hi everyone not posted for a couple of days as we have had some unexpected news.
you may or may not know that mrs dpg is preganant and has got only a couple of weeks to go. friday we went shopping and she started to bleed (not heavy) but enough to go to the hospital when the midwife did an examination wasnt happy with the way the baby was lying next thing a consultant came in an examined her and sent her for an ultrasound scan.
everything is ok with baby the problem is where the baby is, she is on top of the placenta which is termed placenta previa which is apparently very dangerous in later pregnancy they admitted her there and then and told her she cant go anywhere until the baby either turns or she goes into labour if she goes into labour before then it will have to be delivered by c section they have given her some excercises to help baby move so fingers crossed that they work.
wish she was at home as the house is very quiet without her even with 4 girls running around :sad: :sad:
just thought i,d let you all know as we have made some good friends on here and didnt want you to just think we had dissapeared.

mr and mrs dpg xxxx