Hi -welcome 8)
Love the avatar :P
Then that was two of us who lost their virginity on Saturday! :shock: It was good to meet you EssexNymph!
Sappho xxx
Not all of us Lucy,some have done London what a great night and hopefully if we work it right then they will get bigger and better.
I think munching is a very amusing past time.
We had fun!!!!
As for my virginity..... mmmm tricky one that!!!
x x x x
me too Dweezil :cry:
:happy: but i hope that will change in Feb...The Chiltern one and the London one :bounce: horray!!
Can you come to either of those Dweezil??
It was fun losing my munch virginity with you Essex! So good to meet you, and everyone else, can't wait for the next one, hope you're all coming!
we will be losing our virginity at the chiltern munch then a weel larer in london
cant wait
xxxxxxxxxx debs_jamie