Merry Christmas!
Now, who wants a or/and or/and , plenty left if you're quick :rascal:
Quote by RedHot
Merry Christmas everyone. Have a wonderful day and don't get too hung over tomorrow ;-) :lol2:
TJ & Jon xxxxxxxx
Quote by Angel_and_H
Well ................................................
Hope you ALL had lovely and thoroughly enjoyable Christmas day
And wish EVERYONE ( including those viewers of this post who left no Xmas greetings lol) an extremely GOOD NEW YEAR and all the best swinging for 2007
oh and can someone tell me how to paste pics in posts (i.e greetings and cartoons and nice happy smiley stuff .............................I do live a blonde and need all the help I can get with intellectual stuff like that)......oh i know how to do emots lol............Angel xxxxxxxxx