I'd have to agree, some models are so skinny they look like aliens, many TV presenters are far more attractive.
Holly Willoughbooby for one..
actually I really only posted this so I could say Willoughbooby...
There are lots of types of models out there, hand, bum/leg, catalogue, character, glamour, fashion.....I could go on, lol
They also come in all shapes and sizes funnily. The similarity is that they generally all are a tool to sell stuff.....so almost 2 dimensional, in that respect.
In simplest terms a fashion model is a clothes hanger/mannequin. There are 2 schools of thought with that too; one says the model should almost blend into the background and the other is where she/he is striking. But either way people should want to aspire to be them/buy what they are wearing.
The way this is put across, emotionally, is the balance of self esteem and use of jealousy etc. Kinda like.... look at me, I got this going on, don't you wanna look/be like me/have what I have got?
Some are naturally slim and others have to "work at it!" which I'm not a fan of really. In an ideal world they would use just regular people....one day maybe lol
I have met a lot of models and the nearer the fashion end the more their realities are "skewed". They tend to be nice people but the industry changes their attitude. The clever/stronger/older girls tend to be the nicest as they can see through all the nonsense lol.
These in my opinion are the most attractive. The likes of Elle and Kate now fit into this group, probably because they are older/wiser.
Having said that the C list/wanna be fashion models I have met tend to be right idiots/b*tches. I'm guessing there are a lot about and have a kinda pecking order/desperation thing going on.
The glamour models tend to be a lot more real/fun; they get to sell things via "sex" which isn't soo bad lol. They are allowed to be themselves more too. Having said that, a minority of those are "warped" sexually and the porn industry is always a powerful lure too.
One thing, you don't have to be super intelligent to be a model and sometimes that shows too ;o)
My favourites tend to have all the best qualities and for me are the most "attractive" on the whole. Having said that I'm rubbish at faces and names so can't really offer any examples.
Although I was doing a job one day and they were casting for a model for the shoot the next day. The brief was for a tall, blonde, slim and leggy model and they had about 30 girls in. One girl lit up the room as she came in tho, wearing normal clothes (arun jumper, jeans and boots) she had a presence.....and all the things I've said already here. No idea what her name is lol.
*totally deadpan*
Hand models do better if they have magic/conjuring skills (think sleight of hand ;o)....
I did a casting for a pop video once and they wanted our hands to be the actors lol, kinda like Mrs hand and her 5 daughters...........meets Morph.
Fashion models look like young men...tall very slim and no boobs.... a lot of fashion designers are gay men....coincidence?
I find most female fashion models,(I'm assuming that's whom were referring too)are very attractive; However, in reality they tend to be a couple of inches taller than me which isn't instantly appealing. I have only known a couple of fashion models personally tho', nonetheless I'm ticking the attractive box.