well with this rain........
it saves digging a trench
There are humane traps that can be used. You have to find one of the runs, fit it into the run and then wait. Moles are territorial so you will probably have only one pair, but boy do they dig. Good luck...........and when it is time to get rid of it.........sneak into somebodies garden that has pee'd you off and release it :twisted:
I have just googled mole traps and there are some very intersting ones out there! :shock: evil looking and very dangerous!
FB is sure there's an analogy to be had regarding moles on the site!
You can get a thing that is the size of a rolling pin that has to be buried completely in the ground and it vibrates periodically. Their success depends on the ground they`re in as some soils transfer the vibrations better than others. Find these things at your local agricultural/equestrian suppliers. You MAY find then at a garden centre depending who they are.
I have a 2 acre lawn, and fight a constant battle with moles, recently got up one morning to find 18 huge molehills had appeared in one night.
I've tried every kind of mole scarer, setting my own traps, allsorts of old wives remedies but to no avail..
Now I pay a guy to catch them, he's a real old country farmer, a right character, but Boy he's good... last year he caught 2 with his bare hands whilst setting traps..
The 18 molehills that appeared overnight appear to have been the work of ONE mole.. (he got caught the next day, and released somewhere a long way away), and since then we have been mole hill free again.. until next time..
My guy charges me £20 quid per episode...
My advice.. get the yellow pages, look up farmers, and start ringing round the smaller ones, asking if they know any mole catchers..
Good Luck..