I have a problem.
I have an enquiring mind but simply cant accept any information presented to me as fact by the government/churches/media without establishing the facts and applying my own logical thought process.
I know not believing in the moon landings is an established "conspiracy theory" (a phrase so often used to poo poo any thoughts that that are not consistent with accepted fact). I find it incredibly difficult to believe that the moon landings happened.
My main reasons are:
1. I dont believe we had the technology 40 years ago.
2. We have made remarkably little progress since.
3. The imperatives to succeed in this venture were sufficiently overwhelming to justify deception.
What do you think?
I think that the Russians, who tracked the whole mission by satellite and telescope might of mentioned something if the Americans didn't go there.
simple really
I suspect it's like most things. There's not much recognition for second place, so once something's been done, the emphasis is on the next biggest challenge.
There have been several investigative documentaries about a fake landing and they've all concluded that it was real.
The technology was very low in comparison to today's, but electronic navigation, rocket attitude correction etc were already established technologies from the mid 1940's (Werner Von Braun).
Much progress has been made since, but very few manned missions have taken place. Many remote drones have been used since to sample the Moon's geology/topography. Humans just don't need to go anymore, they're "excess weight" to the mission, also the costs are getting harder to justify with very little return.
Didn't they cam it? Isn't that proof enough?! :giggle:
Sorry... I'll get me coat! :silly:
Dg Come here for a spanking. Nothing to do with your previous post, I just fancy it to be honest... ;-)
As for the moonlandings... It does seem fantastical to consider how far we have come and yet for all the advances we have made with technology, we are still some way off being able to replicate effectively what happened (or was faked!) in 1969.
There's one bit in Apollo 13 that sums it up for me, when they have to work out the Gimbal angles to transfer from one computer to the other, and they have to do this entirely using slide rules and mental maths! Now there's pressure for you trigonometry fans.
I do love a good conspiracy theory but for me I do think the landings took place. I believe their real value was primarily political and did little to advance scientific knowledge and technology in a meaningful sense and the prohibitive cost I think has put future governments off replicating it.
That said, there are some interesting anomalies in the moon pictures that experts have queried.
Oh please don't let me get started on this subject :shock:
Go on Sassy... I'd love to hear what you think, plus we get to look at your avatar while we read it too.
Is that a full moon or half? ;-)
nah i dont believe the moon landings happened ,i believe it was just to get one over the russians in the space race....but hey i believe in the stargate programe so dont take my word for it lol
the Americans put a nice big mirror on the moon so we could fire a laser at it and tell that the moon is moving away from the earth at about 4 inches a year any body can fire there lasers from there observatories from any country . as was said before the Soviet Union would love to have disproved them but the evidence is just to strong for them
I saw "moon" and thought....
every moon-landing kills a Clanger!
Stop This Madness!