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New car purchase horrors?

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I've just been and got bought myself a new car (not new new, just used). If there's one thing I hate more than anything it's buying cars. I hate the haggling, I hate the chance of being ripped off and I'm not a great fan of getting used to the way a different car drives.
But to the subject of this thread... well to cut a long story short I was ripped off.
The catalytic converters (both of them) had been cut out of the exhaust system and had been replaced with straight pipes, it was misfiring and cutting out and the warranty people refused to pay out because in the process of diagnosing the fault my mechanic actually cured it, and because he hadn't told them first they refused to pay out. Gits!
So one in total a twin exhaust system, a load of sensors and things for the fuel injection system and a service. Total cost £1845.
So please, please tell me that I'm not the only one a car salesman got one over on?
PS on the bright side though they did accept my old car in part-ex with a head gasket gone.
Had you left well alone and not replaced bits n pieces you would have been entitled to a full refund. Until you had someone 'work' on it you were sold a car not fit for purpose and under the consumer credit act you were entitled to having someone touch the car, you did indeed render the warranty null and void.
Lesson learned for next purchase maybe?
Quote by helnheaven
Had you left well alone and not replaced bits n pieces you would have been entitled to a full refund. Until you had someone 'work' on it you were sold a car not fit for purpose and under the consumer credit act you were entitled to having someone touch the car, you did indeed render the warranty null and void.
Lesson learned for next purchase maybe?

Alas I only put the car in for a service per the warranty and thought the misfire problem was just the plugs (12 of the bloody platinum tipped things!) the mechanic spotted the exhaust when checking the brakes. As for fixing it, well the car wasn't reporting any error codes so he took a guess and replaced a bit to see if that was the problem. The warranty company, who also see to have a specialisation in semantics, couldn't differentiate between diagnose and repair.
But yes, lesson learned. Now I'll have to save up for my living room to be plastered.
I don't suppose there's a woman plasterer on the forum who'd do the job for a lifetime's supply of cunnilingus do ya? :twisted:
Quote by Peanut
Had you left well alone and not replaced bits n pieces you would have been entitled to a full refund. Until you had someone 'work' on it you were sold a car not fit for purpose and under the consumer credit act you were entitled to having someone touch the car, you did indeed render the warranty null and void.
Lesson learned for next purchase maybe?

Alas I only put the car in for a service per the warranty and thought the misfire problem was just the plugs (12 of the bloody platinum tipped things!) the mechanic spotted the exhaust when checking the brakes. As for fixing it, well the car wasn't reporting any error codes so he took a guess and replaced a bit to see if that was the problem. The warranty company, who also see to have a specialisation in semantics, couldn't differentiate between diagnose and repair.
But yes, lesson learned. Now I'll have to save up for my living room to be plastered.
I don't suppose there's a woman plasterer on the forum who'd do the job for a lifetime's supply of cunnilingus do ya? :twisted:
I know how to get plastered is that the same? lol
I wouldnt leave it at that, firstly isnt statutary rights one year gurantee from dealer. second, there is an insurance ombustman, who I believe will assist you should you have good grounds, sounds like you do to me...goggle them and send and email, you never know!
Good luck
Quote by bigben169
I wouldnt leave it at that, firstly isnt statutary rights one year gurantee from dealer. second, there is an insurance ombustman, who I believe will assist you should you have good grounds, sounds like you do to me...goggle them and send and email, you never know!
Good luck

I think you will find he relinquished all rights when the car was touched by someone other than the place he bought it from. Just wondering what the insurance has to do with this?
The legal eagles will advise, but I thought that it was illegal for a business (rather than an individual) to sell a vehicle that was not roadworthy as in fully up to MOT spec. Without the CATS your car couldn't have passed the emissions tests !! -- and if they sold it with a recent MOT cert, who was turning a blind eye ?? -- I think it would be worth speaking to your local trading standards people at the very least.
Quote by bigben169
I wouldnt leave it at that, firstly isnt statutary rights one year gurantee from dealer. second, there is an insurance ombustman, who I believe will assist you should you have good grounds, sounds like you do to me...goggle them and send and email, you never know!
Good luck

Not on a second hand car. Most offer 3 months but a lot only a month. I know going to a main dealer is more expensive have so much more peace of mind rather than just a car dealership, selling all sorts.
I paid over the odds for my Honda but even when spmething went wrong just outside the 3 months they fixed it, which would have cost me over £400. I would never ever buy private unless you are a top mechanic, even then you have no comeback if things go wrong. Buy twice.
I've always found that marrying a mechanic is a good option :smug:
You may find you have a valid claim using the Small Claims courts process. You only have to establish that what you paid out was an unreasonable cost as a result of what someone else did or did not do.
Your claim would be against the seller, nothing to do with warranties etc.
It's a very cheap way to get redress but only works if the solution is to give you money - as in your case. I've used the system twice - once against a large financial company and once against a garage that set the timing chain incorrectly and knackered the new engine they had just fitted. I won in both cases. When you win, THEY pay all your costs so it can end up basically being free.
I really would strongly recommend doing a little research on this via the DiretGov website initially.
:therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere:
EDIT : It doesn't need you to get a solicitor, but a little advice may go a long way. XX
Also following on from perxious post..
If you is a memeber of either RAC or AA,,they offer vechicle inspection service,,
and they will do full check off the car for you..
Alas I have looked into most of the aforementioned solutions and whilst being good advice I'm afraid it's unlikely that I will be able to avail myself of them.
The dealer refuses to deal with me as he maintains that is what the 3rd party warranty is for.
As regards the small claims court, well I'd love to as I've had previous experience there too, the problem is that I can't prove that it was the dealer who removed the cats. The MOT that came with the car was done by the previous owner so it's possible that he removed them.
I still haven't finished with the warranty company yet, I shall be talking to them tomorrow. I'm a bit of a word meister myself, especially over the phone so I'm going to challenge their semantics with some of my own, but ultimately they are experts on wheedling out of making claims and if they say no then I'm stuffed. I'm sort of accepting my lot in life on this one and will chalk it up to experience. It's a good job that I have no sense of value in money otherwise I think I'd be somewhat more stressed than I actually am.
But for clarity, the reason I started this thread was to see if anyone else has had any bad experiences buying cars. I wasn't intending it to be a thread about me (Peanut doesn't like being the centre of attention redface ).
Quote by thevillians
Also following on from perxious post..
If you is a memeber of either RAC or AA,,they offer vechicle inspection service,,
and they will do full check off the car for you..

At a price, it was £75 the last time I looked, it's probably more now.
Mr Nutty
How did you pay for the vehicle? Was it by credit card or cash? If by credit card you may have redress with the credit card company....just a thought
Quote by helnheaven
Mr Nutty
How did you pay for the vehicle? Was it by credit card or cash? If by credit card you may have redress with the credit card company....just a thought

Nope, I've done my time with credit cards and mortgages, no more I tell 'e. I paid by debit card.
What do I know ....but ....
You do have a contractual agreement with the vendor ...he sold you the car, he cannot just abdicate all responsibility to the warranty company . Did he offer you a guarantee(not a warranty).
He may also be in danger of misleading the warranty company he uses.
Without doubt someone has stiched someone up here either the dealer has stitched the warranty company up which has led to them crying foul and getting out of the liability in the only way they can ...or they have both stitched you up.
Seek professional legal advice I am sure you have grounds , trading standards may be an option or citizens advice if you cant afford a solicitor .
Don't get mad get even.
Quote by HJ

The legal eagles will advise, but I thought that it was illegal for a business (rather than an individual) to sell a vehicle that was not roadworthy as in fully up to MOT spec. Without the CATS your car couldn't have passed the emissions tests !! -- and if they sold it with a recent MOT cert, who was turning a blind eye ?? -- I think it would be worth speaking to your local trading standards people at the very least.

Trading standards and the SMMT are the people to speak to...
There is no compulsion to use the place you purchased from to service your car.....Not even a brand new one has to be serviced by a main dealer....
It only has to be serviced in accordance with manufacturers specifications and using genuine parts....
If the vehicle was sold with a new MOT then the MOT station are also in for a rough ride from trading standards and stand to lose their MOT testing permit...
Go back to where you bought it when its nice and busy and cause a stink :thumbup: