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New Tagging Of Pics feature !!!

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Quote by __random_orbit__
Is the direction of the site heading towards an 'amateur porn' site?

Looks like it to me, but it now appears that admin seem to have conveniently disappeared. Who's up for a game of where's wally anybody?
I can't see any valid reason for searching targetted searching of images on a swinging site, porn site yes.
Quote by Purple_bug_
Your privacy may not be an issue to you Purple, but mine is to me.

Just wanted to clarify, privacy is an issue for me as i'm sure it is to all those on the site, but that i knew what i was signing into. I run as much risk from people, full members, copying my photos and placing where they fancy around the net as i do from complete strangers/non members.
Short of having either no photos or placing them all in my private album there is no way to get away from that, i've never been aware of it being any different on here.
Interesting... did you get some sort of notification when you uploaded your photos telling you that they'd appear in the gallery? I'm just wondering if I missed that.
As you say, there is a risk of full members copying your pics and posting them round the internet and perhaps I'm kidding myself that actual members are here for the same reason as I am therefore they'd have some respect for me and wouldn't do that. I dare say I'm far too trusting.
Anyway... the problem is solved for me now, all my pics are private and that's where they shall remain. I dare say my shit swinging just rocketed further down the scale of shit swinging without the assistance of pics. wink
Quote by Dirtygirly
I'd never been in the gallery prior to this thread. I had no idea that the pictures I'd uploaded to my profile were automatically inserted into the gallery, I assumed (wrongly) that you chose to use that part of the site, just as you choose to use the ads section or the forums or the chatrooms and that people had to be a member to view my pics.
I've been in the position before on a different swinging site where my photos were on public view for all to see and they were copied and inserted into a totally different (non-swinging) forum without my consent. That was totally inappropriate. Whilst I appreciate that we should all be aware that as soon as you put photographs on the internet then you should expect that people will steal them and put them elsewhere without your permission, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't be careful.
Since finding out that my photos were on public display for all to see I've removed them and put them in my private album. That's a personal choice to a certain extent but I feel my choice to show my photos on my profile for members only to view has been taken away. I do not have the choice to have them on my profile for all members to see, I have to have them in my private album and issue an invitation to particular people so they can view them. I again (wrongly) assumed that non-members could not see my photos as they are not permitted to look at my profile.
Your privacy may not be an issue to you Purple, but mine is to me.
As for the tagging... I've already made my feelings clear in this thread so I won't go into it again. wink

Glad we werent the only one to think this!
All public photo's have always gone into the gallery (only one page of thumbnails can be seen by non members at the moment - sort of a snap shot of pics and non members cannot see them fully). It did state this when you uploaded pics at one time. I think when the changes to the user menu were put in place - the text saying about the gallery seems to have been left out.
We had a bit of a big thread about the gallery at some point and this was highlighted by members then...was a while back now.
Sorry - not much help am I really confused :? :?
Quote by anais
All public photo's have always gone into the gallery (only one page of thumbnails can be seen by non members at the moment

I hope you don't know something we don't Anais :shock:
Quote by Suede-head
All public photo's have always gone into the gallery (only one page of thumbnails can be seen by non members at the moment

I hope you don't know something we don't Anais :shock:
nahhhh - I said at the moment as I'm not sure it was always this way before they changed the gallery style lol
In Edit: I would also like to point out that you all know as much as I do about anything discussed in this thread....
Errrr, has anyone mentioned that videos also have the tagging feature? dunno
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Errrr, has anyone mentioned that videos also have the tagging feature? dunno

Quote by anais
All public photo's have always gone into the gallery (only one page of thumbnails can be seen by non members at the moment

I hope you don't know something we don't Anais :shock:
nahhhh - I said at the moment as I'm not sure it was always this way before they changed the gallery style lol
Phew thanks for that ... though i won`t be suprised !
I'm starting to think this whole photo debacle is heading towards free advertising to lure in non members.
Just out of interest is there any warning that our images will be used for this ... if we aren`t made aware i'm sure civil rights are being broken.
I've just had a search for the lengthy thread about the Galleries - afraid I can only find this one.
One I was thinking of was a bit more in-depth...
Quote by Sixfootsix
Is the direction of the site heading towards an 'amateur porn' site?

