What for you is the most irritating advert on the TV at the moment? For us its the 'Go ' one where the guy suddenly appears and starts squawing 'Go Compare'. We can't reach for the mute button quick enough!!!
The nescafe advert we capture coffee at its brightest. Was watching tv the other night only for about an hour with my daught and they showed it every commerical break and it just goes on and on.
Maybe it's because I'm reaching the Victor Meldrew stage of my mentality, but I find most telly adverts annoying nowadays. I have to agree that stupid singing bloke you mentioned really gets on my tits, but so do all the ones for cosmetics.
WTF is Hyrdolonoic Acid, and why would acid be good for your skin?
Why do they think we believe that Eva Longoria sits at home every weekend dying her roots?
I could go on for hours but the voices are telling me to walk away now! ;-)
That ad where theres supposed to be 80 cars hidden in it...wayyyyy too fast to find them.
The fat solicitor bloke who is going to Make them pay you compensation, he scares me !
Michael Winner advertising insurance.
The cillit bang man, why doe she shout ?
I could go on, but I won't !
The mascara advert that shows you how huge and long your eye lashes will look if you use their product - and then they add "enhanced in post production"... how stooooooopid do they think we are?
The fupping Meerkat. Oh for a hungry pack of Hyena's...
I usually record the programs I want to watch -- then I can fast-forward through all the annoying ads.....
Strangely enough I'm watching more telly these days.
I agree that the Go one is really bad.
The thing that's got up my nose lately is the little whistle at the end of the McDonalds adverts. Makes you want to stuff yer quarter pounder down their throat with a bit o' relish - if you know what I mean. :twisted:
every single one of them we buy ya old gold adsgets on my tits - like we dont know gold is worth summat!!
and ocean finance and all their ilk - ffs giv us a break - and thats anotha one the Kit-Kat kareoke ad - its shit
the smarmy cat in Iams pet food grates on me nerves
I'll have to stop now b4 this becomes a rant
lead me to the calming room please nurse
Thanks everyone for your great comments, look forward to more.
By the way, re the Shake and Vac ad; Madame Smooth does that every day............in her dreams!!!
That shredded wheat advert with the women all staring at the box in wonderment and muttering about there only being one ingredient and how that makes life easier. FFS did they find them in a home for the permanently bewildered?
Seriously - if the content of their breakfast is the biggest worry on their minds they should try my life - or any normal person's life.
Of course they are actresses with real lives of their own and probably needed the money but REALLY! Could you EVER be that hard up that you'd present yourself as thick as custard on national TV?
If it is supposed to make me think - aha that is the answer to my early morning confusion. They are sadly and very badly mistaken. They are simply insulting the intelligence of everyone with the wit to hit the channel button on the remote.
I have refused to buy perfectly good products because of ads that weren't as annoying as that one. (Cillit bang for instance)