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Memory Lane 32k

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I was sorting out the loft last night (oh the fun i have!!) and i found my very first computer....
So i hauled it down plugged everything in turned on and...
It still worked!! biggrin :D
My old Acorn Electron... memories of spending days typing in programs only to find they didn't work oh joys of BBC Basic. confused :?
Even found some old games on TAPE!!!
Much eeeeee erererghhh hpphphphph ping ping from an old tape player
20 minutes later and i'm back being 10 years old pllaying Elite..
Does any one else remember their first computer???
And what did Swingers do before the Internet?? :? :?
More Elite for me tonight yay!!
I still have my unmodified ZX81 in the loft, with 16k Rampack which cost an armm and a leg at the time - And a Spectrum 48K. Never to be used again, unless I have the perverse desire to sit pratting with the volume wheel on my tape recorder whilst watching the black & white lines on my TV screen, trying not to disturb the wires because it made the program crash.....
Rick biggrin
funny i went in my loft last weekend and discovered my old vic 20 lol . complete with games and everything ( still dnot know whether to risk rigging it all up tho lol)
The wife and I were clearing things in the loft the other day - dirty, smelly and full of cobwebs.
Still, shes good with the kids!
i have a amiga in the shed love all the old games lol
Some of these are becoming collectors items if they're in good condition, and people have brought out remakes of the old games/straight conversions to PCs and other.
If you fancy playing them but don't own one anymore, emulators are available for almost any computer you can think of - smartphones, PDAs, PCs, Playstations and other consoles... Spectrum, Commodore, Acorn,... I was always a Speccy fan (have a fairly sizable website from when I was into the demo scene) so could point you at a good speccy site to start with (WOS - google it, 2nd entry). I own about 5 and quite a bit of extra hardware (disk drives, joysticks, interfaces, mice,..).
If you're a lover of old games (like me! biggrin), there are several sites from which you can download emulators (programs that make your pc think it's a vic20/amiga/spectrum) and lots of the games can be found there too.
Here's a couple to start you off
Vic20 -
ZX Spectrum -
Just try a google search for your nostalgia of choice and hey presto! No more flashy graphics, surround sound and multiplayer experiences lol
Quote by northcoastboy
I was sorting out the loft last night (oh the fun i have!!) and i found my very first computer....
My old Acorn Electron... memories of spending days typing in programs only to find they didn't work oh joys of BBC Basic. confused :?
Does any one else remember their first computer???

OMG! I had one of those too. Bought it with my birthday/Christmas money. My mum used to buy me computer magazines every week for it but I didn't really have a fLuckin clue what I was doing. Just played Frogger all the time. I only wanted a computer cos my mate had one.
Before the internet, I read books! Devoured books. Usually two or 3 on the go at once, finished within a week or two at the most.
And TV of course. Telly addict. Hardly watch any TV now which is no great loss but I should really try and get back into reading a bit more.
Quote by JudyTV
I would be interested in a emulator for a C64 and certain commodore games, just for old times sake. The C64 gave me many hours of pleasure so it would be nice to revisit those halcyon days.

judy, you'll find several C64 emus and a ton of games dunno which is the best one?
regularly uses WinUAE for Amiga, and Steem for ST, though Amiga Roms and OS are harder to find since Cloanto started cracking down on the copyrights for the release of the next Amiga! ((( yeah right! don't hold your breath! rolleyes )))
the nostalgia things great, but most of the games were dire looking back now. gimme Halo 2 and Ratchet and Clank any day! lol
n x x x
who remembers the very old games consoles
grandstand binaton twiddly switch controller and atari console with the little black joystick
Quote by RickRoper
I still have my unmodified ZX81 in the loft, with 16k Rampack which cost an armm and a leg at the time - And a Spectrum 48K. Never to be used again, unless I have the perverse desire to sit pratting with the volume wheel on my tape recorder whilst watching the black & white lines on my TV screen, trying not to disturb the wires because it made the program crash.....
Rick biggrin

They were the days, still remember hand upgrading my 16k speccy with a soldering iron to 48k and how few lines of code you could get on the zx81 without the memory pack before its mem was full, not many smile
Flight simulator for the 48k speccy... jet pac... jet set willy... ahhh them were the days...
I remember having a ZXSpectrum,my mum only had the money for the 16k version but i thought it was the dogs bollocks anyhow....don't we take our 80GB pc's for granted now!
Quote by JudyTV
Thank you Neil, kiss
Don't you just love nostalgia?

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be rolleyes
Have to say I actually wrote a number of 1k games for the ZX1. Sad or what!!
I just bought a 1GB MMC today for my phone and was talking to the chap in the shop about how much things have changed. In fact I believe that there's more memory in the chip on my bank cards than in those first PCs - or even on the rockets which first sent men to the moon!
:shock: :shock:
Yep, I now have more processing power at my fingertips here at home now, than my first jobs entire computer mainframe! One day all this, what we have now will probably be powering our domestic appliances But I reckon that the future will bring stuff that we can only dream about, like hologram technology (The star trek holodeck springs to mind) and input will be on voice command with no keyboards or mice. (like 2001film ) e.g. "Hal" please open the SH forum an post this reply .....Hal, ." I'm sorry Dave , I can't let you do that, this conversation serves no purpose anymore.......good bye Dave..." .
i know a song about this
My first computer was a ZX81 with the 16k ram pack... but ooooh look at me. it had a real keyboard with proper keys attached via a ribbon cable.
Best game for it was the 3d monster maze. And oh yes the volume / tone controls on the tape player gave us hours of fun.
My first computer that I used to connect to the internet was a 286SX16 processor with 1mb ram and a 10Mb hard drive. running windows 95 and dialing up TO GERMANY at
the ram simms used to swap hands for £10 per 1/4 Meg yes thats right 256k for a tenner. As for the modem. It was about the same size as a box of cereal.
The first computer I built from component parts was 386SX20 with wow 4mb of ram and twin hard drives. 30mb and 20mb. When not banghead trying :banghead: to :banghead: get :banghead: compuserve :banghead: to :banghead: work, the games of the moment were Commander Keen (1 through 4), Duke Nukem, and many other platform games.
Ahh them were the days.