These days I'm pretty boring and I just use my trusty old Vibrator....
But back in the day I used an Impulse Spray Can and a saucepan Handle :shock:
I did try a Mars bar once but it was very messy :grin:
Kit quite likes the rumble strip on the motorway. :twisted:
My good lady enjoys a butternut squash every now and then... starts off big.. becomes OH MY GOD!
still waiting for the first claim to a Toblerone :shock:
looking at some of the replies, Buying acceptable gifts for women now seems no longer a worry for me! Any old thing as long as its dildo shaped , an If the " girl of my dreams" still does not like it for what it is.......... she can still go f****** herself !!!!!!!
A friend of mine .... no was a friend of mine.. not me honest... locked up her jaw when she was fellating a deoderant can. I don't think she was doing it for any sexual gratification really, just to prove she could. Although.. from a male perspective... if it weren;t a deoderant can and you were stuck in this position for a long period of time before the fire brigase arrive, it wouldn't be a such a bad thing.