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My Penis

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Well, no…not mine cos I aint got one confused :?
My Penis and everyone else’s!
I know we’ve all talked about size before but just watched the above programme on BBC3, absolutely fascinating!
The commentator has a three and half inch penis and had already come to terms about his size and felt happy with it! He wondered how other guys felt about the size of theirs so he decided to try and set up a mans group so guys could to talk to each others about size and other things! I used to organise women’s groups an that was hard enough!! So I guessed that he’d have a tough job!
He went out on the street with a placard, spoke in Hyde Park at speakers corner, went to gyms, barbers to talk to men! All to no avail - few guys would talk about their penis!
He looked at alternative’s to make penises larger, for example; penis enlargement products - where sales had increased by 50% over the years, medical procedure - enlargement done by taking fat from the bum and adding to the girth and a DIY enlargement (one guy used a grease gun on his - not recommended guys).
It ended by him organising an exhibition of penises called *Snap your Chap*. Guys were encouraged to send in mobile pics of their pride an joy for a photography exhibition. A 100 photo’s later and a reasonably crowd into the exhibition he managed to get guys talking about size, shape, masturbation techniques etc. etc. Some guys even took pics there an then in a photo tent and added to the exhibition…
As a woman, I suppose I do have certain expectations and like a pretty one!! An judging by the photo gallery here and my pm box at times :? some of you guys like your penis!
So guys……. Does size matter to you???? Are you proud of your penis? Do you love it or hate it?
Women - would the size/shape of a penis have an impact on a potential relationship?? Or even a swinging meet??? (this Q doesn't include me :lol2smile
Being honest and very shallow here - it would me yes!redface If I don't like your penis for some reason not sure if I see a guy as potential relationship fodder...sad but true!! So probably wouldn't go any further if I met someone! I have once met a penis I liked a lot......but I didn't like him very much :? Mmmmm wish I'd take a mold for the shelf!!!
PS this is not for an essay, research, magazine, tv programme etc!! Never thought about penis size from a male point of view before...thats all :smile:
Hi Anais
I'm not looking for male meets but if I were as long as it does what it says on the tin size doesnt matter to me. After all I'm not that well endowed in the boob department, but they still feel great when they are played with. As far as I know most of them when hard seem to do the job quite nicely.
If I were forced to be picky I would say girth is more important for meet circumstances. If we're talking love and long term relationships though, I could'nt give a rats arse what size it is as I fell in love with Stormy a long long time before I ever went near his willy :P
Fire xxx
I am about 50% happy with mine confused
Happy about length as it can give Shaz a sharp pain sometimes if i get carried away.. so more length could just cause more discomfort ( for us ) but would love a bigger girth redface
Me and Shaz only the other day was talking about what we would do if we won the lottery and for her fat taken from her thighs and belly and mine was to have a fatter nob lol
so here..
not 100% happy surprisedops: biggrin
At 6" I am what you call average I guess.I am quite content with it in itself for myself but of late it's not getting into certain erotic situations as much as I'd like lol!
Quote by anais
Women - would the size/shape of a penis have an impact on a potential relationship?? Or even a swinging meet???

Good question Anais confused
I would like to say that an un-pretty penis wouldn't be a problem in a possible relationship, but I honestly think it would redface My personal preference is 6"-ish, un-circumcised, with neat, trimmed hairstyle. If I had to wake up each morning next to a mushroom-headed bouffant, I couldn't see it lasting very long :lol2: Shallow I know, but how many men would put up with my saggy tits and bucket fanny for long eh ? ;)
With regards to a swinging meet, I have been in situations where I have not seen the old one-eyed snake before getting down to it and, on occasion, been less than impressed with the old boy, but carried on like the trooper I am :thumbup: I have since learned from my mistakes lol
An ode to My Penis.
Oh Penis Oh Penis, you are my dearest.
i love you in my arms,
i always succumb to your charms.
you could be bigga, but anais, then i wouldnt get it in ya!
serious though i like my willy, hes reliable, always there for me (thank f*ck).
If im honest his length is fine but i wouldnt say no to a little bit more width. but as i said he has always suited me and my partners fine (or so they say).
i suppose its like trying to judge your own boobs anais , ime comfertable with my size etc but always feel like i could do with a bit more ,so its better to have an unbiased opnion on looks size etc,its like when a man tells you u look great and no your not fat etc most women will put themselves down, guys do the same unless very blessed , the avarage cock size in the uk is 5 inchs so if thats avarage then ime above average, some guys on this site are well above that u only got to look at some of the cams to see this is true,as for talking about my penis to another guy i doubt it would happen ,but to females i have no problems disccussing it, its probly some latent homophobic thing in guys that if you asked another bloke about his cock he might think u were gay or summit........ hope this one males look at the subject helps wave
I cant say I have ever been worried about mine, maybe when I was a teenager I was slightly worried about a lack of pubic hair for a while but thats more the dressing than the old boy himself. Mine is Mr average I would like to think he does a better than Mr average job though :twisted: I have had some rave reveiws I have also had a lot of complaints sad
Some Woman were happy
Some woman moaned
Some woman moaned a lot
and some Woman moaned continuosly all night long :haha:
Tweekys todger, its the place to be. first class seats still available. Sponsored by tweeky airways, giving you the ride of your life.
Nice topic :thumbup:
Size is of no importance to me whatsoever as long as it gets to a decent hardness and does the trick lol I've been out with men in the past who were very well endowed but didn't quite know what to do with it so it all comes down to getting to know the woman and what pleases her rather than the length or girth.
For me anyway cool
My Penis
by Keeno age 44 3/4 years
It's an ugly little sod. Well.... I guess it's normal and like most others and therefore okay if you happen to like the last turkey in the shop look.
I don't think about it a lot except when it's about to go into action by which time it's in charge and what I think is of little or no importance as long as it gets to do what it wants.
So on the whole I'm happy with mine and so it seems are the woman who have experienced it.
I love my little penis. Granted he's not the biggest in the world.
Often dribbles when he gets excited or you stroke his belly for long enough.
Got a wonderful black furry coat all over. Very shiny and healthy looking it is.
Always cleans the bowl and still looks up wanting more.
Yep, I have indeed named my dog 'penis'. Can be a bit awkward when he runs off in the park and you're shouting him back. Some of the guys just don't know how to take it 'Here penis penis penis. Come here boy!'
As for my own. Could be many things but I wouldn't change a bit. It wouldn't be my own then. I'm a firm believer that some people just aren't sexually compatable. The bits just don't fit would be another way of putting it. So, when you ladies all say you all like an attractive looking schlong, it could be that your lady bits were actually perfect fit for the rather odd, bent looking one next to it. rolleyes Just try them all wink
I saw this too. I did find it interesting that men are so reticent about talking about these things. Women get judged every day on the size of their boobs, we don't have the luxury of hiding our inadequacies in our trousers.
Do I think size matters? Yes. Too big can be very painful, small can be made up for in other ways, although very small would be a little disappointing. I prefer cut to not, trimmed to shaved.
Quote by H-x
I saw this too. I did find it interesting that men are so reticent about talking about these things. Women get judged every day on the size of their boobs, we don't have the luxury of hiding our inadequacies in our trousers.
Do I think size matters? Yes. Too big can be very painful, small can be made up for in other ways, although very small would be a little disappointing. I prefer cut to not, trimmed to shaved.

Fire goes off to find Stormy a pair of secateurs (sp) and a lawnmover .......
I'm so dead when he see's this rotflmao
Ummmm I really do want to talk about mine.. It is purple marbled effect with a lovely pink harness. It is pretty wide and long but I do have a smaller one perfect for anal for those shy retiring anal lovers..
it is uncut and bald as a bald thing.
I do like a cock that is the same size all the way along. I don't particularly care how big it is.. but I do desperately prefer the ones that are hard as rock...
It is a cliche but it isn't the cock that makes a good fuck it is the person.
Cut or uncut ? I have only been with men who have uncut... but to look at I like both.
definately trimmed... but, like my women I like hair..nothing pre-pubescent.
have I waffled enough?
Johns is cut, good length and I find it looks pretty compared to a uncut, but not bothed. I had the pleasure of a uncut thick one last week end and had not problems enjoying it wink
Quote by splendid_
Ummmm I really do want to talk about mine.. It is purple marbled effect with a lovely pink harness. It is pretty wide and long but I do have a smaller one perfect for anal for those shy retiring anal lovers..
it is uncut and bald as a bald thing.
I do like a cock that is the same size all the way along. I don't particularly care how big it is.. but I do desperately prefer the ones that are hard as rock...It is a cliche but it isn't the cock that makes a good fuck it is the person.
Cut or uncut ? I have only been with men who have uncut... but to look at I like both.
definately trimmed... but, like my women I like hair..nothing pre-pubescent.
have I waffled enough?

Oh too!!!!!!
Quote by H-x
I saw this too. I did find it interesting that men are so reticent about talking about these things. Women get judged every day on the size of their boobs, we don't have the luxury of hiding our inadequacies in our trousers.

I'm not sure it's fair to compare penises and breasts. I would suggest that boob size and upper body muscles (physic)would be a similar thing. It would be fairer to compare penises and vaginas.
Now do woman discuss the size of their vaginas? I don't know but they probably do. biggrin
well a work colleague once asked me on a drunken works 'do' was the rumour true that I had a c*nt like a bucket :eeek:
does that count if OTHER people discuss the size of it??
and i wouldnt mind but that was back in the days when I was a good, clean living quiet girl, who had only ever been with my hubby (pre SH lmao lol )
I once met a guy who had a smallish willy, which to me isn't the end of the world, BUT he did have ginger pubes and some of the hairs went up the shaft to the head. It made me feel really sick. Sorry guys if you have anything like this but eek, no!!! :scared:
Quote by keeno
I'm not sure it's fair to compare penises and breasts. I would suggest that boob size and upper body muscles (physic)would be a similar thing. It would be fairer to compare penises and vaginas.
Now do woman discuss the size of their vaginas? I don't know but they probably do. biggrin

Quote by Bonedigger
well a work colleague once asked me on a drunken works 'do' was the rumour true that I had a c*nt like a bucket :eeek:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
You guys must be VERY confident. NOT!!!!
I like being a man and I'm quite fond of the little fella, but I do fret sometimes. Obviously if I'm meeting a woman for the first time I do get a little anxious she may be disappointed, but once we've got over 'that hurdle' I don't worry so much.
I think my mood is another factor. If I'm in a good mood I can feel confident, but if I'm feeling low then all the anxieties creep in.
redface surprisedops: :oops:
I have never measured mine and have no intention of doing so, i would hope that at the right time it does what it says on the tin so to speak. I'am who I'am and nothing apart from surgery will change that physically but even so mentally you would be the same.
For me it matters, i guess cos the man i married was about 4in. I didnt find this out till our wedding night and have to addmit to being a tad dissapointed. Altho this was not the reason why i divorced him. Anyhow i actually prefure 7in upwards with some now you know. lol :lol: :lol:
I really think this is a massive psychololololological minefield.
I am a bloke always have been hope i always will be biggrin . Though i from day to day dont necessarily think about the size of me dick there is no doubt there are times when i think 'f*ck i'd like a bigger one or one or two even' :lol2:
As a sexual being for the last hmmm 25+ years i have not yet come across magazines or films etc (porn) that portray 'normal or smaller than normal' Whereas there are portrayals of women as the girl next door or bbw's or mature women readers wives etc. I have rarely seen anything along a specifically sexual route that depicts bbl's or men next door readers husbands in the same sort of quantity.
titles such as - mature wife takes two huge cocks and drowns in cum - is a typical title. Not 2 models enjoy a mature man with a tiny penis and a miniscule cum.
I think that i have insecurities about my equipment. Sure i do. My mrs can take different size shape and stuff into her pussy and it is great for her and obviously when you have seen women whether swinging or on the screen/mag taking big penises without tooooo much trouble. Giving one to the Mrs or someone else's confused wink it can go through my mind and i think others that. I wonder if mine was bigger she would enjoy it more?
And to a degree everytime a woman says "It's not the size its what you do with it that counts" It immediately brings to mind that ok if its what you do with it that counts then surely if your good with a 'small or normal' sized cock then how good could you be with a huge one?!!
Altogether mine brings me pleasure i enjoy it not got a choice i can be jealous or envious and wish for a bigger one but it aint gonna happen so i just wait for the feeling to go - it does in a very few minutes.
Now i NEED a coffee lol
Hello all
Speaking as an "average" I would honestly have to say never, ever worried about it and never had a complaint? :shock:
Does this mean I am confident or simply oblivious? biggrin
Only ever think about size when its raised on here, err so to speak rolleyes
Never been to bothered about mine other that maybe couls do with another inch lol
Well i had the overcoat removed last christmass and to me its the best thing i ever did it looks so much better IMO
I've sampled a few !!!!!! Size really does NOT matter - wished mine had an 'overcoat' tho - thanx Goose for the phrase LOL
I count my tongue as an extension of my penis lol , and measured together I should hope it works out to a perfectly acceptable size wink