Just looking at the hijack of Frecklebirds locked "mods" post and it happens to echo something the wife and I briefly touched on at the weekend.
With most major fashion and style movements they hang on for a couple of generations so we get ageing Rockers and ageing hippies easily recognised in every town, but you don't ever see baldies in anoraks riding scooters with too many wing mirrors do you?
Funny that.
Mine's a 1962 J49, can't play well, I'm crap but I love the thing for the sound, the quality, and really the thin neck (I've got small hands).
Also got a 1964 Harmony H77 that I had new, (showing my age).
Gosh, you two have got dirtty minds!!!!
Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end.
yep im an ageing mod/scooter/ska girl
had me own original lambretta 125..............in 1981
awww neil erm i was
was 17 nearly ................when my dad bought me it and done it up ..erem shhh was only meant to ride a 50cc but dont tell anyone
Found this when trawling the web.
Thought it was a kind of cool.