Can I just ask, is it a problem for Swinging Heaven to have married men on here?.. Let's not be prudish here, this site as it suggests is about swinging and it seems to me there is little or no room for the married man who (whether we like it or not) want's to play away!! I don't think anyone should jump on the moral band wagan especially when you see some of the cam action here.. My point is, I myself was personally attacked in a chatroom by a single lady whom I'd already explained too that I was married and after reading her profile request NO married guys I informed her that I due to this were not suitable.. She then went onto print all the conversation in the room for all to see.. I am not going to make excuses for my way of life but if this is the sort of thing I am having to put up with, I'm glad to have left the site.. Seven years I have been with SH even when it was once a free site but alas people with morals seem to now have the upper hand on a swinging site.. Flies in the face of hypocrocy..
right or long as you honest and give people the choice if they wish to play, then i have no problem.
sounds to me like you was whispering, did you ask permission first? quite a few people post their unwanted whispers to the room.
No problem from me if you are being honest! which it appeared you are,
sh hasnt been going for 7 years?
when you say I don't think anyone should jump on the moral band wagan especially when you see some of the cam action here..
what does that mean?
also this bit I informed her that I due to this werenot suitable..
whos the we're? just trying to clarify some areas to ease my understanding.
i dont think its fair that your private convo was pasted in the room, if permissions to whisper had been granted. but what you could have maybe done is report this to a chat op?
to answer the origional question, i dont think sh has a problem with married men on here with out wifes knowledge, just some members may have, which is their right. as long as they are not abusive in there voicing of this opinion.
im not sure what the fact some people with this view being swingers has to do with it. people have the right to choose who they have fun with.
sorry youve faced people voicing that opinion in a bad way, but was it just this one incident that made you so angery? and if its only once is it fair to tar every member and the whole site with the same brush?
why am i replying when you said your leaving the site ?? lol
xx fem x
No one believes us when we say we're single anyway!
Personally I choose not to meet married guys 1 on 1, I'd be lying if I said I had never played with a married man as I don't ask every guy I encountered at clubs, especially if I'm already having fun.
Your profile clearly says that you are married and you are giving anyone who should take an interest a clear opportunity to decide if they would like to turn away or find out more about you. There is no reason for grievance or annoyance towards you.
I would be annoyed if someone had chatted me up for a meet pretending to be single when they are not, but that does not appear to be what you are doing.
I also believe that there are plenty of women playing with out consent of a partner too, so it is not a gender based thing, although men might not be as bothered by it? I wouldn't know.
In conclusion I think you were just unlucky, or as suspected whispering without permission and walked into it. Not everyone is out to make an example of you.
To the OP
There are people here that will preach to you that you have the morals of an alley cat and that you will burn in hell for being here behind your partners/wifes back....
Myself.......I dont really care if someone is married or not........As long as they are truethful.....
I can then make a concious choice to go ahead and meet or to not...
We as a couple meet guys and we dont carry out the Spanish inquisition as to their marital status but if we get an incling they are lying or have lied to us then we wont meet them or wont meet them again if we find out after the event..
I(as the male) do meet without my wife but that is with consent and so has no bearing on your situation....
I wont preach to you about morals etc as you are the one who has to live with your lifestyle choices every day and every time you look at your partner/wife.....
Stick with it as there are women/couples here who meet married guys :thumbup:
i quite enjoy this topic as it interests me how people see the the questions:
swinging v morality
truth v lies
marriage v swinging
and even as basic as good v evil.
the study of morality and ethics is something which interests me greatly and something that i do regularly as, believe it or not, i DO try and do the right thing.
i think one of the best ways of looking at this, is to reflect on the theory of . WHAT IS MORALITY?
Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") has three principal meanings.
In its first descriptive usage, morality means a code of conduct held to be authoritative in matters of right and wrong, morals are created by and define society, philosophy, religion, or individual conscience.
In its second, normative and universal sense, morality refers to an ideal code of conduct, one which would be espoused in preference to alternatives by all rational people, under specified conditions. To deny 'morality' in this sense is a position known as moral skepticism.
