I'm a fairly recently reformed ex-nail biter.
I am now quite obsessed with my newly long nails :happy: but at the mo they keep splitting and breaking easily.
Anyone got any tips?
as a chronic nail biter myself congrats on stoppin n wear false ones thas my cheat lol
vitamin E good for hair etc and as nails are made from hair kinda thing, vitamin e good for you, eating almonds n stuff
also try a nail strengthener while they are newly growing, wear rubber gloves etc when doing anyting with water, and keep the edges shaped with an emery board to stop them catching and ripping
splitting and breaking... I would suggest that you need to apply moisturiser after you get them wet.
Also look to getting something called 'hair and nails'
it works a treat for worlass whose nails are very 'splitty'
Mine grow to a fair old length before they split and don't split at all if I use moisturiser.
And lastly.... Bloody well done. nail biting is one of the hardest habits to break. You deserve to be very proud of yourself.
Thank you all for the tips and kind words.
I will admit, it is one of the highlights of 2008 for me because I never imagined I would ever not be a nail biter.
I never thought that getting them wet would be an issue. Oh, I have so much to learn! :doh:
Seriously how did you stop?
I've tried and tried and the problem I have is that I often don't even know that I have done it. I've tried that bitter stuff you stick on your nails but I only have to forget one day and I am back to square one...
Is it just a mindset I need to adopt?
That's really all I want KaznKev, just so they don't look mangled... I hate them. I don't want Flo-Jo nails or anything like that.
I'll manage a few days and then I'll sit down of an evening and think "How are they doing?" look at them and they are all mangled again and I honestly cannot even remember doing it.
Occasionally I'll be halfway through and realise but by then I've chomped my way through and it's too late so I think "ah bugger it" and finish the rest off.
It's not like choccy and sex as I hate doing this and want to stop, but I just can't stop my subconscious. I think I need Derren Brown to jiggle me brain about a bit.
Bugger... sometimes when posts go out of sequence, you end up looking like a berk!
And sometimes it doesn't matter where they fall on the thread.
I don't think I'd make a particularly convincing TV to be honest. The only fishnets that go around my arse are actual fish-nets, and the smell of herring and mackerel is not particularly attractive to many. Besides last time it happened, you should have seen the look on her face when an Octopus wriggled it's way down my leg.
As for the false nails, even if they had bloke ones, I couldn't because I have to have my nails short to type with. A few mistakes in, I'd be yanking them out with pliers and swearing profusely.
Bittereze it is then... ho hum.
My thumb nails flake but the rest are fairly ok.
I may well be repeating what others have said.
Take fish oil capsules.
Use a good quality, heavy duty hand moisturiser all the time.
If you must get your hands wet - moisturise first, dry well and moisturise again.
Avoid - TOTALLY - any solvents, detergents or even alcohol.
Don't use bog standard nail polish remover to get rid of nail poilish - use gentle, moisturising stuff. Or better still don't use poilish at all. The solvent in it is really bad for you nails.
Keep your nails short and filed smooth. Always filing toweards the centre of the nail - not towards the edges.
Don't let them get so long that they get in the way of your daily tasks - the nails will give out before the crockery/gardening does.
Eat well and be patient - the nails you have now may be weak and stronger nail needs time to grow out. I think it's about a third of a millimetre a week? Don't quote me on that.
Eat a cube of jelly every day, its made from Gelatin and helps strengthen the nails. It took my nails 2 years to recover from wearing false nails and I will never wear them again, they stop air getting to the nails and weaken them. I now always have some sort of polish on them, even if its clear varnish, as it protects them from the elements.
I prefer wine gums to jelly, the advantages from it far outweigh the slight disadvantages of the sugar content! but only a couple a day or you will be asking about false teeth next lol.
Good Luck xx
Oh and give them a gentle scrub each day with a soft nail brush, it keeps them clean and stimulates healthy cuticles.