Looks like it to me, but it now appears that admin seem to have conveniently disappeared. Who's up for a game of where's wally anybody?
I can't see any valid reason for searching targetted searching of images on a swinging site, porn site yes.
Wankmags top shelf sir you'll find the site there
Quote by Lost
Is the direction of the site heading towards an 'amateur porn' site?

Looks like it to me, but it now appears that admin seem to have conveniently disappeared. Who's up for a game of where's wally anybody?
I can't see any valid reason for searching targetted searching of images on a swinging site, porn site yes.
Wankmags top shelf sir you'll find the site there
Thankyou Shopkeep, I knew I came in here for something
Quote by anais
All public photo's have always gone into the gallery (only one page of thumbnails can be seen by non members at the moment - sort of a snap shot of pics and non members cannot see them fully). It did state this when you uploaded pics at one time. I think when the changes to the user menu were put in place - the text saying about the gallery seems to have been left out.
We had a bit of a big thread about the gallery at some point and this was highlighted by members then...was a while back now.
Sorry - not much help am I really confused :? :?

I just went through the process of uploading a new photo to my public album and nowhere throughout that process does it say that this photo would appear in the public gallery. That needs rectified!
Quote by Dirtygirly
All public photo's have always gone into the gallery (only one page of thumbnails can be seen by non members at the moment - sort of a snap shot of pics and non members cannot see them fully). It did state this when you uploaded pics at one time. I think when the changes to the user menu were put in place - the text saying about the gallery seems to have been left out.
We had a bit of a big thread about the gallery at some point and this was highlighted by members then...was a while back now.
Sorry - not much help am I really confused :? :?

I just went through the process of uploading a new photo to my public album and nowhere throughout that process does it say that this photo would appear in the public gallery. That needs rectified!
I checked earlier before I replied to this thread. It doesn't say it used to.
you can't expect new members to know that on page twelvemilion of the forum, there is a thread written by and for insiders, where it is explained what happens to the pics they upload in their profile.
these things should be clarified every step of the way, for videos and pictures alike..
I've tagged my only public pic (poor quality boobie shot warranting no more than a 5, so it'll be waaaaaay back on gallery page severalhundredandsomething now I've tagged it). However, it still has the "help us by tagging this pic" line on it.
If my own entry overrides what anyone would select anyway (thus making 9 other tags pointless), would it not be sensible for pics that I and others have self rated to change to "picture tagged by accountholder". That way, no-one else who feels the need to help with this will waste their time trying to categorise and rate our pics.
If you want the membership to do the legwork, help them by thinking through how to avoid inefficiencies before you launch it lol
Quote by Serendipity
I've tagged my only public pic (poor quality boobie shot warranting no more than a 5, so it'll be waaaaaay back on gallery page severalhundredandsomething now I've tagged it). However, it still has the "help us by tagging this pic" line on it.
If my own entry overrides what anyone would select anyway (thus making 9 other tags pointless), would it not be sensible for pics that I and others have self rated to change to "picture tagged by accountholder". That way, no-one else who feels the need to help with this will waste their time trying to categorise and rate our pics.
If you want the membership to do the legwork, help them by thinking through how to avoid inefficiencies before you launch it lol

Pretty much the operative word huh?! rolleyes
Quote by Melting_pot
you can't expect new members to know that on page twelvemilion of the forum, there is a thread written by and for insiders, where it is explained what happens to the pics they upload in their profile.
these things should be clarified every step of the way, for videos and pictures alike..

I'll shut up in future then shall I?? confused :?
Some of the members that have been here more than 2 yrs know all this or should as its cropped up often enough!
Quote by anais
you can't expect new members to know that on page twelvemilion of the forum, there is a thread written by and for insiders, where it is explained what happens to the pics they upload in their profile.
these things should be clarified every step of the way, for videos and pictures alike..

