Musing over the Anna Nicole Smith incident, I was thinking about the whole scenario where she was supposed to have married for money.
It got me thinking, how could anyone stoop that low? I have a relative who years ago said to me "only marry their cheque book and nothing else" :shock: I was outraged - (She's still single by the way).
When I married for the second time, I had such high hopes of being "better off" after being on my own for such a long time. How do we class being better off? Financially I was a little bit, but emotionally I was ten times better off, I was happy and contented!
We've been together nearly 10 years now and money has often been a struggle, I could never have walked out over money issues, what I have with Jay and the kids is much more important than money.
What do others think?
Oooh Jaymar you're busy thinking this morning.... :idea: :idea: :idea: Is this your new found creative sig working?
i am feeling very silly and futile this morning :silly: so shall return to this later when being more sensible.
pink x
Oooo, cool thread and very timely.
Mr Bloke's mother told us at the weekend that her 72 year old friend had gone to Africa on holiday and come back with a 26 year old Gambian boyfriend - seriously! :shock:
Surely its the persect makes sense to me. they both get something out of it.
Is she well off Blokes?
It would be nice to thnk that there is some emotional link as well, but as long as she is going in with her eyes open.....fair play to her!
money cant buy happiness but think of the fun you could have finding that out
without wanting to sound sexist i dont know any man that has married for normally he gives everything plus the shirt on his back when/if the divorce comes through....i knew a couple she came from money.....he did not.......she got his car!!
oh well
Would I marry for money? No.
Now chocolate- thats a different matter!
Over the years as a single girl ive had many offers from well off men who quite frankly have little to offer other than a small fortune and ive always turned them down.
Ive got my own money and it may not be as much as they were offering buy its mine with no strings attached.
Money cant buy what i want, so why try, and if it could be bought it wouldnt be worth having.
i could marry for money but i am shallow
I don't think i could marry someone just for their money but hell it would be nice to find someone to fall in love with who was rich :lol2:
Not to be too prickly (I'll try) I think that Anna Nicole SMith may have set out to marry for money but she certainly didn't get it - the family are still disputing her share of the fortune. Even if she did, if she gave that old bloke the time of his life for the last few years he was kicking about, and he knew she was in it for the money and he actually got something out of it rather than the brats he produced who probably spent years merely living off him, then is it really so bad.
On another topic, I have become disconcerted with the number of attractive educated women I know who are actually more interested in a fella's bank balance than his personality or his actual interest in them. I once had a surreal conversation with a bunch of women I know who were discussing the MINIMUM amount of money they would accept being spent on their engagement rings, regardless of their fella's income and they were all aghast when I said how much I was going to spend on alovely watch I want when I win my first case... it was all truly truly strange.
They found it odd that a woman would actually want to know what she was getting herself, rather than WHO Was going to buy what for her, they then were even more taken aback at the fact that all of the lovley jewelery I own was bought by ... well ME.
I do have some lovely jewellery bought for me by past lovers, but they are special and worn on special occasions, and no they didn't go back ( I'm no nun) but they were bought as a token of esteem and so not something to be worn as a trinket or some token of wealth.
Lots of people are only interested in money - as am I , but I'm going to earn my own - not sure there that places me in the debate, but there you go!
Amber xx