:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
(The old ones really are the worst.. Its a tradition or an old charter or something)
My car is called 'Cristina' (after my ex wife) coz it always let's me down, never does what it's told and I'm forever throwing money at it.
Time I traded it in for a new stylish model and call it Sarah (I know I know - Can't help it though .. hehehe)
my car is called
it never parks itself, it tends to break down on me, it never drives in straigt line.
I had a lovely white Ford Orion many years ago that I nicknamed Freddie Orgasm. :giggle:
I havn't maned a car for a while now because i just havnt kept them long enough to feel thay had any personality. firstly i had the terracorra terror which was a cortina estate - in orange. and then pennence the panda. now i have a little 14 year old lotus elan in green. if certainly has personality, but i can't think of a name that fits - any suggestions?
How about that for a threadjack?
with refernce to the original post
i thik the word vauxhall nova translated into spanish something like
pile of shit hence over there they were called opel corsa
i drive one but i wouldnt call it a pile of shit more like
a single turd
My mate - who also does all the mechanical work on my car - had started going out with his gf, and as she had a chevette, whenever it broke, he'd fix it, he said. Got to be such a common occurrence he renamed it "The Shove-it".
Nothing as amusing as above is remotely connected to me - but my cavvy's reg looks like KISS, MMM. ( Yes, I know, another hi-jack )