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Name and Shame

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Just got back from a non exsistance meet and suddenly wondered if naming and shaming was allowed smile
definatly frowned on so my advice is dont do it
Had the same thing last week, phoned first to make sure evrything ok, drove 50 miles to meeting point and no show and mobile switched off.
One of those things I suppose.
Frustrating though when people moan that single males don't turn up.
Quote by Sara_2006
definatly frowned on so my advice is dont do it

So, that's two people who are 'time-wasters' in a pretty serious way who are allowed to get away with it! I wonder who will be the next person to be tricked by one of them, and if they will wish your advice had been different?
I know this topic has been covered many times before, and its definitely not allowed, would be open to too much abuse!!!
These things happen,we are selling a vehicle, someone rang Saturday, they were given all the info..said they would be round in about 45 minutes.
They never turned up!!
So why being a swinger should we expect to be exempt from no shows !! It happens all the time in all walks of life!! So we have to deal with it, and move on!
No shows or last minute cancellations happen to couples too !!
We don't arrange meets now except with people we have met numerous times at socials, because we have been friends first socially before, this works for us. Just arranging to meet in a pub for a drink never did!!
Quote by flower411
I couldn`t put up with all the bullshit !!!

no change there then rolleyes bolt
Quote by Dave in Herts
Just got back from a non exsistance meet and suddenly wondered if naming and shaming was allowed smile

You've been on SH for over two years and have 100+ posts but don't know that naming and shaming isn't allowed?
Just put it down to bad experiance and move on like rest of us.
We had a meet with a couple who has been banned a few times but seems to keep getting back on the site with diffarent names confused we arranged to meet them and they never turned up, sat in arranged place for nearly a hour even kept going outside to look for them incase they was lost, but they never turned up so we went and later on that day he announced in the chat room that noone should meet us cause i was the a single man posing as the female half of a couple and that my pics where lifted of the net, (which i have to admit i found a bit flattering that he could possabily have though my pics where net pics lol) he posted my mobile number etc in the room accusing us of being time wasters as we didn't show for their meet :?
Its just one of them things im afraid
Quote by Dave in Herts
Just got back from a non exsistance meet and suddenly wondered if naming and shaming was allowed smile

My view on this is that sometimes things happen for a reason.........if they didnt turn up for whatever reason (valid or ficticious) then you were never meant to meet.
Who knows whats around the next corner.......I for one, would never arrange to meet up with someone who was in the habit of naming and shaming (if it were allowed, which it isnt!)it wouldnt reflect nicely upon you as a genuine person, Dave.
As a couple we are very private and only allow a certain few into our home, this has been abused only once by someone who we both genuinely liked, but turned out to be something not very nice in the end. People lie for lots of reasons, some have their own agendas and some just have misfortune and bad luck and dont manage to get to a pre arranged meet because of unforseen circumstances.
My advice to you is to be happy, fun and cheerful and if other folk let you down, that is their loss. You are the better person for keeping to your side of the bargain ie. turning up!
Have fun in the future Dave and keep smiling....
Quote by Freckledbird
Just got back from a non exsistance meet and suddenly wondered if naming and shaming was allowed smile

You've been on SH for over two years and have 100+ posts but don't know that naming and shaming isn't allowed?
I agree!
Naming and shaming is a definite no no, and just causes unnecessary friction. I know how frustrating it is but it's a fact of life and is not restricted to swinging.
The only thing to do is forget about it and move on.
Yep got to agree that naming and shaming is not the way to go,fs if it were I would have the most post count ever and I have found that most people would tell porkies too especially if they wanted to meet someone and they said no.
It would be "mr and mrs blah blah don't meet etc"
can i name and shame life for making me feel shite at the moment erm nope i guess not so im not guna do it to anyone else
Things happen people have lifes and families and things will always go wrong
brushing of your coat and move along swiftly seems to work best
good balanced argument there, and i can see how it wouldnt work and not so pissed off now anyway lol
You are relative strangers arranging to meet with a view to doing intimate physical acts together, hopefully in the spirit of mutual pleasure, fun and inclusion.
Each step toward that is an achievement,from PM to phone call to actually being face to face - if you ever get that far!
Of course its bad form if someone leads you on as far as you arriving at a meeting place and then they don't turn up and make no effort to explain why or apologise.
But naming and shaming is, as already said, just too open to abuse, anyone can lie about anyone and 'name and shame' innocent people.
Quote by Dave in Herts
good balanced argument there, and i can see how it wouldnt work and not so pissed off now anyway lol

it dont seem so bad when you've calmed down does it? every time i get stood up, which dont happen as offen as it used to as you seem to wide up to the tell tale signs of time wasters, my blood boils but never seems so bad in morning, you just think oh well their loss lol