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My new avatar ... a quick thanks.

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13 replies
3 watchers
A number of people have commented on my avatar both in forum, pm and direct emails.
I'd like to say thank you and send a heartfelt kiss to you all.
For a while I've suffered a huge lack of self confidence and especially body confidence .. having children has left me with rather a lot more weight than I am used to and Morbius will testify that it has taken me a long time to feel relaxed with my body.
I am not the sort of person who even goes topless on holiday through embarrassment.
Taking the few pics that I have was a big thing for me and I've had so many responses I am genuinely overwhelmed.
so Thank You , Thank You, Thank You to everyone who has commented ...
It means a great deal to me :love:
I must admit I think you look stunning and think Morbius is a very lucky guy biggrin
You had absolutly nothing to worry about! I wish I had a smooth tummy like yours smile . We are so glad you shared :love:
Have no idea why you fretted about your body - simply stunning cool
just browsing thru last post thingie and clicked it ,read all and had a look at pic biggrin very very nice......byexx
Have no idea why you fretted about your body - simply stunning cool

Hear hear!!! I must say though, having been much thinner and now finding it almost impossible to lose the weight I've gained I know exactly where Calista is coming from. It's taken a long time for me to like my body the size it is now, but for the most part I'm fairly happy with it.
Calista, you lok ab fab on your av. Looking forward to seeing more ;)
Calista,you look fantastic,i know how it feels to be body conscious.
Ive lost quite a bit of weight so far and still have a way to go yet and am stil extremely conscious of certain parts of my body(hence why theres no midrift shots of me anywhere!)
You seriously have nothing to fret about,you look amazing
Have no idea why you fretted about your body - simply stunning cool

I agree whole heartedly with you MissChief
I totally agree with all the previous posts...
Calista, you look gorgeous! :thumbup:
(...and I only had to edit coz I can't spell today...)
Quote by Calista
It means a great deal to me :love:

Awww. You're most welcome! :love:
Imho, you're not only beautiful but perfectly-proportioned as well.
I took a look at your new site and, although all of the photos are just lovely, I think you chose the best one for your avatar! ;)
~Reese! surprised
Quote by Calista
I'd like to say thank you and send a heartfelt kiss to you all.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm now your talking lol :twisted:
- i think there a a lot of kisses owing to a lot of members because they are fanbloodytastic pictures.
XXXJust back from the toilet after checking out your site redface nice heart shaped botty btw,mmmmmmmmm
Well i truelly meant what i said about you looking absolutely fabulous,and remember,were not too far away from you two wink :twisted:
My vote is in...
and it is definately arousing, so although I see your issues I know dam well it turns a few heads...
Calista, I'd just like to add my 2p's worth by saying you have an absolutely fantastic Reubenesque figure, and you should be really proud of it, even moreso for the fact that your pics seem to be driving the good menfolk of this here site wild!