I'd say 'fourthed' but with my lisp you might get the wrong idea.
Quote by Cfnmaction
Cfnmaction wrote:
I'm a married man who has made contact with several Members albeit failing totally to even engage in a conversation But that's possibly due to my 'preference' in terms of what I am looking for right now...
I totally agree that Swinger's engage in a lifestyle that cannot be compared to what men like me have done - or, in my case, are attempting to do. If I ever do get to meet someone and fulfill my fantasy desire,I will have cheated on my wife.,
Then why look to fulfil your fantasy and desire on a swinging site?
The fact that I believe my marriage conditions at present warrant such an act is for my conscience alone, the details of which I am not prepared to go into.
the phrase "at present" suggests you have some hope that things will change, that the marriage is salvageable. If true, why risk everything for the sake of a fantasy?
I would not wish to meet anyone who is not aware of my situation and as such I clearly state that I am married in my Profile and advertise the fact that I am not here with permission.
So you are being honest and above board with everyone then, except your wife.
It is my situation that actually makes me seek a little erotic distraction that, ideally, does not involve intercourse. But for me to have my fun in this case generally comes across as being selfish as the needs to the Lady are ignored, which isn't fair, and hence my view that I may exceed my ideal scenario if mutually agreeable.
So you don't want to have sex with the lady, but will force yourself just to please her..thats very noble of you..
I guess in my case I'm trying to engage in a little light erotic teasing without the full sexual experience precisely because I am looking to cheat and I want to minimise the cheating in the event that my marriage comes right.
So you want to cheat, but just a bit, because things may work out in the end. How about working things out in the beginning and not cheating at all.
Of course, a Swinging site is possibly not the best place to seek this as I have learnt that the majority of you appear to take the Swinging Lifestyle seriously and good on you - I wish my wife could see that this is a lifestyle that can enhance a relationship! But I would never attempt to try and make her try something she isn't comfortable with.
Seriously, have you asked her? yes some take it very seriously, me I don't, but I do take honesty to my wife seriously and I think you should give it a try before you do something that may wreck your marriage beyond all redemption.
Anyway, just my 2p.
my 2p
Quote by Stormwalker
I personally don’t care who you meet or who meets you, that is for you and them to be comfortable with, I don’t care what your marriage troubles are, they are between you and your wife, but I do care when you come looking for absolution from me....you won't get it.
Sort out you marriage one way or the other,then start swinging.
Quote by Stormwalker
...but I do care when you come looking for absolution from me....you won't get it.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
I personally don’t care who you meet or who meets you, that is for you and them to be comfortable with, I don’t care what your marriage troubles are, they are between you and your wife, but I do care when you come looking for absolution from me....you won't get it.
Sort out you marriage one way or the other,then start swinging.
Quote by Cfnmaction
...but I do care when you come looking for absolution from me....you won't get it.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
I personally don’t care who you meet or who meets you, that is for you and them to be comfortable with, I don’t care what your marriage troubles are, they are between you and your wife, but I do care when you come looking for absolution from me....you won't get it.
Sort out you marriage one way or the other,then start swinging.
Quote by Stormwalker
When I say I don’t care, I mean it’s none of my business who he meets or who meets him. It is for the people involved to decide where their consciences lie, and to act on it. The fact he made the post suggests he is looking for some kind of acceptance from the reader (me in this case) he will not get it from me because I disagree with the idea of cheating.
Quote by Stormwalker
As for pulling his post apart and adding my views, It happens every day on this and every other forum I read, that is what forums do, people post, people respond, what makes this post any different?
Quote by Stormwalker
Harsh? Yes it was harsh…maybe harsh enough to make someone think very carefully before they make a choice that could wreck at least two lives, maybe more
Quote by fabio
there have been divorces....
there have beed people of have been physically threatened as a result....
there have been people named in divorce proceedings..
there have been people whos partners have only found out after they have gone.....>snip<
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Wrote a lot of good sense.
Quote by fabio
there have been people named in divorce proceedings..
snip again
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
When I say I don’t care, I mean it’s none of my business who he meets or who meets him. It is for the people involved to decide where their consciences lie, and to act on it. The fact he made the post suggests he is looking for some kind of acceptance from the reader (me in this case) he will not get it from me because I disagree with the idea of cheating.
Quote by Stormwalker
As for pulling his post apart and adding my views, It happens every day on this and every other forum I read, that is what forums do, people post, people respond, what makes this post any different?
Quote by Stormwalker
Harsh? Yes it was harsh…maybe harsh enough to make someone think very carefully before they make a choice that could wreck at least two lives, maybe more
Quote by jameybruce
I refer to my earlier post and second that little word that I've seen on here a couple of times : 'snip'
A very close friend is registered with loving links (a discrete liason agency), she wants and needs an active sex life and her hubby is not only working down London monday to friday but doesn't have much of a sexual appetite anyway, and never has. However she's been involved with a very nice local man that's giving her everything she needs, and he, apparently, isn't getting it at his home either. Therefore two happy people! Isn't life wonderful?
My morals are fluid, except honesty is essential. So when you read this Jamey........... think on!