Really bad guitarist seeks female musicians for covers band, Influences Rolf Harris, Xylophones and Bontempi rancid eggs and rotten tomatoes await you at our first gig in............
Seriously, have we got any musicians on site, what do you play and what made you choose that instrument ?
Thats it then frecked bird, you are officailly promoted to the rhythm section lol
id like to learn how to play guitar but i dont think ive got the patience or the ill stick to triangle and castanets.
I can play the saxophone, decided on that one because when I was a teenager I thought they sounded sexy and were cool...........
Wish I had chosen guitar or piano now.
I'm a dab hand with the comb and paper. I've spent years perfecting "twanging" elastic bands, experimenting with different sizes and tensions.
Oh, and I've always wanted to try the kazoo!
I can play an 88 stringed guitar with both hands
I play the guitar relatuvely well and I have a good so=inging voice too.
Started on the guitar as part of a church worhip group ( hence the singing) and then went on to play at campfires etc for the scout association.
I would love to play the violin and the piano though
I play guitar. I spent around £1200 on it.
One of my fav sites on the web is Guitargeek, a site all about guitar equipment.