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members of old

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hi there , this is a thread for those of us that have been around for some time on here, over 6 months and a whole lot longer in some cases
just to say we are still around
wild rose and the stag, (wbn and mm39 as we once were )
we hardly recognise any of the names on here these days, wheres all our mates gone?
Hello u sexy little sugarpuffs !!!
I am still here ............. bit like a bad penny ............... just cant get rid of me :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We're still here - keeping a low profile here now though.
I am still here.... I tried to leave but some bugger has locked the door lol
im still here, never left, and coming on for 2 and half years as a member now.
glad to see you posting rats
xxxlou xxxxxx
WRATS!!! kiss
Good to see you.
Now you're here any chance of you 2 starting a lively fun thread like the signpost challenge?
The place needs brightening up lol
I come and go, where? Nobody knows, or cares, or notices sad
Heelloo WRATS wave
Cos we all know you as BigDewi... erm.. osmosis! lol
Gem. x
ps. Hi wrats wave
I'm still here too!!
You won't get rid of me that easily..... wink
Glad you said members of old and not old members ........ else I'd have had to hold both hands up!
Quote by steveg_nw
Glad you said members of old and not old members ........ else I'd have had to hold both hands up!

i gues i better show my face too then lol.
oh, and the voice over my shoulder says hi aswell lol
Quote by well_busty_babe
i gues i better show my face too then lol.
oh, and the voice over my shoulder says hi aswell lol

Hmmm, I've got 10 bottles of high maintainance 3quid chardonnay with your name on it now mrs! lol
And hi to the voice over your shoulder.
Pst.... I've told you to go to the therapist instead of talking to yerself you know! Next you'll be getting hairs in the palms of your hands!
even worse, you will have just looked for them too!
Gem. x
Quote by steveg_nw
Glad you said members of old and not old members ........ else I'd have had to hold both hands up!

your member is dead old but my bits are slightly older lol lol lol lol lol
Hello wrats xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I come and go in a puff of real smoke lol
'Fraid I'm here too, though you may remember me as pussypleaser777 from somewhere else!
Still hanging about and enjoying it.
Phredd smile
I am still here... can't remember- must an old member. I certainly have one biggrin
Bloody ell! :shock:
They're all crawling out from underneath the pile of writhing bodies and computer cables lately biggrin
Hello everyone who's an oldie but a goodie wave
tis nothing but an illusion :P :shock: wink
Hello folks!
I pop in occasionally biggrin
Did someone mention 'old members'?
Cue Ball biggrin
still here....but guess living on borrowed time.....coz my re-newal of membership comes up at some point.....and being a mean sod....I'm sorry admin but i ain't paying !!!
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I'm about wave

We know wink
we're going to have to set up mouse traps at this rate :P lol
I've been around here so long they say I'm part of the furniture long as I'm not the commode. :cry:
listen you lot its been a real pleasure seeing a thread we are all on, lets not lose touch , cos we go together ........... rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong,
remembered forever
as shoobop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom.
Chang chang changitty chang shoobop,
that's the way it should be,
wha oooh, yeah!
We're one of a kind,
like dip dadip dadip doowop da doobee doo,
our names are signed
boogedy boogedy boogedy boogedy shooby doowop shebop.
Chang chang changitty chang shoobop,
we'll always be like one,
Wa wa wa waaah.
When we go out at night,
and stars are shinin' bright
up in the skies above,
or at the high school dance,
where you can find romance,
maybe it might be love.
rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong
shoobop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom
chang chang changitty chang shoobop
dip dadip dadip doowop da doobee doo
boogedy boogedy boogedy boogedy shooby doowop shebop
rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong
shoobop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom
chang chang changitty chang shoobop
dip dadip dadip doowop da doobee doo
boogedy boogedy boogedy boogedy shooby doowop shebop
We're for each other,
like baba lumop and bam boom,
just like my brother
is sha na na na na na na na yippity dip de doom.
Chang chang changitty chang shoobop,
we'll always be together,
wha oooh, yeah!
We'll always be together.
We'll always be together.
We'll always be together.
(repeat to fade
you see its the old familiar faces that make this site worth comming back to, without you lot well it just isnt fun anymore, what ever happens gang stay in touch
did you get that down? day you might just need it
staggy and my beautiful wild rose
I'm still here.................................
Not as often as I used to be but still around and getting older by the second!
oooops I just popped in :shock: