A selection process was carried out by the moderators to identify suitable candidates to help out with the moderation on SH.
I'd like to thank NaughtyWiganCouple and DaveJ for agreeing to become moderators.
And may god have mercy on our souls!!!
I am chuffed to bit for her!!!!!!!
Couldn't think of anyone better for the role!!!!!!
Sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
Huge Congrats you pair
Well done again to NWC and congratulations to davej!!!
Congratulations! :bounce: :bounce:
T-J xxx
congratulations to you guys from me as well. :thumbup:
blimming heck,
well done you guys, a great choice.
oh and why wasnt i asked ?? hey hey???
xxx lou xxx
ohhh eeermm bugger its me :shock: I'm one of em :shock:
thanks for your good wishes folks, I've opened the parcel that arrived with the mods paperwork and dragged out some of the shiniest buttons and gadgets I've seen for a long while and an instruction / ethics manual that I will sit and read with avid interest :yawn: I havn't found the requisition forms for them little padlocks yet and the hat is a bit snug, can't see the point of wearing it anyways no one can see me so why the fuck I need to wear this uniform is beyond me, but the others have insisted that its a requirement of the job, but if I have to wear this green PVC outfit when I'm logged on then mrs davej is gonna have to turn the radiators down.
right off on patrol I've got me flask and sandwiches, I've clocked on and will be sneakin up and peeping through your keyholes and over your hedges so FFS keep yer dogs in tonight.
NWC??.....whos that :grin:
Yup, well done both. Nice to see the traditional values will continue to be upheld.