I'll shut up in future then shall I?? confused :?
Some of the members that have been here more than 2 yrs know all this or should as its cropped up often enough!
Mmmm? That doesn't necessarily mean that people will remember, but with something that is so fundamental to the way the site works, and has such a significant affect on its members, should not be hidden in the bowels of an archive that belongs to a part of the site that only a small percentage uses.
Something as fundamental as this should have a prominent position on the site, so that whether you are old or new, you will have easy access to this crucial piece of information.
Frankly this whole episode has been very badly handled, and the rather sensible and logical opinions of the members has been ignored again. It is time that such changes as these are properly considered before being hastily implemented, and creating a pig's ear where a silk purse should have been.
I have experience in interface design, and the implementation of logical systems, and have been available to supply suggestions, and advice, but my well meaning attempts to offer help have largely been ignored. It seems this site is determined to lurch from one disaster to another without having learnt anything from previous experience.
It's a real shame because with a little extra thought most of the dissatisfaction could have been avoided.
This whole tagging of pics issue is indicative of " a site dedicated to swinging" turning into a site dedicated to making money.
The tagging of pictures in this manner simply turns the site into a glorified wank mag. Profitable but not in the interests of the community.
I don't have a problem with the tagging system per se, there are potential benefits, but it is absurd that other people should be able to tag your photos.
I have to say I've been on & about thos site for a while, and have seen the occassional thread pop up about issues surrounding the implimentation of new systems, and the ensuing chaos and discussion over the validity or intrusion of those systems.
but I have rarely if ever been consulted, nor have I seen the homepage with impotant news of impending changes, nor recieved newsletters to direct me there.
I have however been signed-in to the homepage POST change, and after the above mentioned forum debates and demonstrations of ire!
this thread is an example of just that process.
My main problem with this is once you've tagged your photo someone else can go and change what you have done. Until this is sorted and the site has a system where it can confirm that you have tagged the photos and no one else can change it I wont have my pictures in public.
I have reports this issue to admin and they are looking into it.
Slightly off on a tangent from the tagging but you should be aware, if you are not already, that by uploading your photos into a public album they are automatically inserted into the public gallery which can be viewed by non-members.
If you do not wish your photos to be in the public gallery then you must keep them in your private gallery where no-one can see them other than the people you specifically invite.
Quote by Dirtygirly
Slightly off on a tangent from the tagging but you should be aware, if you are not already, that by uploading your photos into a public album they are automatically inserted into the public gallery which can be viewed by non-members.
If you do not wish your photos to be in the public gallery then you must keep them in your private gallery where no-one can see them other than the people you specifically invite.

...until VERY recently, this was also something I didn't know, and feel the site should have made better attmpts at informing those who use thier galleries.
Quote by __random_orbit__
Slightly off on a tangent from the tagging but you should be aware, if you are not already, that by uploading your photos into a public album they are automatically inserted into the public gallery which can be viewed by non-members.
If you do not wish your photos to be in the public gallery then you must keep them in your private gallery where no-one can see them other than the people you specifically invite.

...until VERY recently, this was also something I didn't know, and feel the site should have made better attmpts at informing those who use thier galleries.
We've all had to learn this the hard way, and I for one am not happy about it. We should have been told. Particularly as this is not the case on other sites.
I am not impressed!
mad :x :x
I agree that SH is pretty dire at communication.
In terms of privacy though I always work on the basis that anything I send to a WEB site becomes public. Its not a terribly secure environment.
Seems like as soon as we upload anything it automatically becomes Swinging Heaven's property

Grrrrr I can't get the image to upload without a stupid message about Twitter rolleyes
Quote by Angel Chat
Seems like as soon as we upload anything it automatically becomes Swinging Heaven's property

Yet another example of SH following the ways of Facebook, as Facebook also seeks to make use of any image, as seen fit by them.
Quote by Dirtygirly
Slightly off on a tangent from the tagging but you should be aware, if you are not already, that by uploading your photos into a public album they are automatically inserted into the public gallery which can be viewed by non-members.
If you do not wish your photos to be in the public gallery then you must keep them in your private gallery where no-one can see them other than the people you specifically invite.

its only the first page of each gallery so only newer pics will be viewable - so best not add new ones - but who knows where it will stop.
i'm sure if asked there are people who would happily volunteer their pics to be veiwable for the general public, so why not ask for volunteers instead of sneekily putting everyones up there!
Amature porn site here we become lol
Swinging Heaven is looking for ways to make all areas of the site more relevant and usable for the members. Our goal is continual improvement and listening to our member feedback.

Looks more like they are looking for more ways of making the site profitable which is fair enough... but at least be fair and let us opt out of features which use and abuse our pictures.