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Motorway flashing fun ....

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Hi all ... just wondered if any of you who flash the truckers on the motorway ever get shunned ??
Weve just travelled back from Cornwall (to West Yorkshire) and opted to drive through the night to avoid the big traffic jams ... so we set off at 11pm and the roads were good ..
As we were on the M5 we thought we'd have a little fun and flash some truckers, there weren't 100's of them but enough for some fun, nothing to much just some titty flashing ...
We were quite suprised that some of them didnt seem interested and just carried on looking at the road ahead ... not sure if there's a code or some thing we should of done or was it they are just happily married guys ...
Dont get me wrong, there was a good few who seemed to enjoy the view, with it been dark the interior light was on so they could see very well .... smile
P.S. Was you one of the truckers we flashed, between midnight and 4am ? M5, M6 and M62 Saturday early hours ??
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
However, would you have enjoyed it if someone had crashed? This is the reality of late night driving, it takes concentration. confused
Having to do that journey on those roads which are never empty, even at night. I choose to do my travelling at night so it's quieter and I don't think I'd appreciate a tired lorry driver in a several ton truck swerving around because of your flashings on motorway bridges.
Well, as you can tell, I think trying to distract drivers is totally irresponsible. If you are a driver then you know the amount of concentration driving takes, even at night.
did u know that the m25 has so many cams that they can zoom into yr car tax ??? so police can see what u doing lol...thay been putting them up all round. they can follow a car all over london...east end have them every 1oo yrds or so.
Driving with the interior light on probably constitutes an offence and you would certainly be visible to the police either by camera or from their cars. Having done a little night time lorry driving it does take a lot of concentration to stay on the road especially when the time for a break is approaching. If you are hell-bent on flashing do it in the daylight and let everyone have a look, but choose your locations.
Quote by little gem
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
However, would you have enjoyed it if someone had crashed? This is the reality of late night driving, it takes concentration. confused
Having to do that journey on those roads which are never empty, even at night. I choose to do my travelling at night so it's quieter and I don't think I'd appreciate a tired lorry driver in a several ton truck swerving around because of your flashings on motorway bridges.
Well, as you can tell, I think trying to distract drivers is totally irresponsible. If you are a driver then you know the amount of concentration driving takes, even at night.

Well said, Gem. Completely agree that it's irresponsible.
Quote by Smooth2
If you are hell-bent on flashing do it in the daylight and let everyone have a look, but choose your locations.

I wouldn't encourage anyone to get up to this dangerous activity at any time of day at any location. Accidents can happen any time anywhere - a driver only needs to be distracted for a few seconds. Is it really worth the risk?
Quote by Davo.
We were quite suprised that some of them didnt seem interested and just carried on looking at the road ahead ... not sure if there's a code or some thing we should of done or was it they are just happily married guys ...

Perhaps they were too busy concentrating on their driving and trying not to have an accident? Sorry if it sounds harsh but have to say that flashing any driver, on a motorway, or any other road is a rather irresponsible thing to do. How would you feel if one of them had an accident, and someone was seriously hurt, or even worse killed? Having fun is one thing (and flashing can be brilliant fun) but please, do it where you are not putting yourselves or others in danger.
Lots of people, including ourselves, like a bit of risky fun, but it is always much safer and more sensible to try and work out if the people you are flashing, actually want to be flashed at, and that if they do have a good look, you are not putting anyone in danger just to satisfy your needs.
If you want to try flashing the truckers, why not wait till they are quietly parked up somewhere and discreetly do it there, perhaps on the services, but please, don't risk causing an accident by doing it while they are driving. Oh, and if you do flash on the services, watch out for cameras wink
Some take a different view and find nudity helpful, like the Danes in wonderful wonderful Copenhagen
Make way for the speed control Bikini Bandits. A specially trained team of enthusiastic young women not afraid to do whatever it takes so that motorists pay more attention to the speed limit
Quote by Kaznkev
i have a friend who spends most car journeys topless,but never at night,she says its a real thrill and she has promised to take me some time.:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
It does sound delicously naughty

How can you approve of someone driving in a totally irresponsible and dangerous manner when you are so highly critical of anyone exceeding the speed limit? dunno
Quote by Kaznkev
i have a friend who spends most car journeys topless,but never at night,she says its a real thrill and she has promised to take me some time.:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
It does sound delicously naughty

How can you approve of someone driving in a totally irresponsible and dangerous manner when you are so highly critical of anyone exceeding the speed limit? dunno
She isnt driving
And i really dont think a quick flash of tit is going to cause a crash.
The fact that she isn't driving makes no difference........and spending most car journeys topless is not what I would call a quick flash of tits. IMHO, a topless driver/passenger is more likely to cause an accident than a driver slightly exceeding a speed limit.
Quote by Max777
i have a friend who spends most car journeys topless,but never at night,she says its a real thrill and she has promised to take me some time.:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
It does sound delicously naughty