In its third usage, 'morality' is synonymous with ethics, the systematic philosophical study of the moral domain.
Ethics seeks to address questions such as how a moral outcome can be achieved in a specific situation (applied ethics), how moral values should be determined (normative ethics), what morals people actually abide by (descriptive ethics), what the fundamental nature of ethics or morality is, including whether it has any objective justification (meta-ethics), and how moral capacity or moral agency develops and what its nature is (moral psychology). In applied ethics, for example, the prohibition against taking human life is controversial with respect to capital punishment, abortion and wars of invasion. In normative ethics, a typical question might be whether a lie told for the sake of protecting someone from harm is justified. In meta-ethics, a key issue is the meaning of the terms "right" or "wrong". Moral realism would hold that there are true moral statements which report objective moral facts, whereas moral anti-realism would hold that morality is derived from any one of the norms prevalent in society (cultural relativism); the edicts of a god (divine command theory); is merely an expression of the speakers' sentiments (emotivism); an implied imperative (prescriptive); falsely presupposes that there are objective moral facts (error theory). Some thinkers hold that there is no correct definition of right behavior, that morality can only be judged with respect to particular situations, within the standards of particular belief systems and socio-historical contexts. This position, known as moral relativism, often cites empirical evidence from anthropology as evidence to support its claims. The opposite view, that there are universal, eternal moral truths is known as moral absolutism. Moral absolutists might concede that forces of social conformity significantly shape moral decisions, but deny that cultural norms and customs define morally right behavior.
There are always going to be those who see married people swapping/playing outside of their relationship as being wrong and immoral. There are others who will encourage it.
There are going to be those who assist couples to swap/play outside their relationship, and there are others who see this as morally wrong.
there are always going to be opposing views, and therefore victims, which i suppose you care about if you take the time to see the other side.
There is alot to be said for letting people simply get on with what ever they are doing because its a matter of personal choice and dealing with the consequences if things dont quite work out as planned.
I think the OP's situation opens up other serious matters aswell.
1) trust
2) discretion
3) relationship breakdown
so maybe its not such a good idea to "flame" this member for what , afterall, he was only contemplating, and by his own admission, not doing particularly well.
to the Op, might i be so bold as to say that it doesnt really matter how others see your situation... its how you chose to deal with it and live with it.
anyway... good luck
This argument surfaces many times. However it is often generated either by a poster effectively putting their head in a noose or by by righteous individuals who 'sniff' out a cheat or react to sufficient 'evidence'; and go into their usual response.
What is interesting to observe is that when we are confronted with something a bit too much, the usual recourse is to fall back on the values of the conventional world and attempt to apply them in an unconventional scenario. Or try to force them to work.
There are swingers who find a stronger sense of morality by practising their values within the swinging world. The sense which they perhaps found lacking in the conventional world. And of course in this scenario they have the last say in choosing and can dictate terms to their specifications. However in the conventional world their assumed elevated morality is redundant as it is being applied within the practices of non-conventional behaviour.
Equally the inexperienced adventurer looking outside their marriage may assume that swingers provide a one stop shop for anything and everything. Naturally, this idea is soon altered and a more enlightned person develops.
If married people wish to swing then they do so in the knowledge that they risk offending many conventional couples who struggle on through various marital problems but still keep their set of values uncompromised. Is saying 'I swing but I don't cheat' in anyway a consideration for less scorn from and offence to the conventional population? this is why the argument has no value in the conventional world. It simply appears to have clout here in the swinging world, because it can be weilded with more power, as it slays the unsuitable and inexperienced.
Also I am bored seeing people dismantle cheaters arguments with the same chilling logic and demeanour. There is something unpleasant and clinical in the style.
If there ever was a manifesto for swinging, cheating would have to be one of the top subjects that needed to be discussed. However it seems that it might never reach a conclusion. So perhaps its best not argued about. So for a more 'corporate' image of swinging its something that needs to get its act together despite the differences.
By all means one has to state what one wishes or does not wish to do, but I don't think it warrants the advocation of different groups within such a small social circle. Or one risks alienating people and diminishing the numbers.