if you are looking for prostitutes..(the people who work in massage parlours).. then you have come to the wrong place!
there are many sauna clubs and places like that around.. but the women who go to them pick and chose who they play with.. if anyone, and are unlikely to be swayed by finacial gain.
This may seem a little dumb in such company and be a little hijack of this thread, but what would I expect to find in a sauna club?What actually happens in there (god I feel a right nob).Could somebody give me a brief description to the uninitiated to what I would asked me to a club once and to be honest I shit a brick!
I felt I may feel awkward as I am quite a nervous soul
Tell me am I missing out on something good here-baring in mind I am entering the arena as effectively single?
I regularly use a local hotel's sauna, steam room and jacuzzi
Mainly I find most people respectful and pleasant, the place is very relaxing and that's exactly what I go there to do
There's a small minority that may think they are allowed to do anything they want but I find that they quickly realise I'm not interested - and if not a slap helps!!!!
It all depends on where u go and what the rules are.
Clubs can be different but if all else fails remember your manners and be polite
Id not thought of that - Hotels. Is it any hotel though or does it it help if its known for swingers?
So what are you after Davide mate ?? Quick shag no strings , willing to pay if neccessary , but if you can get it free from one of those swingers birds then all the better ??
Someone post him a link to the sad sacks at the punter boards.