How can you approve of someone driving in a totally irresponsible and dangerous manner when you are so highly critical of anyone exceeding the speed limit? dunno
She isnt driving
And i really dont think a quick flash of tit is going to cause a crash.
The fact that she isn't driving makes no difference........and spending most car journeys topless is not what I would call a quick flash of tits. IMHO, a topless driver/passenger is more likely to cause an accident than a driver slightly exceeding a speed limit.
Two wrongs never make a right
Quote by Dave__Notts
i have a friend who spends most car journeys topless,but never at night,she says its a real thrill and she has promised to take me some time.:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
It does sound delicously naughty

How can you approve of someone driving in a totally irresponsible and dangerous manner when you are so highly critical of anyone exceeding the speed limit? dunno
She isnt driving
And i really dont think a quick flash of tit is going to cause a crash.
The fact that she isn't driving makes no difference........and spending most car journeys topless is not what I would call a quick flash of tits. IMHO, a topless driver/passenger is more likely to cause an accident than a driver slightly exceeding a speed limit.
Two wrongs never make a right
Is anyone advocating that two wrongs make a right? :dunno:
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush..
Quote by Kaznkev
she is a very responsible person,and former rally driver,so i find it hard to believe she would be a danger to information is needed i think.

So in some way it makes a difference that she was a rally driver in some way? Ludicrous statement.
Second point......I think a patrol officer would definatly find it a dangerous activity, as for sure the driver will be distracted either by her,or by watching the actions of the other drivers.
As a hater of speed as you have admitted, whilst it may well not be as dangerous as speeding, they both fall into the irresponsible category.
I am sure people speed for the same reasons as is naughty and gives one a rush.
Yes more information is needed.
Quote by Kaznkev
As a non driver i hadnt really considered this a dangerous activity.
i think i need to go ask her about that side of it,she is a very responsible person,and former rally driver,so i find it hard to believe she would be a danger to information is needed i think.

Read the other posts in this thread. Apart from the OP, the others condemn the activity as dangerous. A driver is quite likely to be distracted by a car containing a topless driver/passenger and as MikeNorth says a driver only needs to be distracted for a few seconds for an accident to happen.
She probably hasn't been involved in any accidents but seen lots in her rear view mirror!!
What he said! :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
I confess i did it once, flashing up the motorway that is. BUT, it was dead at the time, late at night on a Sunday on the M18 which is quiet then, virtually no traffic and no swerves caused. It was fun and i got a couple of truck horns (the sound ones, not real ones). I perhaps didn't consider how dangerous it was potentially. I get it now though.

It seems there are many things that cause accidents, and being distracted by other things is probably one of the most common.
You can imagine the scene in a court....sorry judge but my wife had her tits out to show to other drivers, but she found it so refreshing and naughty...
I was watching the road judge but did not see that young child step out in front of me....sorry she died. Am sure the judge would see it for the fun it meant to be.loon
I speed like we all do from time to time, mrs777 has flashed her tits at other road users, but then I realise there is a risk involved when not being fully aware of the road ahead.
Just like speeders anything that distracts you from watching the road is dangerous, at least when I am speeding I am aware of the road ahead and not looking at other drivers faces or a pair of tits.
They all fall into the same irresponsi8bilty, and take the consequences if caught.
I find it hard to believe someones naivety in thinking it is not dangerous or irresponsible, but then not much suprises me anymore.
Quote by vampanya
I confess i did it once, flashing up the motorway that is. BUT, it was dead at the time, late at night on a Sunday on the M18 which is quiet then, virtually no traffic and no swerves caused. It was fun and i got a couple of truck horns (the sound ones, not real ones). I perhaps didn't consider how dangerous it was potentially. I get it now though.

I think if we are honest and think back we can all remember doing things that seamed fun at the time but looking back were foolhardy, we were all young once wink
Quote by Bluefish2009
I confess i did it once, flashing up the motorway that is. BUT, it was dead at the time, late at night on a Sunday on the M18 which is quiet then, virtually no traffic and no swerves caused. It was fun and i got a couple of truck horns (the sound ones, not real ones). I perhaps didn't consider how dangerous it was potentially. I get it now though.

