife specifically asked me not to.
Maybe we should never have got married.
But my wife and family are happy..and, occasionally, I get to express my own spirit to the full...without hurting anyone
..and ain`t it what this site is all about?