I've just had a search for the lengthy thread about the Galleries - afraid I can only find this one.
One I was thinking of was a bit more in-depth...
you can't expect new members to know that on page twelvemilion of the forum, there is a thread written by and for insiders, where it is explained what happens to the pics they upload in their profile.
these things should be clarified every step of the way, for videos and pictures alike..
This whole tagging of pics issue is indicative of " a site dedicated to swinging" turning into a site dedicated to making money.
The tagging of pictures in this manner simply turns the site into a glorified wank mag. Profitable but not in the interests of the community.
I don't have a problem with the tagging system per se, there are potential benefits, but it is absurd that other people should be able to tag your photos.
I have to say I've been on & about thos site for a while, and have seen the occassional thread pop up about issues surrounding the implimentation of new systems, and the ensuing chaos and discussion over the validity or intrusion of those systems.
but I have rarely if ever been consulted, nor have I seen the homepage with impotant news of impending changes, nor recieved newsletters to direct me there.
I have however been signed-in to the homepage POST change, and after the above mentioned forum debates and demonstrations of ire!
this thread is an example of just that process.
My main problem with this is once you've tagged your photo someone else can go and change what you have done. Until this is sorted and the site has a system where it can confirm that you have tagged the photos and no one else can change it I wont have my pictures in public.
I have reports this issue to admin and they are looking into it.
Slightly off on a tangent from the tagging but you should be aware, if you are not already, that by uploading your photos into a public album they are automatically inserted into the public gallery which can be viewed by non-members.
If you do not wish your photos to be in the public gallery then you must keep them in your private gallery where no-one can see them other than the people you specifically invite.
I agree that SH is pretty dire at communication.
In terms of privacy though I always work on the basis that anything I send to a WEB site becomes public. Its not a terribly secure environment.