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Hi everyone,
well as you can see by subject heading, I'm the new girl on the block!
would love to meet males/females from Manchester area.
Welcome aboard Manc Lass wave wave wave
I think everyone is out enjoying the sun this afternoon but I am sure they will all pop in to say hello later. Join in, have fun and get to know us all. Watch out for Davej - he's a raving loony !!!! lol lol lol lol
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
Hi Manc lass
I'm a newbie too!!! wink
x x x x

rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes Newbie!
Nice to see you back Wilma!
Hiya Manc_lass - from another northerner!
There are lots of people from the NW on here - watch out for Sarge though.............
Quote by Alexandra
There are lots of people from the NW on here - watch out for Sarge though.............

Oih !!! Heard that !!!
Quote by Sgt Bilko

There are lots of people from the NW on here - look out for that lovely, sexy Sarge though.............

Oih !!! Heard that !!!
And what is so wrong with what I said, sweetie? rolleyes
Quote by Alexandra
Hi Manc lass
I'm a newbie too!!! wink
x x x x

rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes Newbie!
Nice to see you back Wilma!
Why Thank you Alex.
Hi and thanks to you all for warm welcome xxx biggrin
wave and :welcome:
Clare and Steve,xxx
Welcome from me too !!! biggrin biggrin
What a mad place you have stepped into. lol
Hi Manc Lass..... nice to see someone else from the great horny place that is the North West wink wink wink
Hello and :welcome: .
Now you've entered there's no escape!
Hi Manc-Lass
Welcome to the mad house. You have found the right site for Northerners, there's stacks of us on here!!!
Honest Mal
And there's lots from down south. :welcome:
But we don't shout so loud. :rose:
Welcome newbie - I'm sort of a newbie meself x
Hiya, hope you have a great time in here! Enjoy.......
Now that's spooky... I was just saying to a friend on the phone a couple of days ago, whatever happened to Fred and Wilma?
Welcome back. wave
ooooooh newbie.... and a lady newbie..... biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin hellooooo.... rrrrrrrr!!!!!
have fun.. but not too much... avoid the loonies (a lot tougher than you think)
maybe we will pass each other.. like ships in the night.....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
:welcome: Manc lass.
Read through the threads and get to know us and about what go's on here.
Enjoy! wink
Regards LC
.... :welcome: to the loon house
.... 69position
A big huggy welcome from me to you.....get outa the sun and under the rhubarb leaves........
Hello, Good Eveneing and Welcome.
Now, who said that??
We are Newbies too and only joined a couple of days ago.
We are from Manchester too now living in North Somerset, and sometimes we miss 'Home'
Look forward to hearing from you later.
Ian and Shirley (nursing an aching pussy and inner thigh muscles from too much of EVERYTHING last night.) :shock:
Hi I am new to this and would just like to say hello, the people on this site seem very friendly and welcoming. hope to chat more soon.
MB wave
Hi from us too, But beware you'lll soon be addicted.
Hi manc lass and all the other newbies. A warm welcome from me sanity all ye who enter here.
Hi manc lass and welcome to the site - shame theres no voice chat here as I love a good manc female accent !
Plums xx
Hi Manc Lass wave
Big welcome from me too biggrin
Hi Manc_Lass ! :welcome:
Well as you can see I'm a newbie too, I placed a similar post to yours and, like you are now finding, made to feel very welcome !
This is a nice, if slightly mad, place to be so pull up a chair, get a large short (or maybe a short large), read the posts and ENJOY ! :thumbup: