welcome Calista from mr and mrs davej
Hi Calista. Welcome to the Cafe... of insanity. :twisted:
Hi Calista and welcome
Nice piccie in the advert by the way.
Hi :welcome:
Hope you enjoy yourself while you're here.
AHHH! I have the key...
Not to be let out of my sight!!!
Welcome, welcome, welcome to
you both (Calista & Capn).
Calista - how's Harrison doing? Not quite the Hans Solo he used to be but still has gorgeous eyes.
Capn - I'd watch out for Sarge - you out rank him - he won't like that!
Hugs, Alex x x x
May I bid you both a warm welcome and hopes for a pleasant evening.
Miss E. Bennett
I'm sure i'll be able to protect myself if he gets annoyed....
Oh, and I've made a few posts, dont think any of them have been that interesting, so who knows, maybe I wont just lurk around afterall :P
OMG, I'm finding it impossible to know who is new, and who is "new"!
Yep Mike, we seem to have had a whole coach load of newbies stop by today :shock:
Isn't it wonderful ....... all this fresh meat!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
it seems like a popular place, I didn't buy any papers today am i missing someone famous caught doing something naughty ?