I think if we are honest and think back we can all remember doing things that seamed fun at the time but looking back were foolhardy, we were all young once wink
Much safer to do it in a layby I've learnt! :happy:
Quote by Max777

Two wrongs never make a right

Is anyone advocating that two wrongs make a right? dunno
Nobody is, but the debate was starting to spiral into which one was more dangerous.
They are both dangerous but carry different risk.
Whether people believe speeding or flashing are risks is dependant on the individual. They are both choices that in the eyes of the law are offences as they can both be factors in an accident. Whether it happens or not is dependant on another set of factors happening on that day.
So flashing or speeding per se will not always cause an accident.........but the person doing them has to face the fact that one day they may have to stand up in court and explain their reasons for their actions that caused a crash with potentially fatal consequences.
Not being involved in the accident but seeing it in the rear view mirror is spot on IMO. The person doing the flashing, whether in the drivers seat or passenger, is in a car under control. They are distracting other road users who by trying to look could lose control.
Looking at the otherside, if a professional driver sees this flashing then they also have a choice whether to look or not. They are controlling 44 tons of vehicle and have a huge responsibility to ensure the vehicle is in control at all times. Someone flashing is not akin to a Bull Mastiff leaping up at you with fangs snapping. A person seeing a pair of tits should not make a driver react in pure horror and swerve all over the place. The distraction would be the driver trying to get a better view. This is their choice, and as a professional they have to explain these judgements in court if an accident is caused.
The positive to take from this thread is that the drivers were professional and ignored the flashing and got on with their job, hence the OP.
The only thing that did cross my mind, did the OP only flash British trucks? If the HGVs were from the continent then they would be left hand drive so wouldn't have been able to see. So they could have spent their time flashing an empty window lol
Quote by Dave__Notts

Two wrongs never make a right

Is anyone advocating that two wrongs make a right? dunno
Nobody is, but the debate was starting to spiral into which one was more dangerous.
They are both dangerous but carry different risk.
Whether people believe speeding or flashing are risks is dependant on the individual. They are both choices that in the eyes of the law are offences as they can both be factors in an accident. Whether it happens or not is dependant on another set of factors happening on that day.
So flashing or speeding per se will not always cause an accident.........but the person doing them has to face the fact that one day they may have to stand up in court and explain their reasons for their actions that caused a crash with potentially fatal consequences.
Not being involved in the accident but seeing it in the rear view mirror is spot on IMO. The person doing the flashing, whether in the drivers seat or passenger, is in a car under control. They are distracting other road users who by trying to look could lose control.
Looking at the otherside, if a professional driver sees this flashing then they also have a choice whether to look or not. They are controlling 44 tons of vehicle and have a huge responsibility to ensure the vehicle is in control at all times. Someone flashing is not akin to a Bull Mastiff leaping up at you with fangs snapping. A person seeing a pair of tits should not make a driver react in pure horror and swerve all over the place. The distraction would be the driver trying to get a better view. This is their choice, and as a professional they have to explain these judgements in court if an accident is caused.
The positive to take from this thread is that the drivers were professional and ignored the flashing and got on with their job, hence the OP.
The only thing that did cross my mind, did the OP only flash British trucks? If the HGVs were from the continent then they would be left hand drive so wouldn't have been able to see. So they could have spent their time flashing an empty window lol
I wasn't just referring to the OP and "professional" drivers. I was referring to a post in which it was advocated that it was a naughty and fun thing to do to spend most of one's journeys topless.
The point I was making was that I am unlikely to be distracted by a car overtaking me doing a few miles over the speed limit but there's a fair chance I would be distracted by a car overtaking me where the passenger is, to use Kaz's terminology, flashing her tits.
In the the thread about speed cameras, Kaz raised the point about children being killed. What if a driver is driving through a built up area, within the speed limit but is then distracted by someone flashing their tits and doesn't see the child that steps out in front of him. Who is really responsible? The driver is guilty of a momentary loss of concentration and doubtless will be prosecuted, the flasher possibly but only if they are caught and identified.
Quote by Dave__Notts

Two wrongs never make a right

Is anyone advocating that two wrongs make a right? dunno
Nobody is, but the debate was starting to spiral into which one was more dangerous.
They are both dangerous but carry different risk.
Whether people believe speeding or flashing are risks is dependant on the individual. They are both choices that in the eyes of the law are offences as they can both be factors in an accident. Whether it happens or not is dependant on another set of factors happening on that day.
So flashing or speeding per se will not always cause an accident.........but the person doing them has to face the fact that one day they may have to stand up in court and explain their reasons for their actions that caused a crash with potentially fatal consequences.
Not being involved in the accident but seeing it in the rear view mirror is spot on IMO. The person doing the flashing, whether in the drivers seat or passenger, is in a car under control. They are distracting other road users who by trying to look could lose control.
Looking at the otherside, if a professional driver sees this flashing then they also have a choice whether to look or not. They are controlling 44 tons of vehicle and have a huge responsibility to ensure the vehicle is in control at all times. Someone flashing is not akin to a Bull Mastiff leaping up at you with fangs snapping. A person seeing a pair of tits should not make a driver react in pure horror and swerve all over the place. The distraction would be the driver trying to get a better view. This is their choice, and as a professional they have to explain these judgements in court if an accident is caused.
The positive to take from this thread is that the drivers were professional and ignored the flashing and got on with their job, hence the OP.
The only thing that did cross my mind, did the OP only flash British trucks? If the HGVs were from the continent then they would be left hand drive so wouldn't have been able to see. So they could have spent their time flashing an empty window lol
Dont think the bit in bold is quite right Dave. I could do a double take at a woman driving past tits out on the other side of a dual carriage way or a giraffe running up the other side of the dual carriage way. Thats not cus I am trying to get a better look its just as I was not expecting to see them in the first place :lol:
Apart from what Dave said there is the other aspect to this that I have commented on quite a bit in the past. That is once again seeking sexual gratification by involving third parties without their prior knowledge. It may seem fun but first off we dont all want to be flashed and some people will actually find it offensive. Secondly its illegal. For those reasons its not something I consider nice to do.
Quote by Max777
The point I was making was that I am unlikely to be distracted by a car overtaking me doing a few miles over the speed limit but there's a fair chance I would be distracted by a car overtaking me where the passenger is, to use Kaz's terminology, flashing her tits.
In the the thread about speed cameras, Kaz raised the point about children being killed. What if a driver is driving through a built up area, within the speed limit but is then distracted by someone flashing their tits and doesn't see the child that steps out in front of him. Who is really responsible? The driver is guilty of a momentary loss of concentration and doubtless will be prosecuted, the flasher possibly but only if they are caught and identified.

In the first paragraph, this is why I said two wrongs don't make a right. A few miles over is going over the speed limit. The degree of risk has increased. The faster you go over the more the risk. Risk is relative. To say you would be distracted by a pair of tits being flashed over a speeder is dependant where you see them. So I wouldn't agree that one is more risky than the other, but would look at it on a case by case basis.
In the second. Both are responsible IMO. The flasher and the driver. I would agree that the driver would be caught easier though.
Quote by Kaznkev
i hadnt considered it a risk

Yet has been stated already, you was quick enough to slag off the speeders even though you do not drive, and to give analogies of possible children being killed by speeders.
How you can consider a practice that someone does to distract other drivers not a risk to that driver and other road users, baffles me coming from someone who is quick to judge others.
IF you think about the possible risks involved, it is very obvious to anyone that it would indeed be considered a risk with possible dire consequences attatched.
Quote by Kaznkev
in the speeding thread.... " show that at their funerals ".

There are other comments you made in that thread that seem to show you as whiter than white, and yet when it suits you you say " i hadnt considered it a risk ".
Maybe those same others also did the same then? Merely an observation as to condon one and not find the other a risk, is pretty laughable to be honest.
Quote by Dave__Notts

The point I was making was that I am unlikely to be distracted by a car overtaking me doing a few miles over the speed limit but there's a fair chance I would be distracted by a car overtaking me where the passenger is, to use Kaz's terminology, flashing her tits.
In the the thread about speed cameras, Kaz raised the point about children being killed. What if a driver is driving through a built up area, within the speed limit but is then distracted by someone flashing their tits and doesn't see the child that steps out in front of him. Who is really responsible? The driver is guilty of a momentary loss of concentration and doubtless will be prosecuted, the flasher possibly but only if they are caught and identified.

In the first paragraph, this is why I said two wrongs don't make a right. A few miles over is going over the speed limit. The degree of risk has increased. The faster you go over the more the risk. Risk is relative. To say you would be distracted by a pair of tits being flashed over a speeder is dependant where you see them. So I wouldn't agree that one is more risky than the other, but would look at it on a case by case basis.
In the second. Both are responsible IMO. The flasher and the driver. I would agree that the driver would be caught easier though.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree Dave. I think a car overtaking me with someone flashing their tits poses a greater risk than a car overtaking me which is slightly exceeding the speed limit.
Quote by Kaznkev
What he said! :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:

And that amuses you why?
More than likely the same reason as me, I found it funny.
Even though I say the same saying, it made me laugh when I saw it in print i.e. "She probably hasn't been involved in any accidents but seen lots in her rear view mirror!!"
It certainly made me giggle lol
Quote by Max777
I think we'll have to agree to disagree Dave. I think a car overtaking me with someone flashing their tits poses a greater risk than a car overtaking me which is slightly exceeding the speed limit.

There is nothing wrong in disagreeing over certain points. We are individuals that have different levels of acceptance of risk.
I suspect if we ever served on the same jury it would make for a right interesting time in the jury room lol
Quote by Kaznkev
ahh to be free to post on here without being attacked because of who you are,not what you say,it must be fab.

You are mistaken, Davey gets attacked and abused all the time but the trick is, not to take things so personally biggrin