Sorry to be boring here, but I registered yesterday. Nooo, don't all get up at once, please stay seated! Discovered this site in the New Year, took a note of it, and now I'm back online and love every bit of it. You're all gorgeous and I've already got a crush on the lot of you, LOL.
Some profiles look similar. I used to live in Glasgow, and I think there are some Scottish users from MSN Chat from few years back (good ol days - remember them well..) Lucy Wee Baps comes to mind definitely - great fun she was in MSN Chatrooms, seems she is here too!
I'm very selective and looking primarily for girl on girl slagness. You'd never think I had it in me if you saw me in the street. Never! But behind closed doors (and I mean very closed discreet doors), I harbour this totoally slag personality. Nobody in real life knows I fancy a c**t in my mouth. Don't we all?!!
They say the Brits do it better - well I think so anyway....mwah!
PS what is BBCode? Or is it BBC ode - a poem to the BBC?
Hello secretmaccamslag. Glad you've found the place and who knows, Lucy Wee Baps may actually be the very same one. Stranger things have happened.
As for the BBCode it is the code that is used to allow bold italic etc etc text in the posts. If you don't want the 'fancy' writings then turn them off. People who find it hard to read them usually do this while most leave them on.
Have fun and I hope you find that your door doesn't always have to be closed to have fun. :twisted:
Blimey that was quick! Just put my cup of tea down and I got male, sorry mail. In that short time I put my piccy up too, I'm proud I did that! Thanks matt for your welcome. I will use my boldies and my italicies and underlinies when I fancy posh typing. Tonight I'll keep it down to earth. Funny I didn't know what BBCode was, when I've written pages upon pages of HTML in the past.
I've already sent one email to a user, so I'm waiting for a reply. Now I'll go take a look at the stories section - they're make me all funny in my front bottom!
PS matt, your profile PIC is brilliant. Very clever & 'out of the box'! Love that creativity!
LOL, so people say 'nice av, hon' or 'got any avs luv?' I guess the word 'pics' isn't code speak here then. Hehe, if you spot me in the street, I'd have clearly forgotten to put on any clothes, but I'd be impressed if you recognised me!
OMG, Look what you've all made me do! You durdy girls and boys. I'm addicted, lol. Okay I might sound naiive here, but I'm familair with adult forums (re: msn chat and msn groups), but this is the most active forum (not in real time), but most active. I love you all, you know that?
Shit I'm embarrassing meself here.
Hehe, avatar - I keep thinking of Leo de Caprio and Aviator!
Btw, when I get to the 'Message sent succesfully' page, I have to click on a link to view the message and return to the forum. Is there a facility on here that cuts out the 'Message Sent Confirmation' page? Sorry to be a a pain, I'll go look at the 'How to Use this site' Page, once I find it!
Front-bottom-tingling-while-posting-on-here-sensation ROCKS!
Oh Sarge, please just tonight, tomorrow is my special day, please don't be crule, tell him Secretmaccamslag, make him let me stay up a while.
John :cry:
Well hello hello hello Sarge, naughty moderator. Must I re-apply lippy and ruffle my hair when a moderator replies? I feel all important, lol. What did you mean? Does this forum close now? Is it not a 24/7 thing?
All these questions make me stand out all spinky spanky shiney new. Give me a day or two and I'll soon get meself dirty and well-experienced!
PS matt. I'm going to read your story now, thanks for the thought. No idea what sarge and horous are on about. What have I put myself in for? Oh dear. Nut house indeed.
LOL @ ironing board workstation. Too funny.
Thanks everyone who welcome me.
Its such a shame i cant do impressions secretmaccamslag cos right now Im giving you my best joey 'how you doin' impersonation. Is it working???
ah i see not, never mind. welcome to the forum, which I'm sure you will become equally addicted to as many others have, and change your hours at work cos you will start to get some serious redeye in the mornings